
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Please Bear with us (??!@# Bears?!?!?!... ) no, ha ha, no bears. Just adjusting to a bi-format TToT

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

(You'll find a blogger version of this week's TToT over at the Group in the Facebook and, of course on

Wait, disregard that previous sentence. We are here, in fact, on behalf of the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. (May Lizzi be Praised).

Suspect we need to get all bifurcated on our weekly submissions, at least in terms of author specific Grats

(ed. Maybe next week?)

1) Phyllis ---↓ (not Phyllis...rather your photophobic (and some might add, Unreliable) Narrator*

2) Una --------------------------------------↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine.  * Yeah, lets run with this asterix: there are at present Five (5) Co-hostinae We will, for purposes that will become obvious as we type (god-willing), be supplanting of Items on this list as we lurch towards Redemption and the Publish button.** 

4) the end of Summer1

5) the comprehensiveness and implicit sophistication of a Grat Bloghop including the concept of HypoGratuity (see Grat 6 below for reference and/or further explication)

6) our resident expert Mimi will be happy to explain, in a manner that, while possibly less of the smart-alec, juvenile approach, i.e. when you get a flat tire but the person who stops without prompting is really: nice/hot/cool/did-we-mention-hot?, than we we are capable of... maintaining, seeing as she does an appreciation of the larger, less self-centered view of life and such

7) the Unicorn Challenge.  the 'corn Pick of the Week. ** Not for nothin' but we are, in fact, painfully aware of the limits of the Writing Style (intoned with a total lack of sarcasm) oft referred to as Stream-of-Consciousness (SOC) We do request any suggestions, advice, admonitions and 'wth??!' be shared with all Hostettes (Grat 8)

8) the Six Sentence Story. 'Hey! Ya gotta read this 'un  Co-hosts: Kristi, Dyanne, Lisa, Denise and Mimi

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3




  1. No need for a second list of ten here, if you don't really want to. You're doing great as the host, by the way.

    1. 'kay sometimes (as above) I think of this post, while being representative of the TToT overall a few easy-to-do strikethoughs let us have more internet ...prescence
      my Y-Chromian heritage kinda has me thinking "Why Don't We get Everyone on the Internet to Join In?" or other, more reasonable expression of ambition. lol

  2. Hey! Put those little ditto marks under Mimi's comment here, in this comment box. Totally agree. One TToT posted at 2 venues. Simple is as, lol And, yes, great job!
    As to #6, indeed, she does.

  3. I think my most-pressed key while blogging is "backspace". I admire those who can actually do stream-of-consciousness writing!


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