
Saturday, June 29, 2024

It's No Sweat!

Hey, hi, forgot to post the link yesterday!

I'm watching the campers across the lake enthusiastically playing what appears to be soccer. All I know is it requires a great deal of running and shouting in full sun with a heat index of 98 degrees.

I'm thankful I am sitting on my screened porch with the ceiling fan on, a cold Diet Dr Pepper in my Ruth Bader Ginsberg insulated cup, and that no one can make me play an outdoor sport (or any sport, really). Look how easily I knocked out FIVE thankfuls in one sentence! You can do it, too! 

The Ten Things of Thankful hop is live. 

Join in!

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Friday, June 21, 2024


Happy summer solstice! Now it really IS summer, as if the sticky, humid, 90+ degree days we've had lately were spring-like.

How do you like to keep cool? I've got ten thankfuls right here for that. In hot, hot, HOT weather, I can be thankful for:

cool baths in a jacuzzi tub
Happy Hour drinks from Sonic
swimming pools
water theme parks
cold beverages
ice makers 
central air conditioning
wearing shorts to work
Lume deodorant

You can do it, too! Link up with us this weekend at the Ten Things of Thankful!

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hello, Summer!

When summer finally decided to show up, it came in with guns blazing! Temps in the 90s here with humidity so high you could cut it with a knife.

Hello, summer!

Here are some summertime thankfuls:

you don't need to take a jacket if you're going out at night (although you might need one for intense air conditioning)

you don't have to scrape frost off your car windows

flip flops

farmers markets


What's on your list this week? Start writing; it's time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop!

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Come On And Try It!

I don't know how the week can be over so quickly when the individual days seem to drag on and on.  Anyone else feel that?

The good news about the week flying by is that it's your chance to list your thankfuls once again. Here's my list:

I'm thankful for:

1. funny memes
2. friends who like to exchange funny memes with me
3. warm, sunshiny days
4. the smell of sunscreen
5. baby smiles
6. snacks
7. hugs
8. money found in a pocket
9. taking off your shoes at the end of a long day
10. a new tube of toothpaste

See how easy it is? Try it and see, and then link up with the Ten Things of Thankful below!

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hurry, Rabbit!

 I'm really not trying to be another Job, but lately, it feels like I'm giving him a run for his money.

Sorry for the late post, but, well, Job....

It's the Ten Things of Thankful. I DO have thankfuls, but time? That's a different matter. But don't wait for me! Write yours and link them below.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Oh, The Weather Inside Is Frightful

 Nothing says "holiday weekend" like a household disaster! It's how our family celebrates. Not by choice, mind you, but you would think so, as often as it happens. 

Most of our household disasters are water related. Sewer back ups. Broken pipes. Heavy rains finding their way inside. Risk of actual flooding from lake level rising. Dishwashers choosing to drain out the edges of the door rather than through the plumbing system.

This weekend's holiday disaster is multi-faceted, but it ends with a temporary window unit air conditioner installed (need I say incorrectly?) so the water (make that ICY COLD water) that it collects inside poured out of the unit and INTO the house and was found by my bare feet on the very squishy, very wet carpet (see above about temperature of the water and imagine that with bare feet). 

The fun never ends around here.

Here's a thankful: once the central air conditioning debacle is remediated, we can finally replace the ugly (and currently wet with potential for mold) carpet.

Look for those silver linings in everything you do.

The Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop is live!

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Time For Some Thankfulling!

 Anyone else glad to see this week in the rearview mirror besides me? Trust me, I feel it enough for ALL of us! 

But it's Friday, and even a rough week has thankfuls in it, right? Of COURSE it does!

Write your Ten Things of Thankful post and link it here. The link doesn't close until Sunday night, so get to thinking and get to thankfulling!

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Friday, May 10, 2024

Where's Your List?

Know what happens when you take a Friday off for your daughter's law school graduation?  You forget to post the link to the Ten Things of Thankful! Here it is now! Hope you're as thankful as I am today! Link up YOUR list and let us know about all the thankfuls in your world!


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Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Spring Brings

Ahh, spring in the Midwest! It starts with the green shoots of daffodils popping up through the ground. Next is the grass greening, tulips, and buds on the trees, followed by full-on leafy trees, irises, and warm days. 

And then? It's tornado season, of course!

There have been numerous thunderstorms in the past few weeks, several of them severe. We've had hail. We've had flooding. And we've had tornado watches, tornado warnings, tornados touching down, some of them causing death and destruction.

Today, in southwest Missouri, we had more than one thunderstorm move through the area, followed by a tornado warning that came on very quickly. We were safe, but it was darn close!

Can you BE a lot more thankful than when just missed by a tornado?

It's sure a terrific way to start a thankful list, isn't it? What have YOU got on YOUR list? Write them, link them, and enjoy the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop!

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Cupfuls of Thankfuls Shared Here

Is it a first world problem if I wished I had an ice maker upstairs so I didn't have to go down to the kitchen to add ice to my Diet Dr Pepper? I guess it is, but I know I would be SO THANKFUL for that ice maker!  I'm definitely thankful for the mini fridge in my bathroom (not big enough nor efficient enough to hold ice cubes, although it's really good at freezing over, which is odd when you think about it). 

