
Monday, September 9, 2024

Hey! A couple of changes to this here blogger blog here.

 Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

*Note from your new Ruler and Guardian and Sayer of all sorts of silly/interesting things.*

We are interested in any input/feedback/this-is-what-we-like-about-this-blogspot blog. Serially. Will, for the present copy our normal TToT post of the week here.
Will totally be happy to discover (or be told) about things that you Gratitoniens/Gratitonia do that would further the reach of this thing of Lizzi's

There is a change here at the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A change of personal. Our current host Dyanne has done her time and is due some richly deserved R&R from html-wrangling the weekly publication. As we all know, Time is the ultimate HR manager and even in the virtual (and some might argue, timeless) world of the blogosphere, change is the one true constant.

We invite all participants, past and present to join us in expressing our appreciation for her efforts on behalf of the Grat-blog-that-Lizzi-created.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Dyanne. Grateful for her work as the most recent hostinae of this here Grat-blog here. Seeing how nothing says 'thank you' better than old home movies, if'n we had any we'd link them up. Since we don't have none of them, click here and you will see what is purportedly our out-going Host's first TToT appearance. (Thumbnails at the bottom of the post. Number 16 with a bullet.)

5) the digital age and land of easily-accessed and horrendously misconstrued thoughts, intentions and self-improvement.

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pick! : 'Part 26: Navigating a Debris Field'. by Misky

8) the Unicorn Challenge Read this! 'Unicorn Promptly' by ceayr

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

*yeah, we're very much into the application of astrixeses to cover our more... imginative use of language


  1. Thanks so much for taking up the #TToT blog hop as a host. I am perpetually confused by your use of asterisks, but at the same time I love your original writing style.

  2. It's nice to see your list here, good job picking up the mantle.


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!