
Saturday, September 28, 2024

(Think: Rick's Café Americain with a chalkboard Menu...instead of Nazis... hackers) Hey! Leave us blogs alone

 Something a little different this week.

oh, wait!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop!

so, yeah, I guess that makes our founder, Lizzi R. , Rick Blaine.

(I got dibs on Sam!)

Anyway, the thing this week is we heard over at the FB from a TToT alum, Patti Thomas. She told us that, her blog having been hacked, she doesn't come round all that much. Adding that she does miss the old days here at the TToT.

Hearing this, it was only natural that we thought the following two things: 

  1. we were grateful to hear from someone from the early days
  2. we had a mashup of Pink Floyd lyrics barge into our head*
  3. knowing the Board of Hostinae are watching, thought to ourselfs: lets make some lemonade!
First things following is our List of Grats for the last week of September:

1) My co-hostinae: Mimi, Lisa, Kristi. Dyanne and Denise2

2) 2 the aforementioned Board of Hostinae

3) the Facebook Group of the TToT

4) Paul D Brads for keeping the doors open (on the FB) of the Bloppy Bloggers

5) and speaking of the Bloggers of Blastonia (on the FB) we encountered an alumnae of this blog: See Grat #6**

6) Patti Thomas  (we trust she won't mind the link back to her FB page.)

7) So, given we have two Grats open. We'd like to offer them to Miz Thomas, if'n she is moved to offer some Grats. (kinda like doing a whole standalone TToT post, but different.



10) Secret Rule 1.3

*ok. the floyd:

** hey, when it comes to working the system, grat blog writing-istically speaking... well, this isn't our first human-farm animal wrestling match, ya know?


1 comment:

  1. It's always fun to see how your brain does this thing, and how it's different from previous hosts I've known. Thanks for another grat in my week!


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