
Friday, September 13, 2024

Ten Things of Thankful [*bonk-bonk*] Is this thing on?

 As most of you know, this bloghop was created by Lizzi back in, like 1983. But the gathering of active blog writers were to appear in 2013(is)

For any arithmephiles out there, that is close to twenty five (or, maybe 11) years ago.

Since that time we've met many people who come to read, post and otherwise spend time at a blog that has Gratitude as the theme.

So starting this week we are going to engage in an exercise that combines the best of blog-writing and projectile metaphor.

Being Friday already, we wanted to get this post published. It is (as of Friday the 13th in Sept 2024 at 8:08 am) only partially complete.

Please check in as the day progresses.

Grat list beginning:

1) the opportunity to participate as the host* of this here bloghop here

2) * grateful to introduce a few ....err fringe concepts in the Grat Game, i.e. Hypo-grats more on this later

3) my co-hostinae

4) Lisa (who I owe a couple of Free Grats! more later)

5) T.A. Woods who has been in touch (from the TToT Facebook page) and will be doing a 'Remote Grat' from another platform. More on this as we figure out how to actually execute this ambition

6) the kind of tomato I trust Jane and George Jetson would find in their refrigerator (ain't it symetrical?)

7)...ok, ok. we're back! For Lisa: i) Modern Technology for it's ease and low cost in making available fora on a scale most writers (and would-be writers) never before witnessed and ii) the access to wider and wider audiences for the product of writers (and would-be writers) just a mouse-click away  



10) Secret Rule 1.3



  1. Thanks for keeping the lights on and the grats coming.

    1. yw... though if they flicker from time-to-time.... lol

  2. Thanks for this. I'll post my gratitude list tomorrow.

    1. Hi Astrid. As you may gather from the other Comments, as new host I'm kinda feeling my way around here... not all that familiar with the Blogger platform (compared with WP) Will be on the lookout!

  3. thank you for the intent... I don't believe there is one (at present)...need to add on to the blog and such



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