
Friday, November 20, 2020

'Twas The Weekend Before Thanksgiving


It's the weekend before Thanksgiving. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful to have this time to do some pre-Thanksgiving prep. You know what that means? I bake cookies and rolls and pies ahead of time, and my family eats them, and then I have to do it AGAIN on Wednesday.

It's okay. Baking is love.

What are your thankfuls this week? 

Write them. It's easier than you think. 

Link up. 

Visit the other participants' posts and comment.

The Ten Things of Thankful is LIVE. NOW.


  1. Those look delicious!!!! Too bad I don't live closer to you because I would be eating them too! LOL

    Hoping to be back in the flow soon...too many Christmas projects on my plate from the crafting perspective to sit down and blog. Especially with all of the unexpected doc appointments that have popped up the last couple of weeks.

    Have a wonderful day and weekend.

    Hugs from Texas

    1. Take care of you and get those projects done! We are here whenever you are ready to get back to the blog!

  2. Enjoy the baking for me, i am going to barely have time to get it all done, but i am loving it anyway.

    1. It's a busy time of the year, but a good kind of busy!


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