
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thankfully Yours

You ever hear people say something like, "I was born in the wrong time. I should have been alive during the (name the era). Times were so much simpler then"?

You won't hear me saying that, because as lovely as they make it appear in Hamilton or The Great Gatsby, and as frightening and ghastly as the world can be on any given day currently, I know I am right where I need to be. Time travel? No thanks, as I am thankful for, and accustomed to:

toilet paper
indoor plumbing
air conditioning
central heat
meteorology (as inaccurate as it often is)
dental hygiene

Ten Things of Thankful. The link up is live. Join us!


  1. very true I do sometimes say I would love to visit Florence but during the Renaissance Era - but then realistically that would never work I am a privledged modern day woman, I wouldn't be able to process a new role - LOL

  2. Yep, i agree. When Sweetie says he was born in the wrong time, i ask him how he'd like to live without XXXX, and he stares at my like i'm nuts. He could not live without A/C, i don't care what he thinks.


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