
Friday, December 27, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Year's End 2019

Photo: A vintage image of holly with a ribbon that reads, "ten things of thankful"
The link this week will be open as usual, but I understand that many of you might still be busy with family gatherings. Join in if you have time, but in any case, we'll be back again in January. Happy New Year!

Linking up this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
Backsies is What There is Not
Thankful Me
A Season and a Time
the Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: December 20, 2019

Photo: A vintage image of holly with a ribbon that reads, "ten things of thankful"
The days are short, Christmas is just around the corner, and the year is nearly over. If you have time, please consider taking a moment to reflect. What are you thankful for this week? month? year? 

Linking up this week:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Wakefield Doctrine
A Season and a Time
TeachezWell Blog

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Mid-December 2019

Photo: A vintage image of holly with a ribbon that reads, "ten things of thankful"
When I was a child, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas was much longer than it is now, or at least it seemed that way. As an adult, there is barely enough time to get everything done in time, or at least it seems that way. Taking time to participate in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop helps keep the demands in perspective and refocuses my attention on what is truly important. Won't you join us? 

This week's participants:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
On My Way Home
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude
Backsies is What There is Not

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: December 6, 2019

Photo: A spring of holly with a banner stating, "ten things of thankful"
Happy December! Though this time of year can be hectic, I hope you can find a few quiet moments to think about those things that you are thankful for this week. 

Linking up this week:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude

Friday, November 29, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: November 29, 2019

Photo: An old print of children wearing party hats and sitting around a table, while a woman carries in a cake with a turkey on top.
(Source: The Graphics Fairy)

Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the United States, and I hope you each had a wonderful day. Had we all been able to spend it together, I imagine the celebration would have looked something like the photo above (albeit most of us are a bit older than the children). We definitely would have had cake! 

Come join the Ten Things of Thankful celebration!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: November 22, 2019

vintage pilgrim boy wheelbarrow image
Photo: An old graphic of a child in a pilgrim outfit, pushing a red wheelbarrow filled with a pumpkin and other garden produce, with a caption that reads, "Best Thanksgiving Wishes The gifts of Nature are worth their weight in gold."
(Source: The Graphics Fairy)

The world really is a wonderful place! What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?

Joining us this week:
The Prolific Pulse
Sara Living Free
MessyMimi's Meanderings
On My Way Home
The Wakefield Doctrine
Thankful Me
A Season and a Time

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: November 15, 2019

Photo: An old postcard, with the image of a child pulling a pumpkin in a wagon. The caption reads, "Thanksgiving Greeting A Pumpkin I bring you for Thanksgiving Day, With wishes that plenty may e'er with you stay."
(Source: The Graphics Fairy

In this month of Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for today?

Joining the party this week:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude
Backsies is What There is Not
TeachezWell Blog

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: November 8, 2019

Give Thanks Printables  //  The Graphics Fairy
Photo: "Give Thanks" is written inside an oval frame. Four acorns lend embellishment.
(Source: The Graphics Fairy)
Here in the United States, November is the month of Thanksgiving, and the perfect time to join the Ten Things of Thankful! 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: November 1, 2019

Vintage Clip Art Miss Autumn
Photo: An old print titled, "Miss Autumn" with a girl in a red cape skipping among fallen leaves
(Source: The Graphics Fairy)

On one hand, it's hard to believe that it is November already. On the other, it's hard to believe it's not winter, at least in my neck of the woods. It has been COLD! It's always a good season to be thankful, though, so count to ten and share with us!

Joining in this week so far:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude
Backsies is What There is Not

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: October 25, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
With this being the last weekend in October, you know that November is just around the corner, and with it, the Thanksgiving holiday (at least in the United States). Warm up for the celebration by reflecting on what it is you are thankful for, write it down, and link your post to our blog party, then read and comment on the other linked posts! Ready, set, GO!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: October 18, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Do you live in a place that has four distinct seasons? Whether or not you do, what are you thankful for in this season of the year? In this season of your life? There is always something to be thankful for, so join us at the Ten Things of Thankful in a celebration of gratitude!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: October 11, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"

Looking inward, looking outward, what things do you notice that you are thankful for right now? Quick, jot down ten things in a blog post, and link it up to the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! Then go read the linked posts and comment on each one--that's how this party is done!

This week's participants:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not
Thankful Me

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: October 4, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"

Happy October! For those of you just joining us at the Ten Things of Thankful, let me explain a bit about this blog hop. Each week, people from all over take time out from their schedules to think about the things they are thankful for, write a blog post listing those things, then link the post up with the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) blog hop. Some posts are deep; some posts are light and filled with humor; some posts combine those elements. Posts can be long or short, photo-heavy, a numbered list, poetry . . . you get the idea. Ten is a suggestion, but one item sometimes counts for ten. The idea is to look around, recognize the good in life, express gratitude for those things, and connect with others through comments. Whether this is your first week of participating, or you've been around for years, welcome!   

Joining the party this week:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
Her Headache
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Fall is Here!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Here in the northern hemisphere, even the calendar now says that autumn has arrived. There is just something about fall that seems to make my thoughts turn to gratitude. Maybe it is because Thanksgiving is on the horizon, but I think it is more than that. Whatever the reason, I hope you will join the Ten Things of Thankful community and share with us what you are thankful for this week!

Linking up with posts of gratitude this week:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
Backsies is What There is Not
The Wakefield Doctrine

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: World Gratitude Day #WorldGratitudeDay

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Did you know that September 21st is World Gratitude Day? I hope that you will join the Ten Things of Thankful community and share what you are thankful for this week!

