
Saturday, October 12, 2024

"ruh-roe if you read the first edition of the Doctrine's TToT post... don't throw it out! (that bad-boy's gonna go all upside biplane in the marketplace)

 Ten Things of Regretful Thankful Saturday-the-almost-13th Edition!

Don't tell anyone* but we got the linkz link wrong for this week. 

Mistakes were made. We've accepted everyone's thoughts and prayers and are ready for a fresh start!

This is the Blogger Edition**

So, lest we wake the Spirit of Lizzi Past, lets get right down to a list everyone here can easily understand1

1) the Wakefield Doctrine

2) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  Six Pick of the week:  ...[a Café Six]  (the) the Wakefield Doctrine

3) the Unicorn Challenge   Read this one!

4) the internet (without which, surely something like a bloghop would, at the very least, take a lot longer.... ("Honey? Mimi has written a Comment, should I tell the typesetter to get out his bag of lead slugs so you try the She-typeset-He-typeset?)

5) Speaking of Mimi, we totally want to include the entire Board of Hostinae in our TToT this week. This for reasons that will be assigned a number (Hey, gratitude blog writing-istically speaking, we were born at night but we weren't born last night.)

6) the Board: Mimi, Denise, DyanneLisa and Kristi

7) This week in particular, we are grateful for their patience and such. A little trouble with the linking code. That, notwithstanding, we will repeat our Special Offer: So you want to Host a Bloghop? You totally can! Just fill out the Questionnaire and send it in! Think of the difference it will make at your next party!

8) So, you're at a party. It's getting on into the evening, (Try to remember back to a time in your life before 'Look at the Time' was a social anchor, as opposed to, "Hey Baby/Man, the night is young.Grat 9

9) as opposed to the person writing and/or reading this entry

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* we're referring to the Board of Hostinae., of course

** as in, 'anything!?!? you're sure now... this is a person, who when Sunday Night'd for a assignment to: Write a Review of a Movie (in Creative Lit class) made up the movie, then wrote a Review (oh,, the humanity




  1. #5. I offer myself to fill (what I've been advised) the vacancy on the TToT Board of Hostinae. Give me the Linky-link and I'll add it to next week's TToT.

  2. Mistakes give us room to learn and grow, another thing for which to be thankful!


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!