
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Halfway? No Way!

2021 is halfway over. Can you believe it?! Didn't it just start? Didn't we just have that frigid weather when pipes froze and power went out and there was all that snow?

It seems like yesterday, and then again, it seems like a lifetime ago.

Don't let time pass by so quickly without remembering your thankfuls! It's good practice, especially since Thanksgiving, that biggest celebration of thankfuls, is less than five months away....

Write YOUR Ten Things of Thankful post and link it up with us. We are here every week, come rain or come shine (or come snow and ice and frozen pipes).


  1. Niether rain nor sleet nor dark of night will keep us from being thankful and expressing it. Have a great weekend!

  2. Somehow I must have accidentally deleted some emails, one of which was the one you send out at the beginning of the month. I have posted my TTOT this week but can't link up. Would you please send that email again to me?

  3. The years just keep speeding by all too quickly.


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!