Linking up to this party:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
MessyMimi's Meanderings
TeachezWell Blog
The Wakefield Doctrine
A Season and a Time

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Even on Friday the 13th

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Friday the 13th can't be bad luck, because the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop link up opens today. Let us know what you are thankful for this week!

Linking up this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Thankful Me

Friday, September 6, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Hello, September!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"

September is a great month to think back and reflect. Come join the Ten Things of Thankful community and share with us what you are thankful for this week!

Joining the party this week:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
A Multitude of Musings
Coach Daddy
The Wakefield Doctrine
TeachezWell Blog

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Finishing Up August

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Depending on when you are reading this (and assuming the link is still open) it is either the end of August of the beginning of September.  I recently learned that World Gratitude Day is September 21st. I think we should all warm up for it by making a list of ten things we are thankful for! Ready, set, GO! 😊

Joining the party this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Broken Inside of Me
Carin's Gratitude
Phamily Blog
The Wakefield Doctrine
TeachezWell Blog
Backsies is What There is Not

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: A Human Runs this Blog

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
To state the obvious, a human runs this blog. And this week that human (me) forgot to get this post written and scheduled to publish prior to the opening of the link-up party going live. I'm thankful for your patience with me, and for co-hosts that keep the ball rolling when I'm falling behind! 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Mid-August (Already!)

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
I'm really enjoying summer this year! I would be sad to see it drawing to an end, except I really love fall. Fall is the season of Thanksgiving, but each week of the year is a great time to join in the Ten Things of Thankful! Don't wait until November; join us today! :-)

Joining this week:
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
A Multitude of Musings
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude
Viola's Daily Musings
My Inner MishMash

Friday, August 9, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: August 9, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Is it back to school time where you live? When I was a child, back to school time came after Labor Day, but it seems like school now starts in August. I liked school, but I am thankful that I didn't have to start in August. 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Another Co-host Announcement!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
As you might remember, in June I announced the return of co-hosts to the Ten Things of Thankful. One person said she would be willing to co-host, but she needed to wait until August. Well, guess what? It's August! Please welcome Lisa of The Prolific Pulse as our latest co-host!

I'm thankful for all the co-hosts and bloggers who help spread the word about this blog hop and, of course, for all of you who participate! A blog hop wouldn't be a blog hop without you!

Joining in this week:
The Prolific Pulse
A Season and a Time
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Wakefield Doctrine
Thankful Me
Backsies is What There is Not
Viola's Daily Musings
Carin's Gratitude

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: July 26, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
How is it possible that July is nearly over? I hope you are having lots of summer fun. Tell us what you are thankful for this week!

Linking up this week:
Thankful Me
The Prolific Pulse
Her Headache
A Season and a Time
MessyMimi's Meanderings
Lorraine's Frilly Freudian Slip
A Multitude of Musings
The Wakefield Doctrine
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: July 19, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Welcome to another week of the Ten Things of Thankful. I hope that each of you has had a chance to reflect on things that bring a feeling of gratitude to your heart. Whether you are thankful for small steps or giant leaps, there is benefit in recognizing them and acknowledging them, so write them down and link them up! 😊

Joining us this week:
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
A Season and a Time
Backsies is What There is Not
The Wakefield Doctrine
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, July 12, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: July 12, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Exciting things are brewing here at the Ten Things of Thankful, not the least of which is that we have re-introduced the idea of co-hosts. So far, I (Kristi) am joined by Clark, Dyanne, and Pat as co-hosts of this blog hop. Stay tuned for future announcements of additional co-hosts!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Welcome, July!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
While many in the United States might be taking a long weekend this week due to Independence Day, I hope that you can find a minute or two to reflect on what you are thankful for now. The link stays open until Tuesday night, so you have time to link up with us. Can't wait to read your posts!

Linking up this week:
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Prolific Pulse
The Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not
Carin's Gratitude
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, June 28, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: End of June Already!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Am I the only one who finds it hard to believe that June is nearly over? I'm sure I'm not the only one who is full of thanks this summer, though. Come join this great community as we express thankfulness!

The Prolific Pulse
Thankful Me
Josie Two Shoes
MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not
Viola's Daily Musings

Friday, June 21, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: Summer is Here!

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Two weeks ago, we had a great celebration of the TToT's 6th anniversary. Now, we are welcoming summer, no matter what the weather says! So, jot down some things you are thankful for, and link up a post. Thankfulness is a year-round activity!

Joining us this week:
MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Prolific Pulse
Josie Two Shoes
A Multitude of Musings
Thankful Me
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Backsies is What There is Not
Viola's Daily Musings
Lorraine's Frilly Freudian Slip

Friday, June 14, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful: June 14, 2019

Ten Things of Thankful
Photo: A sunset with the caption, "Ten Things of Thankful"
Wow! What a party we had last week! In fact, if you are reading this on Friday or Saturday (June 14-15), the celebration is still going on! We extended the link up to allow everyone who wanted to to join the 6th anniversary party of the Ten Things of Thankful. If you thought you missed your chance, there is still time to link up! Thanks to everyone for making this such a great event!

If you are here for this week's link-up, though, you are in the right place. Let us know what you are thankful for this week! 

MessyMimi's Meanderings
The Prolific Pulse
The Wakefield Doctrine
A Season and a Time
Thankful Me
Viola's Daily Musings