
Saturday, November 30, 2024

A little late with the TToT (Blogger Edition)? Count your blessings* That there 'other TToT'? A. Train. Wreck

 Welcome to the Blogger Edition of the weekly Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi R. (sometime at the turn of the century) sustained by the good intent, talent for the expression of gratitude and fortified by the patience of (fill in the blank with favorite 'Sorry, We don't Want to do This, but it's for the good of everyone' person: Job, Tantalus, Mary Magdalene et. al.)

For this week, we will identify the following as the people. places and things that elicited, inspired and otherwise jump-started our somewhat holiday-turgid spirit:

1) The responsibility of being the current host here at the TToT 

2) The Co-Hostinae: Mimi, Dyanne, Kristi, Lisa, Denise and Misky

3) the title? go over there and see what we mean 

4) health*

5) technology**

6) * & ** not to get too philosophical, but in a most mundane and practical sense, this exercise (of listing things gratatiousness) is simply directly beneficial. 

7) only like, twenty one or two days until Summer! (The day there is increasing amount of light in the day) Summer time (just a little delay

8) The Cottage (to the right) this is aka Area 51 (for a our concession to the drive to light lights... photos next week,)

9) something, something Updated Grat (per SR 1.3 chap 9, subchapter 9)  Thanks out to Astrid for the reminderation to put the linksys thing into the post... which I had totally zoned on... Thanks Astrid!

10) Secret Rule 1.3


  1. I smiled at your list. It's awesome to come up with things to be grateful for. That being said, isn't there a linky anymore?

  2. yes. thanks for reminding me.. (this has been one of our less-organized weeks)... will post it straightaway


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