
Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

For those celebrating, it's a busy day of gifts and family and food. 

But know what? You don't have to write your post on Christmas Day, because the Ten Things of Thankful link stays open until 11:45 CST on Monday, December 28!

So enjoy your holiday. Open gifts. Exclaim over them even if you hate them. Eat too much. Treasure your family, especially if you're lucky enough to be with them. Then join us when you can.

We'll be here.

Friday, December 18, 2020

All Is NOT Calm But It Will Be Soon

I think the last day of school before Christmas break is a teacher's happiest day. I know, you thought it would be the last day of the school year, but it's not. Summer is vague. No school and swimming and lazy days. It's fun to look forward to, but Christmas? Complete and total excitement! Christmas trees! Lights! Santa! Reindeer! Cookies! Elves! Presents! Even the littlest littles know t his.

I teach those littlest littles.

And finally, there is a (Christmas) light at the end of the tunnel.

Just. Have. To. Make. It. Through. Today.

So many thankfuls wrapped up in that one paragraph. 

Find yours.

Write them.

Post them.

Link them.

Visit the other posts.


Do it all while eating great quantities of sugary treats.

The Ten Things of Thankful link is live.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

I'm A Big Loser, But What Else Is New?

 Gahhhh! Worst blog hop host in the univerrrrrrrse!!!

I had too many balls up in the air this weekend.

Totally my bad.

This is the Ten Things of Thankful. It's a blog hop. Write ten things you are thankful for. Link up your post below. Visit the others. Comment. Repeat.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Lemme Hear A Woot Woot!

It's December and this dreadfully long year is nearly over. Can I hear a "woot woot"?

We're closer and closer to a vaccine. Woot woot!

Christmas lights. Woot woot!

Only 106 days until spring. Woot woot! 

With a tremendous amount of tech support from Kristie, I may have gotten the code thing figured out for the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. Woot woot!

There's half a thankful list. Boom! See how easy it is? 

Y'all. Write 'em down and link 'em up. The hop is live!

And wear a mask.

Woot woot!

Friday, November 27, 2020

After Thanksgiving....

Thanksgiving is in our rearview mirror. Being thankful is not.

What are you thankful for this week? 


Black Friday shopping deals?

The kitchen all cleaned up and everything put away? (you're some kind of sorcerer if that's true)

The days getting shorter and shorter? (just kidding)

Take the time to write down your thankfuls. Link up with us at Ten Things of Thankful. See what others are thankful. Comment on their thankfuls. Repeat next week.

This week's link is live!

Friday, November 20, 2020

'Twas The Weekend Before Thanksgiving


It's the weekend before Thanksgiving. I don't know about you, but I'm thankful to have this time to do some pre-Thanksgiving prep. You know what that means? I bake cookies and rolls and pies ahead of time, and my family eats them, and then I have to do it AGAIN on Wednesday.

It's okay. Baking is love.

What are your thankfuls this week? 

Write them. It's easier than you think. 

Link up. 

Visit the other participants' posts and comment.

The Ten Things of Thankful is LIVE. NOW.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Here's To New Beginnings!

 (approaches microphone slowly)

*tap tap tap*

Is this on?

*cough cough*


Um, it's me, your new host of Ten Things of Thankful.

I'm Dyanne. Yes, pronounced the same as Diane. My mom named me after someone.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself.

Ummm.... I've been blogging at Backsies Is What There Is Not since March 2012 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The blog started as a way for me to record and remember my journey, and now that I am 8 years cancer-free, it has evolved into just stuff that comes out of my brain and onto the page. It's rarely deep. Sometimes it's funny. 

I live in Joplin, Missouri, known for Route 66 and a big tornado. Oh, and a Bonnie & Clyde shootout. I have been a preschool teacher for 19 years, now teaching 2s and 3s at a university child development center. I have a husband who is always wary when I write about him (and even more wary when he reads my Six Sentence Stories and their recurring theme). I have two kids: a son who is 7/8 of the way through medical school at University of Oklahoma and a daughter 7/8 of the way through a political science/journalism degree at University of Arkansas. Boomer Sooner! Woo Pig! They, too, are somewhat disturbed by that Six Sentence Story recurring theme....

