
Thursday, August 31, 2017

TToT - 9/01/17

Ten Things of Thankful

Welcome to Ten Things of Thankful!

We gather here each weekend to share our posts about the things we are thankful for in our lives, and sometimes just to report that we've survived a difficult week; when we start focusing on the positives and the silver linings, we are able see that life is good. We also encourage each other by sharing pieces of our own journey. The people who participate in TToT are a truly awesome bunch from all age groups and all walks of life; I hope you'll join us and invite your blog friends to do the same, everyone is welcome!

At Ten Things of Thankful we believe that there are many little things in our lives to be thankful for each day as well as the big things that stand out. Keep in mind that you are not required to list ten things if you can't come up with that many, nobody is keeping score, just do the best you can!  You'll find that once you get started, more things tend to pop into your head! There is no specific format required for your post, you are encouraged to do it your way. Variety makes it interesting!  :-)

This week's TToT link-up will open shortly after midnight (Central Time) on Thursday night, and will remain open until Tuesday night, so you have plenty of time to work on your post.

Please visit as many of the links as possible, sharing your thoughts is what this group is all about; and PLEASE check back next week for new links that were added later, those folks will appreciate your comments too!

Thank you for your part in making our Ten Things of Thankful blog such a blessing,
Josie Two Shoes
TToT Administrator

Please take a moment to answer the following question in the comments section below. It's a fun way for us to get to know each other a little better.  Moving into September we know that Autumn is just around the corner. What are some of your favorite things about this season? 


  1. Our favorite is not melting from heat the moment you step outside, or being able to use your seat belt buckle as a branding iron!

    1. So very true... here too! I will not miss the summer heat one bit! Sweater weather is my favorite. :-)

  2. Autumn is my favorite season. I love the cooler weather. I also love Halloween and Thanksgiving. And making apple pie. :)

    1. It is mine too, Ellen, such a relief after the heat of summer. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, more than all the hoopla that Christmas has become. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, hot chocolate and s'mores... mmmm! :-)

  3. Finally doing some yummy baking in the oven instead of baking myself out in this ridiculous heat! :)

    1. This made me laugh because it's so true, here too! We don't even consider putting on the oven in the afternoons, we could fry eggs on the pavement if we wanted too! Thank God for AC!

  4. Cool mornings and evenings, bright Autumn colors, comfort foods, and crunchy leaves when I can find some! :-)

    1. Fall brings a sense of coziness, settling in for the winter, and I'll get back to work on my lap afghan for Papa Bear!

  5. I enjoy seeing the leaves turn colors, but if we don't get some cooler weather pretty soon, we may not have as beautiful a fall season as we often do.

    1. Your weather has been so much hotter there than usual this year, I hope it cools down soon for you, and that the leaves get a chance to show their colors.

  6. The glorious colours .. so rich, giving a pretence of warmth .

    1. I agree, Maz, I think that colored leaves are the very heart of Autumn and I mourn that we don't see much of them here in West Texas, but I can enjoy the beautiful images my friends share online!

  7. Pumpkins and pumpkin spice things.

    1. Definitely, Kerry, both the smooth feeling of pumpkins, and the scent of them spiced and cooking in the oven! Mmmm!


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!