
Thursday, February 9, 2017

TTOT - 2/10/17 - We Begin Again

Ten Things of Thankful
The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop was started by Lizzi Lewis at Considerings as a means of seeking out and sharing the good things in her life, changing her attitude in the process. She soon discovered that her sharing inspired others to look for the good things in their lives too, even at times when it is difficult to find those silver linings.
 TToT has been an ongoing weekly blog hop since June of 2013, and many people have taken up the challenge to join in and share their own reasons to be thankful. Lizzi has done an amazing job of hosting TToT for the past three-and-a-half-years, with the support of an awesome group of co-hosts, and she is ready for a well-deserved break. She has graciously allowed me to take on the role of TToT administrator and move TToT to its very own blog address here. 
Many, many thanks to you, dearest Lizzi, for all the work you've done to start TToT and keep it up and running these past years. Focusing on the things we have to be thankful for has made all the difference for me and many others! Blessings to you always <3
And so we begin again with this week's link-up!  I'm still working on the button code and will hopefully have that in place for you by next week. :-)  Don't forget to drop by our TToT Facebook group too!
The reason behind asking you to list ten things you are thankful for is to challenge you to look hard at your life and discover both the big ways and small ways that you've been blessed in the past week. However, I don't want anyone to feel that they can't participate unless they list ten, so do the best you can, share as many as you've got, and don't feel the need to make excuses if you're short. We're just happy to have you sharing with us!

A new link-up will open early Friday morning each week and will remain open until the following Tuesday night, so you have plenty of time and don't need to rush or worry if your weekend is busy. Life trumps blogging, and it should!

My only requests are that you include the TToT logo and a link to our TToT link-up in your post, and that you take the time to read and comment on as many other posts as you can. The whole point of this blog hop is to share and to encourage each other... that's where the magic begins!


  1. I will be back with my grats but just want to send my best for the transfer and it's maiden voyage!!! Yep Lizzi deserves serious kudos and a serious break!

    1. Thank you, Ivy! I'll be looking forward to seeing you here! I've loved TToT since Lizzi first began it, and I am so happy that she's letting me help it continue!

  2. I can't tell you how delighted I am that you will be hosting this amazing blog hop that Lizzi created. I think it's a sign that it is time for me to start posting again.

    1. Thank you, Val! I am excited to be working on this, gratitude is such an important thing when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude. I'll be thrilled to see you joining us!

  3. Thank you! So happy you could take this on right now! I also love the fact the link is open longer--I was wondering how I would fit in a post this weekend! I'll be back later with a post. :-)

    1. Thanks, Kristi! Now that I am home I have more time for blogging, and I'm so happy to become a part of something near and dear to my heart. Weekends are often really busy times, so hopefully leaving the link open a bit longer will help. I'm looking forward to seeing your posts here!

  4. The longer time is splendid for me. Maybe that will help me actually get back to regular participation. Glad you're able to pick up and carry the torch. Lizzi has been amazing. Everyone needs a respite at some point.

    1. Hi Lisa! I know that I often had a list started but never got it finished in time, so stretching it out a bit may help. I can't believe that Lizzi kept it going for 3-1/2 years and nearly 200 posts!! That's an incredibly long time to maintain a blog-hop, she did a wonderful job. I'm hoping she'll drop by to join us here when she can!

  5. Hey! good deal.
    I wrote a post today ('cause.. well, it's the weekend) but, my keyboard is not functioning properly and all the keyboard stores are closed! anyway I posted my link. Wills try to add ten items to my post (or, failing that, I'm going to try to develop a writing style that incorporate s mistakes as if it were intended .... no, zoe! not a word!)
    Thanks for picking up the (fill in blank with something that makes sense here)... if you run out, I have a bunch of 1's and 5's lying around my desk from pervious Posts

    1. Hi Clark! I was so pleased you decided to join us here! Loved your post complete with the real-time keyboard issues. :-) My detachable tablet keyboard sometimes likes to jump to earlier places in a paragraph to insert text, very annoying! I think a "just do it" writing style, sans corrections, might be refreshing. Remember the days when we call could type 70 or more wpm error free? Because we no longer have to, we don't, although we certainly type faster! Don't worry about coming back to add items to your post unless you're so inclined, we aren't counting here, it's all about the showing up and sharing!

  6. Thank you so much for giving us a place to link up and to carry on with Lizzi,s blog hop and for Clark trying to keep things going too.

    1. You are welcome, Pat! This is a place for all of us, it's not my place it's our place so we can encourage and uplift each other! Clark's effort to keep us connected inspired me to ask Lizzi if we could help her with it. I am thankful for what she's started and grown for us all!

  7. Hello Lizzi! Thank you so much for stopping by! Hoping to see you join us with a post anytime you feel up to it. You are loved here, I hope you know that! <3


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!