
Friday, July 2, 2021

Find The Light

This past week has been rough.

Heat and humidity plus thunderstorms. Upstairs air conditioning unit not working. Transitioning of toddlers into my preschool class. A heartbreaking memorial service for a young woman I've known since she was a child. Continued residual effects from eating something I'm allergic to. Ants in the kitchen. A mouse in my car. 

I woke up from a bad dream a few nights ago and decided I needed to write an ANTI Ten Things of Thankful and even made some groggy notes on my phone.

But I didn't write that post.

The pastor at the memorial service said one thing that made me stop feeling sorry for myself:

Bathe the darkness with light.

Look at your week. Look hard. Find the light.

Link up with us this 4th of July weekend (and every weekend - we will always welcome you).

ps Happy Birthday, America!

pss Happy Birthday, Canada (can't leave you out)!

pss if you know how to get a mouse to move out of a car hit me up....

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