Welcome to Ten Things of Thankful!
We gather here each weekend to share our posts about the things we are thankful for in our lives, and sometimes just to report that we've survived a difficult week; when we start focusing on the positives and the silver linings, we are able see that life is good. We also encourage each other by sharing pieces of our own journey. The people who participate in TToT are a truly awesome bunch from all age groups and all walks of life; I hope you'll join us and invite your blog friends to do the same, everyone is welcome!
At Ten Things of Thankful we believe that there are many little things in our lives to be thankful for each day as well as the big things that stand out. Keep in mind that you are not required to list ten things if you can't come up with that many, nobody is keeping score, just do the best you can! You'll find that once you get started, more things tend to pop into your head. There is no specific format required for your post, you are encouraged to do it your way. Variety makes it interesting! :-)
This week's TToT link-up will open shortly after midnight (Central Time) on Thursday night, and will remain open until Tuesday night, so you have plenty of time to work on your post.
Please visit as many of the links as possible, sharing your thoughts is what this group is all about; and PLEASE check back next week for new links that were added later, those folks will appreciate your comments too!
Thank you for your part in making our Ten Things of Thankful blog such an uplifting experience!
Josie Two Shoes
TToT Administrator
Please take a moment to answer the following question in the comments section below. It's a fun way for us to get to know each other a little better. What is your favorite quotation?
There are so many great quotes, but i think my favorite has to be the one that is also my favorite Bible verse, Psalm 51:11 Create in me a clean heart, oh G-d, and renew a right spirit within me.
ReplyDeleteAfter i decided to write that, i looked up my devotional reading for the day, and that was the verse!
A beautiful Bible verse, shared with perfect synchronicity! This verse speaks to our hope of restoration and renewal which is our deepest longing. <3
DeleteI think my favourite quote can change depending on what's going on in my life. Right now my favourite quote is by Alan Watts and is: "No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen".
ReplyDeleteThis is something I need to remember on an almost-daily basis and it does help me to stress less!
That's one I need to remember too, Jo! Anxiety and the fear it breeds is the biggest crippler and waste of time and energy, and yet it's so easy to get caught up in it. Learning not to be fearful is hard... but it's doable, and I continue to work on it! XO
DeleteI have many favorites, but this one popped into mind: "Someone should keep reminding Mr. Average Man that he was born free, divine, strong; uncrushable by fate, society, or hell itself; and that he is a child of God, equal heir to all the bounties of God; and that goodness is riches, kindness is power, and freedom is glory." (Frank Capra)
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful, strengthening quote to remind us of our inheritance and our potential, Kristi. I love this! <3
DeleteWait...is this THE Josie!? Full disclosure: I've been WAITING and WANTING to find a place to comment - gratefully - for your hosting the TToT. Though I only post on Mondays, I've been enjoying reading these TToT posts. And I've been going to your blog, anxiously awaiting an update so that I might comment and express my GRATITUDE for you. :) But I clicked through on one of your posts and landed here...so yay!
ReplyDeleteYes, this is the Josie Two Shoes that you speak of! :-) I haven't been inspired to return to my main blog yet, but probably will at the beginning of the month. In the mean time, check out this link - http://wjhbhth.blogspot.com
DeleteI am thankful that you find reading the weekly TToT posts that are shared here to be an enjoyable exercise. To me they are so encouraging and always make me feel good about life! XOXO
The first quote that comes to mind is "There's no crying in baseball." But that is sort of a joke, although I do fight crying when the urge surfaces. I think I love Maya Angelou's "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
ReplyDeleteI think that so many of us were brought up to believe that crying was a form of weakness, Val. We know now that it's a necessary cleansing from time to time.
DeleteI love Maya Angelou's quote, it's not about how much time we have, but what we do with it, and that includes each and every day because it's really the only moment we have for certain! XO
I loves quotes, and it's hard to choose just one or even two, but here are a couple of my favorites that embody my life philosophy...
ReplyDelete"Do small things with great love" - Mother Teresa
"We are all just walking each other home." - Ram Dass
I see these two quotes as being the "what we should do" and "why we should do it" lessons of life. The older I get the more sense it makes.
DeleteI apologize to everyone for being so tardy in getting around to comment on this week's posts. Papa Bear and I were out of town Saturday, and I try to limit my computer time most Sundays since it's the only day we have to spend together each week. Today I am playing catch up from last week, and have been scrambling with house chores, phone calls, and the like. If I don't comment on your post this evening, I will definitely do so in the morning! It always makes me happy to come and see what each of you has brought to share! I also promise to be more on the ball next week, God willing!
ReplyDeleteNo need for apologies. I would never fault someone for living the motto, "Family first." Glad you had a good anniversary weekend!
DeleteI love quotes, as my past TToT posts will prove, but I'd like to go with something a lady from my local writing group said that I think gets down to it, especially for me most days.
ReplyDelete"The thing about patience is that you just have to have some."
To-the-point and so true. I'm working on it.
That's a great quote, such a simple truth about life, and a lesson we all have to learn. I have read that patience is the art of concealing your impatience, but I think that I am getting better at letting go of things that need to work out in their own time.