
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Summer Vacaaaaaaation!

 Hey, there, friends of the TToT! This is to let you know that the Ten Things of Thankful is going to take a little summer vacation after this weekend's hop! Don't worry; we're not going away. We will be back to our weekly hop starting Friday, September 1. We encourage you to continue to reflect on the thankfuls in your lives and give us a recap of your August when we reconvene! 

Now write up your thankfuls for THIS week and link up with us! The hop is open and waiting for YOU!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Dog Days Arf! Arf!

We're smack dab in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer. According to the Farmers' Almanac, the "Dog Days" refer to the period from July 3 to August 11 when Sirius, the brightest star visible from the Earth, and the Sun are in the same region. Sirius, which is part of the Canis Major constellation, is known as the Dog Star. The ancient Romans believed Sirius gave off heat that added to the Sun's warmth as an explanation for why this was usually the hottest part of summer, but the real reason for this hot stretch of weather every year is simply the result of the Earth's tilt during this period.

Whatever the reason, it's HOT, but aren't you thankful for the excuse to eat ice cream and popsicles and watermelon? To drink gallons of iced tea and wear shorts and go barefoot? To leave the house and never have to wonder if you should bring a jacket because it might get cooler later BECAUSE IT DOESN'T? 

Drag your lawn chair over here and sit a spell with us while we talk about our week of thankfuls. There's a pitcher of iced tea and one of lemonade and we're going to churn some ice cream soon. Join us at the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Get Yer Head Outta The Oven

If you can walk outside of your house and not feel as though you just stuck your head inside a hot oven, keep it to yourself - the rest of us are sweatin' here!

So it's not like you're spending this weekend going on picnics or running marathons or doing yard work or any other activity that would kill you (okay, would kill ME
) in this weather, so why don't you dust off the ol' blog and list ten things for which you can be thankful? It's a delightfully cooling activity!

The link is live! Join us! 

Friday, July 7, 2023

A Big Welcome Goes Out To....

 I'm only a little bit late this week with the link up, but it was worth the wait, because THIS week, we are proud to announce that Mimi of Messy Mimi's Meanderings will be joining the TToT as a co-host! Mimi has been a contributor to the Ten Things of Thankful for YEARS, and we are delighted to welcome her as a co-host. Make sure you visit her and give her some extra bloggy love!

On with the show, this is it!