
Saturday, October 26, 2024

How is a Thursday Night like a Saturday? A TToT Post for October XXIV

 (Before we forget. See bottom of the page for linkage)

ok first Grat!

1) thanks to Mimi for a reminder of doing the whole Link thingie to connect 

2) and the other hostinae for their support and consideration.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story (sentence limit) blog hop.  Pick-of-the-Week.  'What fun?...'  by Chris

5) the Unicorn Challenge (photo prompt) blog hop. 'The Prayer'  by Nancy

6) the meadow

7Misky! Has accepted our invitation to take a seat on the TToT Board of Hostinae! We (remember. regular Readers of the the Wakefield Doctrine blog) hope that she finds as much satisfaction (so, mums the word, yo... no, 'But Marilyn you have such talented and accomplished bloggers following and enjoying your ...still Life joint are you quite certain that you should be seen comporting with such... such 'people'?' lol  We're quite grateful that she has joined us in this grat-blog-that-Lizzi-conceived,

8) modern technology (this medium as example of the best of and the worst of the digital age)

9) Hypograt: Autumn. Cold weather in the near term, but, technically-speaking we are now at a point in the year where there remain only 57 more days until Summer!!

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (reminder all you New Readers, journey-person Doctarines/-a and chance visitor to this blog who, after reading with an increasing sense of disbelief and alarm, desperately clicking their mouse, like a movie-goer pounding on the brass bar of a fire exit...) Secret Rule 1.3 on one (the mundane level) simply means that in the process of creating a list of 10 things, as number 7 or 8 are penned and the realization that success is imminent, the resultant gratitude is a totally legitimate Item. Convention and good manner dictate that the last item (#10) be used for this celebration of food fortune.3) Hey! Speaking of hosts of this bloghop we are happy to announce a new host has joined the Board of Hostinae. Misky 

* music * *


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ten Things of Thankful 1010 i.e. a video is surely a multiple of words

 Ten Things of Thankful for the 89th of October, 2924. AD

Hey, it's been a while for us doing a video post. So, let's get to the list. 

First things first, lets go all allograftic on our Grats (donor: the Wakefield Doctrine, recipient; aww you making us blush)

For this week we are grateful for:

1) Having the ipso facto patience and support of the Board of Hostinae

2) the concept of hypograt in a gratitude bloghop

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. pick of the Week: 'The Burning Tower'   by Cynthia Calhoun

5) the Unicorn Challenge. pick of the Week: 'A Chance Encounter'   by Sally

6) [Hypograt] Struggling with linkz after remembering (at about 1:13 am)  that we'd forgotten to post TToT link. Subsequent Grat (see #7)

7) Realized the membership we thought we had, had reverted to a free (aka kinda useless) account. Once restored, got Link out to all the members of the Board of Hostinae

8) computers and online (and solitaire) to pass the time when sleep was...elusive

9) Somebody say, "Roll the Movie?!?!" Coming right up

10)  Secret Rule 1.3





Hey! Remind me next week! (As Mimi did just a minute ago) to post the link thing

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"ruh-roe if you read the first edition of the Doctrine's TToT post... don't throw it out! (that bad-boy's gonna go all upside biplane in the marketplace)

 Ten Things of Regretful Thankful Saturday-the-almost-13th Edition!

Don't tell anyone* but we got the linkz link wrong for this week. 

Mistakes were made. We've accepted everyone's thoughts and prayers and are ready for a fresh start!

This is the Blogger Edition**

So, lest we wake the Spirit of Lizzi Past, lets get right down to a list everyone here can easily understand1

1) the Wakefield Doctrine

2) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  Six Pick of the week:  ...[a Café Six]  (the) the Wakefield Doctrine

3) the Unicorn Challenge   Read this one!

4) the internet (without which, surely something like a bloghop would, at the very least, take a lot longer.... ("Honey? Mimi has written a Comment, should I tell the typesetter to get out his bag of lead slugs so you try the She-typeset-He-typeset?)

5) Speaking of Mimi, we totally want to include the entire Board of Hostinae in our TToT this week. This for reasons that will be assigned a number (Hey, gratitude blog writing-istically speaking, we were born at night but we weren't born last night.)

6) the Board: Mimi, Denise, DyanneLisa and Kristi

7) This week in particular, we are grateful for their patience and such. A little trouble with the linking code. That, notwithstanding, we will repeat our Special Offer: So you want to Host a Bloghop? You totally can! Just fill out the Questionnaire and send it in! Think of the difference it will make at your next party!

8) So, you're at a party. It's getting on into the evening, (Try to remember back to a time in your life before 'Look at the Time' was a social anchor, as opposed to, "Hey Baby/Man, the night is young.Grat 9

9) as opposed to the person writing and/or reading this entry

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* we're referring to the Board of Hostinae., of course

** as in, 'anything!?!? you're sure now... this is a person, who when Sunday Night'd for a assignment to: Write a Review of a Movie (in Creative Lit class) made up the movie, then wrote a Review (oh,, the humanity



Saturday, October 5, 2024

Please Bear with us (??!@# Bears?!?!?!... ) no, ha ha, no bears. Just adjusting to a bi-format TToT

This is the Wakefield Doctrine's contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

(You'll find a blogger version of this week's TToT over at the Group in the Facebook and, of course on

Wait, disregard that previous sentence. We are here, in fact, on behalf of the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. (May Lizzi be Praised).

Suspect we need to get all bifurcated on our weekly submissions, at least in terms of author specific Grats

(ed. Maybe next week?)

1) Phyllis ---↓ (not Phyllis...rather your photophobic (and some might add, Unreliable) Narrator*

2) Una --------------------------------------↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine.  * Yeah, lets run with this asterix: there are at present Five (5) Co-hostinae We will, for purposes that will become obvious as we type (god-willing), be supplanting of Items on this list as we lurch towards Redemption and the Publish button.** 

4) the end of Summer1

5) the comprehensiveness and implicit sophistication of a Grat Bloghop including the concept of HypoGratuity (see Grat 6 below for reference and/or further explication)

6) our resident expert Mimi will be happy to explain, in a manner that, while possibly less of the smart-alec, juvenile approach, i.e. when you get a flat tire but the person who stops without prompting is really: nice/hot/cool/did-we-mention-hot?, than we we are capable of... maintaining, seeing as she does an appreciation of the larger, less self-centered view of life and such

7) the Unicorn Challenge.  the 'corn Pick of the Week. ** Not for nothin' but we are, in fact, painfully aware of the limits of the Writing Style (intoned with a total lack of sarcasm) oft referred to as Stream-of-Consciousness (SOC) We do request any suggestions, advice, admonitions and 'wth??!' be shared with all Hostettes (Grat 8)

8) the Six Sentence Story. 'Hey! Ya gotta read this 'un  Co-hosts: Kristi, Dyanne, Lisa, Denise and Mimi

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3
