
Friday, November 24, 2023

Let Us Be Your Book Of Thankfuls

I was at a meeting earlier this week, and the woman who was giving the devotional pulled out a diary-sized book that she said was her Thanksgiving book. It was a well-loved book; the cover was cloth, and it was faded and frayed, the edges of some of the pages ruffled and worn. She started it in the early 2000s when she had teenage children and was juggling those responsibilities with marriage and a teaching career. She has documented thankfuls in this book ever since, and as she was telling us about her Thanksgiving book, I wished I had thought to do the same thing. How beautiful it must be to look back over the years and years of notations!

It took me a few minutes before I had my lightbulb moment, but I finally had it.

My thankfuls are recorded just as hers are, only my book is this very blog hop, the Ten Things of Thankful. I have been writing a weekly list of thankfuls since June 7, 2013. You can read my first installment here

Do you keep a list of thankfuls, something to reflect on when you need a reminder that there is always something for which to be grateful? The virtual book called Ten Things of Thankful is a terrific place to keep those lists. Start now, if you haven't already. Continue, if you already join the hop. Take it back up, if you used to participate and let it lapse. 

There are always, always thankfuls.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Remember The Reason

What are you doing this weekend? Are you prepping for Thanksgiving? Baking pies? Thawing a turkey? Making twenty trips to the grocery store for all the items you forgot?

Remembering that, bottom line, it's all about the thankfuls?

Before you get too caught up in the festivities, breathe and be thankful. Share your thankfuls with us at the Ten Things of Thankful. The weekend hop is live.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Be Happy With Us!

Guess what?!  It's the thankfulest month of the year. What are you waiting for? Join the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop and add YOUR thankful post to the hop. We would be so grateful!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Try It And See

At the Ten Things of Thankful, we stress that thankfuls are everywhere if you just choose to find them. Some weeks, thankfuls write themselves; other weeks, we desperately sift through the debris of a rough patch to glean even just one little nugget of thankfulness.






Try it and see. Link up with the TToT this and every weekend. The hop is live from midnight on Friday nights to midnight on Sunday nights.