
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Winter Is Canceled

Welcome to the 47th week of January, the month that will never end.

Thinking about getting together a petition to force winter to end by February 1.

Anyone else in?

Until then, If you can thaw your fingers enough to type, join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop and feel the warmth of bloggy love and friendships.

The link is live from early Friday mornings until midnight Sunday nights.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Reviews Are In

Dangerously cold temperatures.

Wind chill advisories.


Do not recommend.

Zero stars.

Warm welcomes.

Close-knit writing community.

Weekly installments become your own personal gratitude journal.

Best blog hop ever.

Five stars.

The Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. 

The link is open.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Snow Time Like Today To Join The Hop!

Where do you stand on snow? Excited to get it? Or do you dread it? Maybe you don't even GET snow where you live!

Can you turn snow into a thankful list? Thankful it snowed, thankful it didn't, thankful you never have to deal with it? 

Link up snow thankfuls or ANY thankfuls this and every weekend when you join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. The link is live from Friday mornings to Sunday nights. It's snow easy to join!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Resolution Time!

We are less than a week into 2024. How are those resolutions going for you?

I know one that's easy: participating in the weekly Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! It doesn't require much time, and you will end the year with 52 lists that recap the thankfuls in your year.

The hop is live from early Friday mornings until midnight on Sunday nights. Link up and see what others have found to be thankful for. Don't forget to comment! It's a HOP!