
Saturday, September 28, 2024

(Think: Rick's Café Americain with a chalkboard Menu...instead of Nazis... hackers) Hey! Leave us blogs alone

 Something a little different this week.

oh, wait!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop!

so, yeah, I guess that makes our founder, Lizzi R. , Rick Blaine.

(I got dibs on Sam!)

Anyway, the thing this week is we heard over at the FB from a TToT alum, Patti Thomas. She told us that, her blog having been hacked, she doesn't come round all that much. Adding that she does miss the old days here at the TToT.

Hearing this, it was only natural that we thought the following two things: 

  1. we were grateful to hear from someone from the early days
  2. we had a mashup of Pink Floyd lyrics barge into our head*
  3. knowing the Board of Hostinae are watching, thought to ourselfs: lets make some lemonade!
First things following is our List of Grats for the last week of September:

1) My co-hostinae: Mimi, Lisa, Kristi. Dyanne and Denise2

2) 2 the aforementioned Board of Hostinae

3) the Facebook Group of the TToT

4) Paul D Brads for keeping the doors open (on the FB) of the Bloppy Bloggers

5) and speaking of the Bloggers of Blastonia (on the FB) we encountered an alumnae of this blog: See Grat #6**

6) Patti Thomas  (we trust she won't mind the link back to her FB page.)

7) So, given we have two Grats open. We'd like to offer them to Miz Thomas, if'n she is moved to offer some Grats. (kinda like doing a whole standalone TToT post, but different.



10) Secret Rule 1.3

*ok. the floyd:

** hey, when it comes to working the system, grat blog writing-istically speaking... well, this isn't our first human-farm animal wrestling match, ya know?


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pre-Retruitment Post. Open Auditions for Co-host Positions (Must have healthy Spelcheck)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Now entering it's twenty-third year of contiguous publication, the TToT seeks new Hosts and Hostinae.

You read that right! (correctly? accurately? consistently? nah, that can't be right) There are soon to be Openings on the Bored... Board of Facilitators. A little backstory...

Our Founderette, Lizzi Ah, decided, for reasons not understood, to have Ten Co-hosts of the bloghop. (Perhaps she felt, being global in reach, ten would be an effective number of people. We mean, serially, all the way  from... but that's not important now. There were ten of us in the beginning.)

So, we're opening up the TToT  phone/telegraph/electron-sluice lines up and asking for suggestions and/or recommendations/nominations/explanations for people to become Co-Hostina/ae of this here bloghop here.

...more to come

For the Doctrine, our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the history, (including, but not limited to, false, implanted memories), of our tenure as the Co-Host (recorded in internet archives category: Gratitude Blogs as the Term that defied Reason.)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  pick of the Week:  'Getting Restless'. by Chris Hall

6) the Unicorn Challenge. 'corn ear of the bunch:  'Black and White Thinking'  by Sally

7) [hypograt]  the probable end of Summer. while benign in outward appearance, Autumn is surely the 'Put your Pencils down' of the year's weather.

8) the whole concept of 'hypograts (we mean, seriously, can you even wonder why every grat blog doesn't include the concept, (and therefore basis of legitimate Grat Items) of Hypo-gratuity? Must be that their hosts are, like pretty much rogers or timid clarks. (Advanced(ish) musing. If you are still wondering, go ahead and ask in the Comments below.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ten Things of Thankful [*bonk-bonk*] Is this thing on?

 As most of you know, this bloghop was created by Lizzi back in, like 1983. But the gathering of active blog writers were to appear in 2013(is)

For any arithmephiles out there, that is close to twenty five (or, maybe 11) years ago.

Since that time we've met many people who come to read, post and otherwise spend time at a blog that has Gratitude as the theme.

So starting this week we are going to engage in an exercise that combines the best of blog-writing and projectile metaphor.

Being Friday already, we wanted to get this post published. It is (as of Friday the 13th in Sept 2024 at 8:08 am) only partially complete.

Please check in as the day progresses.

Grat list beginning:

1) the opportunity to participate as the host* of this here bloghop here

2) * grateful to introduce a few ....err fringe concepts in the Grat Game, i.e. Hypo-grats more on this later

3) my co-hostinae

4) Lisa (who I owe a couple of Free Grats! more later)

5) T.A. Woods who has been in touch (from the TToT Facebook page) and will be doing a 'Remote Grat' from another platform. More on this as we figure out how to actually execute this ambition

6) the kind of tomato I trust Jane and George Jetson would find in their refrigerator (ain't it symetrical?)

7)...ok, ok. we're back! For Lisa: i) Modern Technology for it's ease and low cost in making available fora on a scale most writers (and would-be writers) never before witnessed and ii) the access to wider and wider audiences for the product of writers (and would-be writers) just a mouse-click away  



10) Secret Rule 1.3


Monday, September 9, 2024

Hey! A couple of changes to this here blogger blog here.

 Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

*Note from your new Ruler and Guardian and Sayer of all sorts of silly/interesting things.*

We are interested in any input/feedback/this-is-what-we-like-about-this-blogspot blog. Serially. Will, for the present copy our normal TToT post of the week here.
Will totally be happy to discover (or be told) about things that you Gratitoniens/Gratitonia do that would further the reach of this thing of Lizzi's

There is a change here at the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A change of personal. Our current host Dyanne has done her time and is due some richly deserved R&R from html-wrangling the weekly publication. As we all know, Time is the ultimate HR manager and even in the virtual (and some might argue, timeless) world of the blogosphere, change is the one true constant.

We invite all participants, past and present to join us in expressing our appreciation for her efforts on behalf of the Grat-blog-that-Lizzi-created.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Dyanne. Grateful for her work as the most recent hostinae of this here Grat-blog here. Seeing how nothing says 'thank you' better than old home movies, if'n we had any we'd link them up. Since we don't have none of them, click here and you will see what is purportedly our out-going Host's first TToT appearance. (Thumbnails at the bottom of the post. Number 16 with a bullet.)

5) the digital age and land of easily-accessed and horrendously misconstrued thoughts, intentions and self-improvement.

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pick! : 'Part 26: Navigating a Debris Field'. by Misky

8) the Unicorn Challenge Read this! 'Unicorn Promptly' by ceayr

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

*yeah, we're very much into the application of astrixeses to cover our more... imginative use of language