
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday Morning Post -Ten Things of Thankful bloghop


Being a 'list' format for a gratitude themed bloghop, allow us to cut 'n paste some content from our parallel post published in WP.

We will add/delete items as the mood moves us and, perhaps, wax philosophical on the nature and benefits of 'tude.

Here's a Grat for 1 & 2 (related to Grat #5)

our stationary Stairmasterr

Who says you have to pay a gym membership fee? 

Hey! Lets start with the persistent Grat #10 i.e. Secret Rule 1.3

What the hell. What's the deal. Why should a New Reader (and/or New Participant) care? Well, there are rules and standards in every social interaction involving more than one person. And these are usually made apparent to all. And then there are examples (illustrations? manifestations? yeah! that's it) ...wherein a good set of ground rules are expressed in contemporaneous terms... hence SR 1.3 which is an example of the guide to writing (for the TToT) that are contained in the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules).

ask anybody! ;p

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) I like big boats*

5) the work I have chosen. (see #4 above) I have a listing that I must inspect every week. And, on the way there, the highway passes the Port of Providence and there are usually a number of boats and tankers and such to be admired from afar.

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  'Are We Playing?' by Chris

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. 'Honeysuckle and Provolone'  by Nancy

8) something, something

9) the first full week of 'No longer Winter'... it's like, damn! The didn't set until, like sometime towards the evening!

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music (and such)





Friday, December 20, 2024

Summer's Eve's Eve The Ten Things of Thankful 2024

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge.  Pick of the Week:

5) the Six Sentence Story  Pick of the Week:

6) Hey! Summer is but days away! By the time you read this (and/or we actually complete and publish it) Summer arrives! *

7) * (new TT0T Readers/Participants: hey, we may lack something by way of logic and sensible narratives, but we're very not new to the Grat Game. Hence the extra Grat Item to explain what you should already know: The essences of Summer is daylight. This weekend the days' supply of said light begins to increase rather than decrease, (Certe hoc longe credibilius sonat1)

8) driveway markers in the ground this week.  good ole' fashioned New England Winter juju

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music vids




Saturday, December 14, 2024

Posting on Friday? Yeah, right... Just putting the day of the week in the title don't make it so

 This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) rainy day (and being a low front, a southeast windGrat 9

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop (and this week's Supremest Six is:)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  (bow before the bestest less-than-250-image-prompted-story, but not until you've read the thing, ya know):

6) semi-Grat:  missed our titular goal by.this.much   (Note to Reader Recruiting Program (RRP) need to increase the percentage of adolescent humor-level audience. Sure, Beavis and Butt-Head were popular, like 25-plus years ago, but, heck, the original viewers probably have kids of the appropriate age, ya know?)  

7) modern technology and blue skies. this is approaching Capitol City (which, if you haven't read it yet, our Six Sentence Story which takes place in a police station in this very city!) 

8) something, something

9) on the eastern seaboard (of Oceania) when a storm moves up out of the tropics, if the track is right, the winds are from the south and east. almost always warm(er) temperatures. In the case this week, our sub-grat is the runoff was of sufficient quantities as to leave a track of where the low point was on the driveway. we can now cut a bit of the grass and pine needles and such away and improve drainage! Win Win!

10) Secret Rule 1.3 

music vids




Saturday, December 7, 2024

Ten Thousand Things of Thankful


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) Blogger Edition

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's Blogger contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Continuously running since 1934, the TToT is a grat blog without peer. Now, two editions, WP and Blogger.  Hit us up on 'the Facebook'. Hell, though we can't imagine being that open-scheduled, why not join the 'group'.

In any event, in no particular order or ranking (except, we guess the numbering thing), the people, places and things that have elicited a state of gratitude in us this past week are:

1) Our Co-hostinae: Mimi, Kristi, Dyanne, List, Denise and Misky

2) Una (and Mia)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the works of Carlos Castaneda. (Castaneda's don Juan maintains that Time (and it's slutty step-sister, Reality) are a function of recollection. We know 'now' but for our remembering it. A carousel of vacation slides flashing on the walls around us at the speed Life.)

5) Outdoor Christmas lights. Phyllis being a 'real' person enjoys seasonal outdoor lighting decoration. Fine. She asked us to put them up.


lol With graceful resignation (the product of many years) she refers to our efforts as 'Christmas Area 51'



yeah, and did we mention they, like, randomly flash and ever thang?  yo. ho. yo.

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. from our contribution to an ongoing serial Six. 'An Ian Devereaux Six'

7) knots (large or small, loose or salt-encrusted) can be fun and relaxing to untie

8) knots untied (surely the most enjoyably direct philosophical insight into Life, Human Foibles and the #$(^*@& blinds))

9) the Unicorn Challenge.  Pick of the week:

10) Secret Rule 1.3



Saturday, November 30, 2024

A little late with the TToT (Blogger Edition)? Count your blessings* That there 'other TToT'? A. Train. Wreck

 Welcome to the Blogger Edition of the weekly Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi R. (sometime at the turn of the century) sustained by the good intent, talent for the expression of gratitude and fortified by the patience of (fill in the blank with favorite 'Sorry, We don't Want to do This, but it's for the good of everyone' person: Job, Tantalus, Mary Magdalene et. al.)

For this week, we will identify the following as the people. places and things that elicited, inspired and otherwise jump-started our somewhat holiday-turgid spirit:

1) The responsibility of being the current host here at the TToT 

2) The Co-Hostinae: Mimi, Dyanne, Kristi, Lisa, Denise and Misky

3) the title? go over there and see what we mean 

4) health*

5) technology**

6) * & ** not to get too philosophical, but in a most mundane and practical sense, this exercise (of listing things gratatiousness) is simply directly beneficial. 

7) only like, twenty one or two days until Summer! (The day there is increasing amount of light in the day) Summer time (just a little delay

8) The Cottage (to the right) this is aka Area 51 (for a our concession to the drive to light lights... photos next week,)

9) something, something Updated Grat (per SR 1.3 chap 9, subchapter 9)  Thanks out to Astrid for the reminderation to put the linksys thing into the post... which I had totally zoned on... Thanks Astrid!

10) Secret Rule 1.3

Saturday, November 23, 2024

"...join this week's Ten Things of Thankful, already in progress."

Trying, without success, to remember the situation/context of that statement/advisory standing in for a reasonable and sensible Post title of this week's TToT (Blogger Edition) post.

We know it was television. Can't recall a particular instance. Resisting the urge to search the internet, 'cause, you know, for those of us in a certain demographic, there are surprisingly few events, occurrences, activities and/or pastimes for which this statement is not appropriate.

oh well,

Hey! There's an interesting comparison, generationally-speaking! This distinction between: 'oh well' and 'whatever'

Anyone wishing to weigh in on this, have at it in the Comments below. All correct answers will be RePrinted in another Post and the author offered a seat on the Board of Hostinae.

So, lets complete the list, you know, post postum.

1) the technology to permit such a place as this, the virtual world

2) the fact and appurtenant enthusiasm on the parts of participants each week

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Six Pick. 'Finding the Right One'   by Liz

5the Unicorn Challenge  our favorite. 'Lies'  by ceayr

6) Hypo-Grat time of year and it's six hours of daylight (unless it's rainy...then dark by 3:30) Positive* ? Less than a month left until Summer!


8). something, somthing

9) minor repair to avoid major expense.  Happened to notice a failed gauge on the well's expansion tank. Nothing catastrophic yet, but in a fit of fairly non-characteristically mature thinking, brought about some  preventive maintenance and had the gauge replaced. a totally minor (30 minute fix)

10) Secret Rule 1.31

* the qualification for Hypo-grats is they be presented with the/a positive aspect. Any remedial instruction in the writing and application of this form needed or desired, Mimi is our go-to on these matters

1) Perhaps a little time on the force and consequence of Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). in fact, given the desire and (the) need, one may, [i]nvoke SR 1.3 when the completion of a Ten Things of Thankful is pending, certain and way imminere

so too with the convention of Numbers, (section 24 Chapter 3) 'Hey, you're good! Save that badboy for the last item, ya know?" ibid. op. cit.

Music vid


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Really? Ambition and timeliness in posting are like perfume and sculpted abs... irresistible. (Advance Ad...visory on music vid-clip)

Here we are, ambitiously striving to be a good Host and publish first.

(Hey, anybody out there give a brother a hand and suggest a couple of Grats? Will totally return the favor, soon as we on our feet again. Maybe, perhaps, you'd be interested in a sear on the Board of Hostinae? We can totally make that happen.)

This is a list format grat blog. I'm grateful for inherent ease of reading in such a presentation (cha...ching! Grat One!)

1) See above.

2) Now, see here, now...cut it out!

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4)  the curious empowerment of a specific and consciously-created myth, aka superstition (quick example in Grat Seven 'Hey, we went long on the referential grat thing. Head down to #8)

5) the Unicorn Challenge. pick of the Week

6) the Six Sentence Story. pick of the Week. 'Introspection'  Denise

7) ProTip: sometimes people be all, 'That's a long list, suppose I can't come up with Ten things? What then?" Well, then you're a failure in life and should rip up your modem cert, ya know?" Ha ha. Look at what you made us do! We got so clever with that old-school device, 'the ProTip' schtick, that we stepped on our original witicisa, but, what-the-heck, there's a better than even chance you haven't made it this far down this post.

8anyways... had we been more disciplined, we would have mentioned, germane to the image at the top, that we have not touched a musical instrument since hitting 'Publish' on the first Doctrine blog post. Won't take the chance. A long story but, better safe than sorry. Well lookie there! Grat #9

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

Friday, November 8, 2024

Is a reflection a repetition or a rendition? This and all your other metaphysics quandaries addressed in this week's TToT!!

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. 

A remarkable continuation of the 'Kill'em with Kindness' approach to the Slings 'n Arrows Constituency, Jack's (C.S. Lewis to his dog) long-lost, putatively-illegitimate grand-niece, Lizzi R, has a demonstrably beneficial effect on the virtual world, even to this day.

This week, among the people, places and things we're grateful for are the following:

1) This Space Available

2) (this space left vacant by design)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Landscaping Update: The decision has been made to continue with the 'Let Nature take Her course' approach with the front and side Meadows. Slightly tempted to mow it all before the full-on Winter arrives. But no, we're gonna stay, 'stepped back' and see what grows, totally unimpeded by the Efforts of Man (and Phyllis and Mia)

5) moderate weather (for the season)... as the the old, crocheted-homily reminds us, 'There's a bright side to every climatological tipping point!"

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pix of the Week: 'The Black & The Gold'  by Spira (aka the Gatekeeper (a Proprietor @ the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro See Grat #9 below )

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  'Corn Pick of the Week:

8) something, something

9) the Six Sentence Café & Bistro (that blue? a link to our under-utilized free WP blog created for the purpose of enhancing the immanent reality of what amounts to a cooperative, socio-virtual metaphor. A place where those with the desire and good intent can go (and/or reference independently), in the virtual world/online that has: a consistent form, a varied constituency and unlimited potential (for story-telling, speculation, reflection and all the other fun aspects of 'fiction'). Stop by sometime. ("We're looking at you, Frank) lol (no, not a gotcha, just a friendly invite to a currently ongoing serial adventure involving the tall, thin man, Mimi, Tom, Nick, Chris, Denise and a new 'character' Rosetta Storme.

10) Secret Rule 1.3


Saturday, November 2, 2024

On the Passing of the Equinox and the End of Summer... Ten Things of Thankful

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. 

In response to all the emails, posts, letters (written and imagined) we are happy to announce"ok one hint, then you're on your own: "Grat#2" and don't be pasting it in comments and such, we got standards here, ya know?" that we're extending the Open Auditions window for positions on the Board of Hostinae. The qualifications for a seat on the Board are to be found among the Grat List here (and possibly on other's TToTs).

So if you find youself all kinds of "Hey! This might be good for me, you know? Certainly the other members of the household won't resent the sudden abundance of quiet time." So overcome that self-consciousness/good sense and ask around the neighborhood*

Following is the list of the people, places and things that inspired us to try and feel, like, grateful. 

1) the Board of Hostinae:

2) well, for one, to be possessed of a certain affinity for writing (non-fiction, fiction, speculative fiction, memoir and just be willing to tap the admittedly adulterated (in all senses of that word) spring call Stream of Consciousness ('aka 'Tell me you did not hit 'Publish' aiyeee!!")

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) [HypoGrat] Got a new phone. Dealing with Improvements (lol) Our Resident Expert on All Things HypGratuitous (motto: there-there-you-do-remember-that-it's-not-entirely-about-you,don't-you?) Mimi will be happy to esplain.

5) Watching an LPGA tournament last Sunday and hearing one of the announcers use a delightful idiom, "That just throws the cat among the pigeons".

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Pick of the Week:  'Better Angels'  by Liz H-H

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  Ear of the Week:

8) Open Houses (as a physical/professional location that both allows reflection (Hypo-Grat) while inspiring the narrative of a WIP story)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


Saturday, October 26, 2024

How is a Thursday Night like a Saturday? A TToT Post for October XXIV

 (Before we forget. See bottom of the page for linkage)

ok first Grat!

1) thanks to Mimi for a reminder of doing the whole Link thingie to connect 

2) and the other hostinae for their support and consideration.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story (sentence limit) blog hop.  Pick-of-the-Week.  'What fun?...'  by Chris

5) the Unicorn Challenge (photo prompt) blog hop. 'The Prayer'  by Nancy

6) the meadow

7Misky! Has accepted our invitation to take a seat on the TToT Board of Hostinae! We (remember. regular Readers of the the Wakefield Doctrine blog) hope that she finds as much satisfaction (so, mums the word, yo... no, 'But Marilyn you have such talented and accomplished bloggers following and enjoying your ...still Life joint are you quite certain that you should be seen comporting with such... such 'people'?' lol  We're quite grateful that she has joined us in this grat-blog-that-Lizzi-conceived,

8) modern technology (this medium as example of the best of and the worst of the digital age)

9) Hypograt: Autumn. Cold weather in the near term, but, technically-speaking we are now at a point in the year where there remain only 57 more days until Summer!!

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (reminder all you New Readers, journey-person Doctarines/-a and chance visitor to this blog who, after reading with an increasing sense of disbelief and alarm, desperately clicking their mouse, like a movie-goer pounding on the brass bar of a fire exit...) Secret Rule 1.3 on one (the mundane level) simply means that in the process of creating a list of 10 things, as number 7 or 8 are penned and the realization that success is imminent, the resultant gratitude is a totally legitimate Item. Convention and good manner dictate that the last item (#10) be used for this celebration of food fortune.3) Hey! Speaking of hosts of this bloghop we are happy to announce a new host has joined the Board of Hostinae. Misky 

* music * *


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ten Things of Thankful 1010 i.e. a video is surely a multiple of words

 Ten Things of Thankful for the 89th of October, 2924. AD

Hey, it's been a while for us doing a video post. So, let's get to the list. 

