
Thursday, June 9, 2022

Time Traveling Thankfuls

Nine years ago this week, the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop was born. My blog friend Christine (who doesn't blog anymore, which is a real shame, but if you are ever in need of some belly laughs from someone who was raising 6 kids while trying to manage a small farm while her husband worked in the city, then check out A Fly On Our Chicken Coop Wall) was a co-host, and she asked me if I would participate. And I did, then became a co-host myself a few months later, and here I still am!

To commemorate the anniversary, following is my very first Ten Things of Thankful post:

1. I am thankful that I'm not Rafael Nadal's wife mom housekeeper and have to wash these socks he wore to the French Open.

2. I'm thankful that I didn't backhand my 17 year old son when he went all know-it-all while packing for a one week mission trip to Colorado. And wasn't planning on taking more than one pair of jeans. And hadn't read the checklist of what to take for all the activities they would be doing (and, more importantly, what NOT to take). And wouldn't believe me when I referred to said checklist.

3. I am thankful that I made a trip to Walmart today and did not lose the car in the parking lot. This is an anomaly.

4. I am thankful that my husband agreed to get up with me at 5:30 (as in A.M.) every day this week to work out at the Y, and that he wants to go on Saturday as well. And that he admits I was right that, as trite as it sounds, it gets your metabolism going and gives you energy all day.

5. I am thankful that I am home during the summer and am able to take a nap during the day when that 5:30 workout hits me between the eyes and I can't hold them open any longer.

6. I'm thankful that my husband didn't seriously hurt himself when his socked feet slid out from under him while he was leaning against the sink this evening, eating homemade pizza (which was DELICIOUS - spinach, sauteed mushrooms and caramelized onions on whole wheat crust).



7. I'm thankful that he didn't get mad at me when I laughed, even as I was checking to see if he was okay. (It's a family trait that we laugh when someone falls, which is completely inappropriate,  I KNOW.)

8. I am thankful my parents bought too many freshly picked green beans and new potatoes at the old order Mennonite settlement's produce stand and shared them with me. I have a ham bone in the deep freeze that I've been saving for an occasion such as this.

9. I am thankful that Teri Biebel @ Snarkfest and Jenn @ Something Clever 2.0 have both favorited comments I made on Twitter, because it makes me feel like I'm all that (and also implies I know what I'm doing on Twitter, which, sadly, I don't).

10. I'm thankful for my sweet friend Christine @ A Fly On Our (Chicken Coop) Wall because she (1) always encourages me, (2) was brave enough to do this link-up, (3) writes posts that always get to me on an emotional level, from raucous laughter to tender tugs at my heart, (4) draws the best pig/elephants I have ever seen.  (I could list about a hundred more, but I don't want her to get all big-headed about it.)

*Okay, I fudged a little. #9 actually happened over the course of about a week or so. So sue me.

Now it's YOUR turn. Write your Ten Things of Thankful post and link up with us, mmmkay?

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your first TToT post! Wow! The marks of that fall must have turned into an ugly black bruise. Glad that is all in the past now.
    #7 I think there is a name for that kind of an inappropriate reaction in a stressful situation. It is embarrassing when you are the one doing the laughing because you know you shouldn't be laughing.
    I enjoyed Christine's posts too.


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