
Friday, November 27, 2020

After Thanksgiving....

Thanksgiving is in our rearview mirror. Being thankful is not.

What are you thankful for this week? 


Black Friday shopping deals?

The kitchen all cleaned up and everything put away? (you're some kind of sorcerer if that's true)

The days getting shorter and shorter? (just kidding)

Take the time to write down your thankfuls. Link up with us at Ten Things of Thankful. See what others are thankful. Comment on their thankfuls. Repeat next week.

This week's link is live!

Friday, November 20, 2020

'Twas The Weekend Before Thanksgiving


It's the weekend before Thanksgiving. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful to have this time to do some pre-Thanksgiving prep. You know what that means? I bake cookies and rolls and pies ahead of time, and my family eats them, and then I have to do it AGAIN on Wednesday.

It's okay. Baking is love.

What are your thankfuls this week? 

Write them. It's easier than you think. 

Link up. 

Visit the other participants' posts and comment.

The Ten Things of Thankful is LIVE. NOW.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Here's To New Beginnings!

 (approaches microphone slowly)

*tap tap tap*

Is this on?

*cough cough*


Um, it's me, your new host of Ten Things of Thankful.

I'm Dyanne. Yes, pronounced the same as Diane. My mom named me after someone.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself.

Ummm.... I've been blogging at Backsies Is What There Is Not since March 2012 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The blog started as a way for me to record and remember my journey, and now that I am 8 years cancer-free, it has evolved into just stuff that comes out of my brain and onto the page. It's rarely deep. Sometimes it's funny. 

I live in Joplin, Missouri, known for Route 66 and a big tornado. Oh, and a Bonnie & Clyde shootout. I have been a preschool teacher for 19 years, now teaching 2s and 3s at a university child development center. I have a husband who is always wary when I write about him (and even more wary when he reads my Six Sentence Stories and their recurring theme). I have two kids: a son who is 7/8 of the way through medical school at University of Oklahoma and a daughter 7/8 of the way through a political science/journalism degree at University of Arkansas. Boomer Sooner! Woo Pig! They, too, are somewhat disturbed by that Six Sentence Story recurring theme....

I hope I can do 1/10th of what Kristi, Wendy, and Lizzi have done with the Ten Things of Thankful. I'm kind of an underachiever, so make that 1/100th. In any case. I would love to see the TToT hop grow and flourish. More importantly, I am terrified of it foundering and sinking. Or floundering and dying. Or, well, you get the picture.

I also have a strong fear of rejection. I won't even ask people to be my friend on Facebook if they're standing next to me saying "add me!" for fear they won't. So PLEASE join us at the TToT, and please "hop" to the other entries and leave kind bloggy comments! 

Ummm...okay, that's all I have.

See you at the hop....

*sound of fumbling for "off" button on microphone*

Dammit! How do I turn this thing---



Friday, November 6, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: November 6, 2020


A stock photo from that shows the word "Thankful" with cut out shapes of leaves, acorns, and pumpkins surrounding it

I have an important announcement: beginning next week, I (Kristi of Thankful Me) am stepping down as the host of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, and Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not will be taking my place. I met Dyanne early on in the history of the TToT, as we were both co-hosts when Lizzi started the party.  Dyanne's posts are real, her sense of humor shines through even in difficult situations, she's the queen of arts and craft projects with the under-5 set, she's a great tour guide (we got to meet in real life last year!!!) and, oh, yeah, we learned we are distant cousins! The TToT will be in excellent hands. 

Be sure to give Dyanne a warm welcome, and let's get this party started! :-)

Linking up this week: