Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart. |
Once upon a time in England (seven years ago), a blogger named Lizzi had a great idea. She was in a bit of a dark spot in her life, but decided she would try to find "Ten Things of Thankful" each week, and invited others to join with her. Her voice resonated around the world, and bloggers of all different demographic divisions unified in the purpose of expressing gratitude. Lizzi invited co-hosts to join her. Each weekend, bloggers raced to be the "frist" to comment on the posts, and the comment threads took on lives of their own. Friendships were formed, and a community was born.
Years went by, Lizzi needed a break, and so she handed over the reins to Josie Two Shoes. Josie served as a gracious, welcoming hostess, and gave the TToT its own blog. She wrote long, detailed comments on the linked-up posts, and was a friend to all.
At the point Josie stepped down, she kindly allowed me (Kristi of Thankful Me) to take over the hosting responsibilities. Clark, Dyanne, Lisa and Pat have generously donated their time to help keep the Ten Things of Thankful going. Clark and Dyanne have been co-hosts since the early days; Lisa and Pat have been dedicated to the cause since they came across the TToT.
I'm so thankful for all the hosts/co-hosts throughout the years, and for YOU! What's a blog hop without bloggers to join? Today, no matter if you remember the first TToT, or if this is your first time joining us, welcome to the celebration! Cut yourself a piece of cake, put on a party hat, and celebrate with us! What are you thankful for today?
Some of the co-hosts (and their family members) hold signs that spell out, "Happy 7th birthday TToT. Here's to 7 more!"
This week's attendees: