
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Now We Are Six!

Photo: A bunch of colorful balloons against a glittery background. Three balloons spell out "Ten Things of Thankful," while the others have "TTOT" on them.
In June of 2013, Lizzi Lewis began a blog hop she called the Ten Things of Thankful. The idea was simple, yet powerful: list 10 things that you are thankful for each week. She invited others to join her in co-hosting the blog hop, and thus was born a strong worldwide community whose uniting factor was thankfulness. Lizzi encouraged us to look for the silver linings when life was dark and stormy, and showed us by example how to do just that.

Years passed, and Lizzi turned the hosting over to Josie Two Shoes, who was the perfect person to continue the TToT tradition. Both Lizzi and Josie wrote detailed, thorough comments, and made all participants feel welcome. When Josie decided to step down from hosting, I volunteered to take her place, because I believe in the power of thankfulness, and I wanted to make sure the Ten Things of Thankful remained open. 

Now, here we are in June 2019, and the TToT is 6 years old. A.A. Milne knows that six is a wonderful age, and I anticipate great things ahead for the TToT. Whether you are a long-time participant, or are joining us for the first time today, welcome, and thank you! Please make sure to read the linked posts, and comment. Commenting on comments is also allowed. A special shout-out to Kristi of Finding Ninee who was one of the early co-hosts, and who hosts the blog hop Finish the Sentence Friday. Today we are joining forces and the FTSF prompt is Ten Things of Thankful. Welcome to the FTSF folks who are joining us today!

Without further ado, let's get this party started! Ready, set, GO!

Linking up this week:

Finding Ninee
Josie Two Shoes
Josie Two Shoes (second post)
Kiss My List
The Prolific Pulse
Swallow, My Sunshine
Living Center
Considerings (the blog that started it all!)
Being Brady
The Wakefield Doctrine
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
Life is Like a Hand Grenade
Recording Life Under the Radar
Girlie on the Edge
Viola's Daily Musings
Daily Discovery
Backsies is What There is Not
Vineyard, Too
The Meaning of Me

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Thank you, Lizzi, for getting it going and building such a supportive community!

  2. What an awesome turnout!! I've been smiling all weekend as I watched new links pop in, and now finally I have a little quiet time to read what everyone had to say! I think the fact that so many old and new friends wanted to join in says it all about what a great thing this is! :-)

    1. It is awesome! Lizzi certainly hit upon something meaningful, and while making an individual list of thankfuls is beneficial, that benefit is multiplied when shared with others.


We're so glad you're here! Please say hi and share your thoughts with us!