
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Really? Ambition and timeliness in posting are like perfume and sculpted abs... irresistible. (Advance Ad...visory on music vid-clip)

Here we are, ambitiously striving to be a good Host and publish first.

(Hey, anybody out there give a brother a hand and suggest a couple of Grats? Will totally return the favor, soon as we on our feet again. Maybe, perhaps, you'd be interested in a sear on the Board of Hostinae? We can totally make that happen.)

This is a list format grat blog. I'm grateful for inherent ease of reading in such a presentation (cha...ching! Grat One!)

1) See above.

2) Now, see here, now...cut it out!

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4)  the curious empowerment of a specific and consciously-created myth, aka superstition (quick example in Grat Seven 'Hey, we went long on the referential grat thing. Head down to #8)

5) the Unicorn Challenge. pick of the Week

6) the Six Sentence Story. pick of the Week. 'Introspection'  Denise

7) ProTip: sometimes people be all, 'That's a long list, suppose I can't come up with Ten things? What then?" Well, then you're a failure in life and should rip up your modem cert, ya know?" Ha ha. Look at what you made us do! We got so clever with that old-school device, 'the ProTip' schtick, that we stepped on our original witicisa, but, what-the-heck, there's a better than even chance you haven't made it this far down this post.

8anyways... had we been more disciplined, we would have mentioned, germane to the image at the top, that we have not touched a musical instrument since hitting 'Publish' on the first Doctrine blog post. Won't take the chance. A long story but, better safe than sorry. Well lookie there! Grat #9

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


  1. Are you thankful you had a house to show this week? Thankful a property sold? Thankful you found a bargain at the grocery? Thankful for a particularly sunny day? it's everywhere if you just look at the common, ordinary, everyday blessings. Also, as it says in our link, we're not that picky about numbers, but intent.

    1. very true (the presence of grats and the numerology of the format. Thank you, M, as always, for the reminderation.

  2. My thankful is seeing my Six as Pick of the Week at Six Sentence Stories!
    A most pleasant surprise.


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