
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday Morning Post -Ten Things of Thankful bloghop


Being a 'list' format for a gratitude themed bloghop, allow us to cut 'n paste some content from our parallel post published in WP.

We will add/delete items as the mood moves us and, perhaps, wax philosophical on the nature and benefits of 'tude.

Here's a Grat for 1 & 2 (related to Grat #5)

our stationary Stairmasterr

Who says you have to pay a gym membership fee? 

Hey! Lets start with the persistent Grat #10 i.e. Secret Rule 1.3

What the hell. What's the deal. Why should a New Reader (and/or New Participant) care? Well, there are rules and standards in every social interaction involving more than one person. And these are usually made apparent to all. And then there are examples (illustrations? manifestations? yeah! that's it) ...wherein a good set of ground rules are expressed in contemporaneous terms... hence SR 1.3 which is an example of the guide to writing (for the TToT) that are contained in the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules).

ask anybody! ;p

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) I like big boats*

5) the work I have chosen. (see #4 above) I have a listing that I must inspect every week. And, on the way there, the highway passes the Port of Providence and there are usually a number of boats and tankers and such to be admired from afar.

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  'Are We Playing?' by Chris

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. 'Honeysuckle and Provolone'  by Nancy

8) something, something

9) the first full week of 'No longer Winter'... it's like, damn! The didn't set until, like sometime towards the evening!

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music (and such)






  1. Nicely done. It still might be a good idea to include the link here, for those who happen upon it and want to join in.

    1. Once again, thank you for the save (reminderation of the linkz code thingie)


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