
Friday, June 7, 2024

Come On And Try It!

I don't know how the week can be over so quickly when the individual days seem to drag on and on.  Anyone else feel that?

The good news about the week flying by is that it's your chance to list your thankfuls once again. Here's my list:

I'm thankful for:

1. funny memes
2. friends who like to exchange funny memes with me
3. warm, sunshiny days
4. the smell of sunscreen
5. baby smiles
6. snacks
7. hugs
8. money found in a pocket
9. taking off your shoes at the end of a long day
10. a new tube of toothpaste

See how easy it is? Try it and see, and then link up with the Ten Things of Thankful below!

1 comment:

  1. As Gretchen Ruben, author of The Happiness Project said, the days are long but the years are short.


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