Welcome to Ten Things of Thankful!
We gather here each weekend to share our posts about the things we are thankful for in our lives, and sometimes just to report that we've survived a difficult week; when we start focusing on the positives and the silver linings, we are able see that life is good. We also encourage each other by sharing pieces of our own journey. The people who participate in TToT are a truly awesome bunch from all age groups and all walks of life; I hope you'll join us and invite your blog friends to do the same, everyone is welcome!
At Ten Things of Thankful we believe that there are many little things in our lives to be thankful for each day as well as the big things that stand out. Keep in mind that you are not required to list ten things if you can't come up with that many, nobody is keeping score, just do the best you can! You'll find that once you get started, more things tend to pop into your head! There is no specific format required for your post, you are encouraged to do it your way. Variety makes it interesting! :-)
This week's TToT link-up will open shortly after midnight (Central Time) on Thursday night, and will remain open until Tuesday night, so you have plenty of time to work on your post.
Please visit as many of the links as possible, sharing your thoughts is what this group is all about; and PLEASE check back next week for new links that were added later, those folks will appreciate your comments too!
Thank you for your part in making our Ten Things of Thankful blog such a blessing,
Josie Two Shoes
TToT Administrator
Please take a moment to answer the following question in the comments section below. It's a fun way for us to get to know each other a little better. What is one thing you've learned in the first half of this year?
I have learnt not to hurt anyone.
ReplyDeleteHello Zainab! I am happy to see you joining in today, welcome! Not to hurt anyone is a wonderful thing to learn, and a great goal to continue! Sometimes we hurt people we care about without intending to, but it is important that we never do or say things to hurt others intentionally. If we are angry or upset with them we need to find another way to deal with it.
DeleteOne of the things I've learned in the past six months is to have more faith, to stress less about things I have little or no control over and just take life day by day.
ReplyDeleteThe first half of this year i have learned better how to hold my tongue.
ReplyDeleteThat is always a work in progress for me Mimi, living with Papa Bear has been a great influence on minding my mouth! We have far fewer regrets when we learn to monitor how many of our thoughts we share.
DeleteI'm not sure I have learned anything, but I have been reminded of things I know are true - Me and only me is responsible for my self care. Love is always the answer. And to turn off the news sometimes to avoid extreme anxiety.
ReplyDeleteAll three of those are awesome and much needed reminders in today's world, Val! Self care is important and too many of us were raised without that understanding. I absolutely believe that love is always the answer. And yes, although we need to be aware of what's happening we don't have to saturate our hearts and minds with all the ugliness in the world. That serves no healthy purpose. I am so glad to see you back with us this week! <3
DeleteThe first half of the year I have learned that I need to take the time to care for myself, do things that fill me up so I can continue to care for my family without depleting myself to the point of breaking.
ReplyDeleteThat's such an extremely important lesson for us all to learn, Elizabeth. Somehow along the way we picked up the message that we shouldn't focus on ourselves, and we took that too far, focusing all our energy on everyone but ourselves. Just as you note, that depletes us, drains us until we have no more to give and no joy left to share. If we nurture our own souls, we will have all that we need to care for others as well!
DeleteI've learned that even the biggest challenges can be tackled in small increments enough to make a difference.
ReplyDeleteThat's an empowering lesson, Pat! It is easy to get so overwhelmed by big issues and projects, one step at a time we can conquer them! I am still working on just taking that first step, and then another!
DeleteRegretfully, I missed the TToT this week, but I just completed a podcast episode with my brother where we focused on the first half of 2017, as it stands. I thought, then, that I would still comment here.
ReplyDeleteI've learned that I am capable of much more than I think I am. Lovely surprise, I have to say.