I hope I can do 1/10th of what Kristi, Wendy, and Lizzi have done with the Ten Things of Thankful. I'm kind of an underachiever, so make that 1/100th. In any case. I would love to see the TToT hop grow and flourish. More importantly, I am terrified of it foundering and sinking. Or floundering and dying. Or, well, you get the picture.

I also have a strong fear of rejection. I won't even ask people to be my friend on Facebook if they're standing next to me saying "add me!" for fear they won't. So PLEASE join us at the TToT, and please "hop" to the other entries and leave kind bloggy comments! 

Ummm...okay, that's all I have.

See you at the hop....

*sound of fumbling for "off" button on microphone*

Dammit! How do I turn this thing---



Friday, November 6, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: November 6, 2020


A stock photo from that shows the word "Thankful" with cut out shapes of leaves, acorns, and pumpkins surrounding it

I have an important announcement: beginning next week, I (Kristi of Thankful Me) am stepping down as the host of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, and Dyanne of Backsies Is What There Is Not will be taking my place. I met Dyanne early on in the history of the TToT, as we were both co-hosts when Lizzi started the party.  Dyanne's posts are real, her sense of humor shines through even in difficult situations, she's the queen of arts and craft projects with the under-5 set, she's a great tour guide (we got to meet in real life last year!!!) and, oh, yeah, we learned we are distant cousins! The TToT will be in excellent hands. 

Be sure to give Dyanne a warm welcome, and let's get this party started! :-)

Linking up this week:

Friday, October 30, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Halloween Weekend!


A stock photo from shows a smiling jack-o-lantern wrapped in a strand of lights

Trick or treat! No matter if and how you are celebrating this weekend, I hope you will take the time to share with us what you are thankful for!

Joining the party this week:

Friday, October 23, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: October 23, 2020


Seven leaves, ranging from green to red, hang from a piece of twine
(stock photo from Picmonkey)

As I look around my neighborhood, I see the color of the leaves. Greens are changing to yellows, golds, oranges, and deep reds. I'm thankful for the colors of autumn. What have you noticed this week that you are thankful for? 

Joining the blog hop this week:

Friday, October 16, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: October 16, 2020


Stock photo from picmonkey that shows a black lab sitting next to three pumpkins

If the dog in the photo above could talk, what would he be thankful for today? What are YOU thankful for? Link up a post and/or comment below!

Joining this week's party:

Friday, October 9, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: October 9, 2020

A stock photo from picmonkey of a wooden orange polka-dotted pumpkin, with the words "Be thankful," sitting on top of a beige sweater. The sweater is laying on a wooden floor.

Is it sweater weather where you are? I've started wearing a sweatshirt for my early morning walks, but the days have been very comfortable. While asking about the weather is usually just thought of as a safe, easy conversation-starter, it can also spark feelings of gratitude: for shelter, clothing, warmth, etc. What are you thankful for this week? 


Friday, October 2, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: October is Here!


A printed image of an autumn landscape, with a house, barn, fields, and trees

Happy October! I hope your month has started out calmly and peacefully, like the image above. No matter how it has started, though, I hope you have noticed things that have brought you a feeling of thankfulness. Please share your own Ten Things of Thankful list with us, then go read and comment on the posts other bloggers have written. 

Joining the blog hop this week:

The Prolific Pulse 

Thankful Me


Heart to Heart Soul Creations

A Multitude of Musings

On my Way Home

messymimi's meanderings

Two Shoes in 2020

Carin's Gratitude

A season and a time

the Wakefield Doctrine


Friday, September 25, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: September 25, 2020


Yellow trees in the foreground accentuate a red rock arch at Bryce Canyon in Utah in 2018

Autumn has officially arrived. Are you looking forward to thick socks, sweaters, and pumpkin everything, or will you miss the hot long days of summer? Or maybe both? No matter what season the calendar says, it's always time to be thankful! I hope you will join us again by sharing a post of gratitude.  

Joining the party this week:

Friday, September 18, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: September 18, 2020

I've had time to reflect this week on how being thankful is a choice. Gratitude isn't ignoring the hard times, but rather being able to find good even in the midst of challenges. No matter what life is handing you now, I hope you can find those silver linings. Whether you are in some stormy times, or life is smooth sailing, you are invited to write down things that you are thankful for and share them with the Ten Things of Thankful community. 

Joining the party this week:

Thankful Me

The Prolific Pulse


A Multitude of Musings

On my Way Home

messymimi's meanderings

Carin's Gratitude

A season and a time

the Wakefield Doctrine

Backsies Is What There Is Not

Friday, September 11, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: September 11, 2020

In typing the date on the title of this blog post, I realize that it has been 19 years since that terrible morning when the Twin Towers came down. Although I'm sure there have been other notable things that have happened on that date, and other notable things happened that year, 9/11 has become synonymous with 2001, and has become another "date which will live in infamy." Looking back (one might say with 2020 vision), we can see that even in the midst of great sadness and terror, we could, as Mr. Rogers counseled, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." 

9/11/2020 finds us still in the midst of a pandemic, and plenty of other challenges, too, but September 11 has been designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. As we find ways to serve others, we can help ourselves, too. We can lift and encourage each other, and we'll see the silver linings in our own lives. We will develop gratitude. I hope we will all take the time to be a helper today, and to recognize the good things in our lives. When you have your list, write it down and share it with us--one of your items might spark someone else to remember that they are thankful for that thing, too!

Joining the blog hop this week:

Thankful Me

The Prolific Pulse


A season and a time

On my Way Home

messymimi's meanderings

the Wakefield Doctrine

Minda Goes West

Friday, September 4, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: September 4, 2020


Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

September brings shorter days, cooler temperatures, and all things pumpkin flavored. Depending on your point of view, those might be things to be thankful for, or things to endure until next summer. Regardless, I trust that you can find things that you are thankful for and share them with the class. :-) 

When you link your post up, please link to your specific post, not just your blog url. It makes it much easier for readers to find! Thank you!

Also, as it seems that each week lately I have had to remove some posts from the blog hop, please note the following:

While we are rather lax on the number of items of gratitude required in a Ten Things of Thankful post, we do remain committed to the focus of the posts. We welcome all on-topic posts, but remain the right to remove any posts that don't share in our purpose of expressing thankfulness. Thanks for understanding!

Now that we have that out of the way, let's see those lists! 

Joining in this week:

Thankful Me

A Multitude of Musings

The Prolific Pulse

On my Way Home

Two Shoes in 2020

messymimi's meanderings

A season and a time

the Wakefield Doctrine

Friday, August 28, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: August 28, 2020


Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

I hope that the end of August finds you well, happy, and safe from the elements. If so, you are 3 items into a Ten Things of Thankful post. Think of 7 (or so)  more things, and come join the TToT community!

Participating in the blog hop this week:

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: August 21, 2020


Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

It's raining ash in California and chocolate in Switzerland, but hopefully no matter where you live it's also raining reasons to be thankful. Come join this weekly exercise and link up a post that lists 10 things you are thankful for today! 

As always, Please remember when you link your post, to link to the post itself, not just the title of your blog. It will make it easier for readers to find.  If that doesn't make sense, please ask for help. Thanks! 

Joining the blog hop this week:

Friday, August 14, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: August 14, 2020


Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

The dog days of summer are in full swing, at least in my neck of the woods. Grab yourself a lemonade and head inside where it is cool, and come join the Ten Things of Thankful community as we share together reasons to be thankful. The link is open until Tuesday night, so you have plenty of time!

Please remember when you link your post, to link to the post itself, not just the title of your blog. It will make it easier for readers to find. (For example, if I were linking up last week's link up post, I would put in:, and not just Let me know if you need further explanation or help. Thanks! 

Joining us this week:

Friday, August 7, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: August 7, 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

Welcome to this long-standing blog hop of thankfulness! We are a group of bloggers who live in the real world and experience our own challenges, yet choose to find "silver linings" and remember to be thankful. Won't you join us? 

When you link up, please remember to link up a specific post, not just your blog. That will help readers find your TToT post easily. Thank you! :-)

Joining in this week:

Friday, July 31, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: July 31, 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

We're smack-dab in the middle of summer, and I hope you are finding many reasons to be thankful. Come join our weekly show-and-tell! Gratitude is contagious--even more so than COVID-19! 

Joining us this week:

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: July 24, 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to think over the past week or so, make a list of things for which you are thankful, and then share it with us. Come join us! 

Participating this week:

Friday, July 17, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: July 17, 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

It's Friday,  so you know what that means--time to think back and list the things you are thankful for this week! Some weeks are harder than others, of course, but practicing gratitude is a great exercise, even (and maybe even especially) during those challenging weeks. So, whether you are enjoying summer or having a hard time, you are invited to join us! 

Participating this week:

Friday, July 10, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: July 10, 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

Welcome to another link up of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, where participants gather from all over the world to share the things they are thankful for. Whether you've just stumbled across this hop, or whether you are a regular participant, we hope you will join us. We are thankful for you!

Joining in this week:

Friday, July 3, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: July Already!

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

Hello and welcome to another week (and month) of my favorite blog hop, the Ten Things of Thankful. It's my favorite because not only does it give me the opportunity to reflect back on the past week and look for the good, but my friends join me! The TToT always has room for more friends, so I will ask you the same question Mr. Rogers asked on every episode, "Won't you be my neighbor?"

Linking up this week:

Friday, June 26, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: End of June 2020

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.
Another week has gone by, and another month has gone by. In fact, we're halfway through 2020! (That's worth celebrating, right?) Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and let us know what you are thankful for this week!

Linking up this week:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Father's Day and Summer Solstice

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

On Sunday here in the United States, we celebrate Father's Day, and Monday marks the summer solstice, so I hope you all have lots of reasons to be thankful! Write 'em down and link 'em up! 

Linking up this week:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Thank you!

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

A great big thank you for everyone who participated in last weekend's Ten Things of Thankful birthday bash! It was so nice to touch base with all of you. Please know the door is always open!

So, on this 7 years plus one week of the TTOT, what's on your list?

Participating this week:

Friday, June 5, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful: Celebration Time!

Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.
Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart.

Once upon a time in England (seven years ago), a blogger named Lizzi had a great idea. She was in a bit of a dark spot in her life, but decided she would try to find "Ten Things of Thankful" each week, and invited others to join with her. Her voice resonated around the world, and bloggers of all different demographic divisions unified in the purpose of expressing gratitude. Lizzi invited co-hosts to join her. Each weekend, bloggers raced to be the "frist" to comment on the posts, and the comment threads took on lives of their own. Friendships were formed, and a community was born. 

Years went by, Lizzi needed a break, and so she handed over the reins to Josie Two Shoes. Josie served as a gracious, welcoming hostess, and gave the TToT its own blog. She wrote long, detailed comments on the linked-up posts, and was a friend to all. 

At the point Josie stepped down, she kindly allowed me (Kristi of Thankful Me) to take over the hosting responsibilities. Clark, Dyanne, Lisa and Pat have generously donated their time to help keep the Ten Things of Thankful going. Clark and Dyanne have been co-hosts since the early days; Lisa and Pat have been dedicated to the cause since they came across the TToT. 

One of the early co-hosts was Kristi of FindingNinee. She hosts a weekly blog hop called Finish the Sentence Friday, and this week our blog hops are combining into one big party! Be sure to check out her great blog!

I'm so thankful for all the hosts/co-hosts throughout the years, and for YOU! What's a blog hop without bloggers to join? Today, no matter if you remember the first TToT, or if this is your first time joining us, welcome to the celebration! Cut yourself a piece of cake, put on a party hat, and celebrate with us! What are you thankful for today?

Some of the co-hosts (and their family members) hold signs that spell out, "Happy 7th birthday TToT. Here's to 7 more!"

This week's attendees: