
Saturday, December 14, 2024

Posting on Friday? Yeah, right... Just putting the day of the week in the title don't make it so

 This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) rainy day (and being a low front, a southeast windGrat 9

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop (and this week's Supremest Six is:)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  (bow before the bestest less-than-250-image-prompted-story, but not until you've read the thing, ya know):

6) semi-Grat:  missed our titular goal by.this.much   (Note to Reader Recruiting Program (RRP) need to increase the percentage of adolescent humor-level audience. Sure, Beavis and Butt-Head were popular, like 25-plus years ago, but, heck, the original viewers probably have kids of the appropriate age, ya know?)  

7) modern technology and blue skies. this is approaching Capitol City (which, if you haven't read it yet, our Six Sentence Story which takes place in a police station in this very city!) 

8) something, something

9) on the eastern seaboard (of Oceania) when a storm moves up out of the tropics, if the track is right, the winds are from the south and east. almost always warm(er) temperatures. In the case this week, our sub-grat is the runoff was of sufficient quantities as to leave a track of where the low point was on the driveway. we can now cut a bit of the grass and pine needles and such away and improve drainage! Win Win!

10) Secret Rule 1.3 

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  1. Improving drainage is always a win.

    1. yeah, not so much a threat to the house, but the path of least resistance is off to the left down to the pond


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