First things first, lets go all allograftic on our Grats (donor: the Wakefield Doctrine, recipient; aww you making us blush)

For this week we are grateful for:

1) Having the ipso facto patience and support of the Board of Hostinae

2) the concept of hypograt in a gratitude bloghop

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. pick of the Week: 'The Burning Tower'   by Cynthia Calhoun

5) the Unicorn Challenge. pick of the Week: 'A Chance Encounter'   by Sally

6) [Hypograt] Struggling with linkz after remembering (at about 1:13 am)  that we'd forgotten to post TToT link. Subsequent Grat (see #7)

7) Realized the membership we thought we had, had reverted to a free (aka kinda useless) account. Once restored, got Link out to all the members of the Board of Hostinae

8) computers and online (and solitaire) to pass the time when sleep was...elusive

9) Somebody say, "Roll the Movie?!?!" Coming right up

10)  Secret Rule 1.3





Hey! Remind me next week! (As Mimi did just a minute ago) to post the link thing

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"ruh-roe if you read the first edition of the Doctrine's TToT post... don't throw it out! (that bad-boy's gonna go all upside biplane in the marketplace)

 Ten Things of Regretful Thankful Saturday-the-almost-13th Edition!

Don't tell anyone* but we got the linkz link wrong for this week. 

Mistakes were made. We've accepted everyone's thoughts and prayers and are ready for a fresh start!

This is the Blogger Edition**

So, lest we wake the Spirit of Lizzi Past, lets get right down to a list everyone here can easily understand1

1) the Wakefield Doctrine

2) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  Six Pick of the week:  ...[a Café Six]  (the) the Wakefield Doctrine

3) the Unicorn Challenge   Read this one!

4) the internet (without which, surely something like a bloghop would, at the very least, take a lot longer.... ("Honey? Mimi has written a Comment, should I tell the typesetter to get out his bag of lead slugs so you try the She-typeset-He-typeset?)

5) Speaking of Mimi, we totally want to include the entire Board of Hostinae in our TToT this week. This for reasons that will be assigned a number (Hey, gratitude blog writing-istically speaking, we were born at night but we weren't born last night.)

6) the Board: Mimi, Denise, DyanneLisa and Kristi

7) This week in particular, we are grateful for their patience and such. A little trouble with the linking code. That, notwithstanding, we will repeat our Special Offer: So you want to Host a Bloghop? You totally can! Just fill out the Questionnaire and send it in! Think of the difference it will make at your next party!

8) So, you're at a party. It's getting on into the evening, (Try to remember back to a time in your life before 'Look at the Time' was a social anchor, as opposed to, "Hey Baby/Man, the night is young.Grat 9

9) as opposed to the person writing and/or reading this entry

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* we're referring to the Board of Hostinae., of course

** as in, 'anything!?!? you're sure now... this is a person, who when Sunday Night'd for a assignment to: Write a Review of a Movie (in Creative Lit class) made up the movie, then wrote a Review (oh,, the humanity



Saturday, October 5, 2024

Please Bear with us (??!@# Bears?!?!?!... ) no, ha ha, no bears. Just adjusting to a bi-format TToT

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

(You'll find a blogger version of this week's TToT over at the Group in the Facebook and, of course on

Wait, disregard that previous sentence. We are here, in fact, on behalf of the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. (May Lizzi be Praised).

Suspect we need to get all bifurcated on our weekly submissions, at least in terms of author specific Grats

(ed. Maybe next week?)

1) Phyllis ---↓ (not Phyllis...rather your photophobic (and some might add, Unreliable) Narrator*

2) Una --------------------------------------↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine.  * Yeah, lets run with this asterix: there are at present Five (5) Co-hostinae We will, for purposes that will become obvious as we type (god-willing), be supplanting of Items on this list as we lurch towards Redemption and the Publish button.** 

4) the end of Summer1

5) the comprehensiveness and implicit sophistication of a Grat Bloghop including the concept of HypoGratuity (see Grat 6 below for reference and/or further explication)

6) our resident expert Mimi will be happy to explain, in a manner that, while possibly less of the smart-alec, juvenile approach, i.e. when you get a flat tire but the person who stops without prompting is really: nice/hot/cool/did-we-mention-hot?, than we we are capable of... maintaining, seeing as she does an appreciation of the larger, less self-centered view of life and such

7) the Unicorn Challenge.  the 'corn Pick of the Week. ** Not for nothin' but we are, in fact, painfully aware of the limits of the Writing Style (intoned with a total lack of sarcasm) oft referred to as Stream-of-Consciousness (SOC) We do request any suggestions, advice, admonitions and 'wth??!' be shared with all Hostettes (Grat 8)

8) the Six Sentence Story. 'Hey! Ya gotta read this 'un  Co-hosts: Kristi, Dyanne, Lisa, Denise and Mimi

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



Saturday, September 28, 2024

(Think: Rick's Café Americain with a chalkboard Menu...instead of Nazis... hackers) Hey! Leave us blogs alone

 Something a little different this week.

oh, wait!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop!

so, yeah, I guess that makes our founder, Lizzi R. , Rick Blaine.

(I got dibs on Sam!)

Anyway, the thing this week is we heard over at the FB from a TToT alum, Patti Thomas. She told us that, her blog having been hacked, she doesn't come round all that much. Adding that she does miss the old days here at the TToT.

Hearing this, it was only natural that we thought the following two things: 

  1. we were grateful to hear from someone from the early days
  2. we had a mashup of Pink Floyd lyrics barge into our head*
  3. knowing the Board of Hostinae are watching, thought to ourselfs: lets make some lemonade!
First things following is our List of Grats for the last week of September:

1) My co-hostinae: Mimi, Lisa, Kristi. Dyanne and Denise2

2) 2 the aforementioned Board of Hostinae

3) the Facebook Group of the TToT

4) Paul D Brads for keeping the doors open (on the FB) of the Bloppy Bloggers

5) and speaking of the Bloggers of Blastonia (on the FB) we encountered an alumnae of this blog: See Grat #6**

6) Patti Thomas  (we trust she won't mind the link back to her FB page.)

7) So, given we have two Grats open. We'd like to offer them to Miz Thomas, if'n she is moved to offer some Grats. (kinda like doing a whole standalone TToT post, but different.



10) Secret Rule 1.3

*ok. the floyd:

** hey, when it comes to working the system, grat blog writing-istically speaking... well, this isn't our first human-farm animal wrestling match, ya know?


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pre-Retruitment Post. Open Auditions for Co-host Positions (Must have healthy Spelcheck)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Now entering it's twenty-third year of contiguous publication, the TToT seeks new Hosts and Hostinae.

You read that right! (correctly? accurately? consistently? nah, that can't be right) There are soon to be Openings on the Bored... Board of Facilitators. A little backstory...

Our Founderette, Lizzi Ah, decided, for reasons not understood, to have Ten Co-hosts of the bloghop. (Perhaps she felt, being global in reach, ten would be an effective number of people. We mean, serially, all the way  from... but that's not important now. There were ten of us in the beginning.)

So, we're opening up the TToT  phone/telegraph/electron-sluice lines up and asking for suggestions and/or recommendations/nominations/explanations for people to become Co-Hostina/ae of this here bloghop here.

...more to come

For the Doctrine, our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the history, (including, but not limited to, false, implanted memories), of our tenure as the Co-Host (recorded in internet archives category: Gratitude Blogs as the Term that defied Reason.)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  pick of the Week:  'Getting Restless'. by Chris Hall

6) the Unicorn Challenge. 'corn ear of the bunch:  'Black and White Thinking'  by Sally

7) [hypograt]  the probable end of Summer. while benign in outward appearance, Autumn is surely the 'Put your Pencils down' of the year's weather.

8) the whole concept of 'hypograts (we mean, seriously, can you even wonder why every grat blog doesn't include the concept, (and therefore basis of legitimate Grat Items) of Hypo-gratuity? Must be that their hosts are, like pretty much rogers or timid clarks. (Advanced(ish) musing. If you are still wondering, go ahead and ask in the Comments below.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ten Things of Thankful [*bonk-bonk*] Is this thing on?

 As most of you know, this bloghop was created by Lizzi back in, like 1983. But the gathering of active blog writers were to appear in 2013(is)

For any arithmephiles out there, that is close to twenty five (or, maybe 11) years ago.

Since that time we've met many people who come to read, post and otherwise spend time at a blog that has Gratitude as the theme.

So starting this week we are going to engage in an exercise that combines the best of blog-writing and projectile metaphor.

Being Friday already, we wanted to get this post published. It is (as of Friday the 13th in Sept 2024 at 8:08 am) only partially complete.

Please check in as the day progresses.

Grat list beginning:

1) the opportunity to participate as the host* of this here bloghop here

2) * grateful to introduce a few ....err fringe concepts in the Grat Game, i.e. Hypo-grats more on this later

3) my co-hostinae

4) Lisa (who I owe a couple of Free Grats! more later)

5) T.A. Woods who has been in touch (from the TToT Facebook page) and will be doing a 'Remote Grat' from another platform. More on this as we figure out how to actually execute this ambition

6) the kind of tomato I trust Jane and George Jetson would find in their refrigerator (ain't it symetrical?)

7)...ok, ok. we're back! For Lisa: i) Modern Technology for it's ease and low cost in making available fora on a scale most writers (and would-be writers) never before witnessed and ii) the access to wider and wider audiences for the product of writers (and would-be writers) just a mouse-click away  



10) Secret Rule 1.3


Monday, September 9, 2024

Hey! A couple of changes to this here blogger blog here.

 Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

*Note from your new Ruler and Guardian and Sayer of all sorts of silly/interesting things.*

We are interested in any input/feedback/this-is-what-we-like-about-this-blogspot blog. Serially. Will, for the present copy our normal TToT post of the week here.
Will totally be happy to discover (or be told) about things that you Gratitoniens/Gratitonia do that would further the reach of this thing of Lizzi's

There is a change here at the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A change of personal. Our current host Dyanne has done her time and is due some richly deserved R&R from html-wrangling the weekly publication. As we all know, Time is the ultimate HR manager and even in the virtual (and some might argue, timeless) world of the blogosphere, change is the one true constant.

We invite all participants, past and present to join us in expressing our appreciation for her efforts on behalf of the Grat-blog-that-Lizzi-created.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Dyanne. Grateful for her work as the most recent hostinae of this here Grat-blog here. Seeing how nothing says 'thank you' better than old home movies, if'n we had any we'd link them up. Since we don't have none of them, click here and you will see what is purportedly our out-going Host's first TToT appearance. (Thumbnails at the bottom of the post. Number 16 with a bullet.)

5) the digital age and land of easily-accessed and horrendously misconstrued thoughts, intentions and self-improvement.

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pick! : 'Part 26: Navigating a Debris Field'. by Misky

8) the Unicorn Challenge Read this! 'Unicorn Promptly' by ceayr

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

*yeah, we're very much into the application of astrixeses to cover our more... imginative use of language

Saturday, June 29, 2024

It's No Sweat!

Hey, hi, forgot to post the link yesterday!

I'm watching the campers across the lake enthusiastically playing what appears to be soccer. All I know is it requires a great deal of running and shouting in full sun with a heat index of 98 degrees.

I'm thankful I am sitting on my screened porch with the ceiling fan on, a cold Diet Dr Pepper in my Ruth Bader Ginsberg insulated cup, and that no one can make me play an outdoor sport (or any sport, really). Look how easily I knocked out FIVE thankfuls in one sentence! You can do it, too! 

The Ten Things of Thankful hop is live. 

Join in!

Friday, June 21, 2024


Happy summer solstice! Now it really IS summer, as if the sticky, humid, 90+ degree days we've had lately were spring-like.

How do you like to keep cool? I've got ten thankfuls right here for that. In hot, hot, HOT weather, I can be thankful for:

cool baths in a jacuzzi tub
Happy Hour drinks from Sonic
swimming pools
water theme parks
cold beverages
ice makers 
central air conditioning
wearing shorts to work
Lume deodorant

You can do it, too! Link up with us this weekend at the Ten Things of Thankful!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hello, Summer!

When summer finally decided to show up, it came in with guns blazing! Temps in the 90s here with humidity so high you could cut it with a knife.

Hello, summer!

Here are some summertime thankfuls:

you don't need to take a jacket if you're going out at night (although you might need one for intense air conditioning)

you don't have to scrape frost off your car windows

flip flops

farmers markets


What's on your list this week? Start writing; it's time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Come On And Try It!

I don't know how the week can be over so quickly when the individual days seem to drag on and on.  Anyone else feel that?

The good news about the week flying by is that it's your chance to list your thankfuls once again. Here's my list:

I'm thankful for:

1. funny memes
2. friends who like to exchange funny memes with me
3. warm, sunshiny days
4. the smell of sunscreen
5. baby smiles
6. snacks
7. hugs
8. money found in a pocket
9. taking off your shoes at the end of a long day
10. a new tube of toothpaste

See how easy it is? Try it and see, and then link up with the Ten Things of Thankful below!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hurry, Rabbit!

 I'm really not trying to be another Job, but lately, it feels like I'm giving him a run for his money.

Sorry for the late post, but, well, Job....

It's the Ten Things of Thankful. I DO have thankfuls, but time? That's a different matter. But don't wait for me! Write yours and link them below.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Oh, The Weather Inside Is Frightful

 Nothing says "holiday weekend" like a household disaster! It's how our family celebrates. Not by choice, mind you, but you would think so, as often as it happens. 

Most of our household disasters are water related. Sewer back ups. Broken pipes. Heavy rains finding their way inside. Risk of actual flooding from lake level rising. Dishwashers choosing to drain out the edges of the door rather than through the plumbing system.

This weekend's holiday disaster is multi-faceted, but it ends with a temporary window unit air conditioner installed (need I say incorrectly?) so the water (make that ICY COLD water) that it collects inside poured out of the unit and INTO the house and was found by my bare feet on the very squishy, very wet carpet (see above about temperature of the water and imagine that with bare feet). 

The fun never ends around here.

Here's a thankful: once the central air conditioning debacle is remediated, we can finally replace the ugly (and currently wet with potential for mold) carpet.

Look for those silver linings in everything you do.

The Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop is live!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Time For Some Thankfulling!

 Anyone else glad to see this week in the rearview mirror besides me? Trust me, I feel it enough for ALL of us! 

But it's Friday, and even a rough week has thankfuls in it, right? Of COURSE it does!

Write your Ten Things of Thankful post and link it here. The link doesn't close until Sunday night, so get to thinking and get to thankfulling!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Where's Your List?

Know what happens when you take a Friday off for your daughter's law school graduation?  You forget to post the link to the Ten Things of Thankful! Here it is now! Hope you're as thankful as I am today! Link up YOUR list and let us know about all the thankfuls in your world!


Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Spring Brings

Ahh, spring in the Midwest! It starts with the green shoots of daffodils popping up through the ground. Next is the grass greening, tulips, and buds on the trees, followed by full-on leafy trees, irises, and warm days. 

And then? It's tornado season, of course!

There have been numerous thunderstorms in the past few weeks, several of them severe. We've had hail. We've had flooding. And we've had tornado watches, tornado warnings, tornados touching down, some of them causing death and destruction.

Today, in southwest Missouri, we had more than one thunderstorm move through the area, followed by a tornado warning that came on very quickly. We were safe, but it was darn close!

Can you BE a lot more thankful than when just missed by a tornado?

It's sure a terrific way to start a thankful list, isn't it? What have YOU got on YOUR list? Write them, link them, and enjoy the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop!