
Saturday, November 23, 2024

"...join this week's Ten Things of Thankful, already in progress."

Trying, without success, to remember the situation/context of that statement/advisory standing in for a reasonable and sensible Post title of this week's TToT (Blogger Edition) post.

We know it was television. Can't recall a particular instance. Resisting the urge to search the internet, 'cause, you know, for those of us in a certain demographic, there are surprisingly few events, occurrences, activities and/or pastimes for which this statement is not appropriate.

oh well,

Hey! There's an interesting comparison, generationally-speaking! This distinction between: 'oh well' and 'whatever'

Anyone wishing to weigh in on this, have at it in the Comments below. All correct answers will be RePrinted in another Post and the author offered a seat on the Board of Hostinae.

So, lets complete the list, you know, post postum.

1) the technology to permit such a place as this, the virtual world

2) the fact and appurtenant enthusiasm on the parts of participants each week

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Six Pick. 'Finding the Right One'   by Liz

5the Unicorn Challenge  our favorite. 'Lies'  by ceayr

6) Hypo-Grat time of year and it's six hours of daylight (unless it's rainy...then dark by 3:30) Positive* ? Less than a month left until Summer!


8). something, somthing

9) minor repair to avoid major expense.  Happened to notice a failed gauge on the well's expansion tank. Nothing catastrophic yet, but in a fit of fairly non-characteristically mature thinking, brought about some  preventive maintenance and had the gauge replaced. a totally minor (30 minute fix)

10) Secret Rule 1.31

* the qualification for Hypo-grats is they be presented with the/a positive aspect. Any remedial instruction in the writing and application of this form needed or desired, Mimi is our go-to on these matters

1) Perhaps a little time on the force and consequence of Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). in fact, given the desire and (the) need, one may, [i]nvoke SR 1.3 when the completion of a Ten Things of Thankful is pending, certain and way imminere

so too with the convention of Numbers, (section 24 Chapter 3) 'Hey, you're good! Save that badboy for the last item, ya know?" ibid. op. cit.

Music vid


1 comment:

  1. Preemptive repairs are almost always a good idea.


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