How has your week been? Getting all the ice you want? Is your cup, be it real or proverbial, full? Write your thankfuls and link them up with the best little blog hop on the interwebs. The link is open every weekend from early Friday mornings until midnight Sunday nights (CDT).

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Comma And Get It!

 Get your Oxford commas ready, it's time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop!

Think about your week, look for all the thankfuls sprinkled throughout it, list them in a post, link them up, and then visit and comment on the other participants' blogs.

Did you see that Oxford comma?

The link is live until Sunday night at midnight CDT!

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Don't Let The Ten Things of Thankful Eclipse You

It's the second week of April. Already! Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge this year? If you've never done it before, I highly recommend it, although it's A LOT of work keeping up, especially if you have pre-planned NOTHING.

The Ten Things of Thankful, on the other hand, is vastly easier. Think about your week. Find 10 thankfuls and write them down. Post them. Read other entries. Comment. Look forward to the next week.

Link up until Sunday night at midnight CDT!

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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Join The Hop - No Regrets


Join the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop and have no regrets. Really. Tell 'em Judy Garland sent you.

The link is live until Sunday night!

Though April showers may come your way,
They bring the flowers that bloom in May,
So if it's raining have no regrets,
Because it isn't raining rain you know, it's raining violets.

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Thankful For Easter!

 It's Easter weekend! What a beautiful time to reflect on the thankfuls in your life.

Write them and link them here.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

No Bull, The Link Is Open

 No internet today, so let’s just get down and do this and hope I can make it work.

Take inventory of your thankfuls. Write them. Post them. The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is live!

No reason for this photo. Just saw them
today and had to take a picture of them 

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Friday, March 15, 2024

It's Almost Here. Finally.

This is all you really need to know right now:

You've gotta be thankful for that!

Write your thankfuls and link them up here. The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is live!

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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Spring Forward? Backwards?

It really feels like Spring is just around the corner when Daylight Savings Time begins, and that, my friends, is this Sunday. Just don't do what I did a few years ago, when I set all the clocks the wrong way and made us two hours late to everything until we figured it out.

Write that Thankful post with your extra hours of daylight and link up with us. The link is live until midnight Sunday night.

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Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dropped Balls this thing on?

I'm not going to lie; I'm struggling, trying to keep a lot of balls in the air, and I end up dropping more than I care to admit. The TToT has been one of them, and I am sad about that.

But I'm here now. It's the weekend, and the Ten Things of Thankful is live. Please join us!

Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island, GA

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mea Culpa

Well.  I forgot to post the link for this weekend's Ten Things of Thankful.

Literally forgot.

It's not too late to link up. Really.

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Calvin Said So

We had Fake Spring this week, and it was a welcome change from c-o-o-o-o-l-d temps. I know it's fleeting, but it's a harbinger of the coming spring.

What are YOUR thankfuls this week? Decent weather? Family? Work? Super Bowl? Write yours and link them to the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop. Calvin said you have to do it.

I'm Calvin.

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Friday, February 2, 2024

Don't Be Scared Of Your Shadow!

 Do you believe in the prognostication skills of a groundhog? I don't see how one groundhog can forecast weather for the entire country, even if it's the famous Punxsutawney Phil. I think you  have to rely on your local groundhog for your local weather, and as there was some light cloud cover this morning where I live, I choose to believe it was enough to send spring packing.

Guess we'll know in about 6 weeks.

While we're all waiting to see if a fat rodent is right or wrong, why not join the Ten Things of Thankful weekend hop? The link is open, shadow or no shadow.

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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Winter Is Canceled

Welcome to the 47th week of January, the month that will never end.

Thinking about getting together a petition to force winter to end by February 1.

Anyone else in?

Until then, If you can thaw your fingers enough to type, join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop and feel the warmth of bloggy love and friendships.

The link is live from early Friday mornings until midnight Sunday nights.

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Reviews Are In

Dangerously cold temperatures.

Wind chill advisories.


Do not recommend.

Zero stars.

Warm welcomes.

Close-knit writing community.

Weekly installments become your own personal gratitude journal.

Best blog hop ever.

Five stars.

The Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. 

The link is open.

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Snow Time Like Today To Join The Hop!

Where do you stand on snow? Excited to get it? Or do you dread it? Maybe you don't even GET snow where you live!

Can you turn snow into a thankful list? Thankful it snowed, thankful it didn't, thankful you never have to deal with it? 

Link up snow thankfuls or ANY thankfuls this and every weekend when you join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. The link is live from Friday mornings to Sunday nights. It's snow easy to join!

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Resolution Time!

We are less than a week into 2024. How are those resolutions going for you?

I know one that's easy: participating in the weekly Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! It doesn't require much time, and you will end the year with 52 lists that recap the thankfuls in your year.

The hop is live from early Friday mornings until midnight on Sunday nights. Link up and see what others have found to be thankful for. Don't forget to comment! It's a HOP!

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