
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Hop In!

June was, what, three days long? And July starts Saturday?

Are you thankful for the long, hot days? Write and tell us about it. Longing for cooler weather? Let's hear it! 

The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is LIVE from Friday morning through Sunday evening.

Let's hop to it!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

I'm Here!

I'm so sorry I'm late!

I completely forgot to post the link to this weekend's TToT, but here it is!

My 88 year old dad has been in declining health for the past year or so, and he is currently pretty ill and has been hospitalized for several weeks. My mind has been a million miles away, but this is a good opportunity to remember that I am thankful for modern medicine and for kind emergency workers and for small town hospitals and for caring medical staff. I'm also thankful for bosses who give you time off when you need it and husbands who step in and take over when you really do need to get back to work for a few days and for friends who check in to see how everyone is doing.

So write those thankfuls, please, and link up! The TToT is live!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Again!

How is it Friday already?

Whether the thankfuls come easily or only with great soul searching, they exist.

Write them.

Post them.

Read them.

The TToT hop is live.

Four baby finches in a nest in my
wreath on the front door.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Happy 10th Anniversary To Us!

This is it!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful

10th Anniversary

Birthday Bash! 

So many friendships were formed through this beautiful blog hop originated by Lizzi. Ten years ago, we had no idea that we would not only form a blogging community but also an on-line family.  Many of us have continued to be friends even if we are no longer actively blogging. Quite a few of us have made the effort to meet in person.

Please join our family by writing your own list of thankfuls, linking up, and reading and commenting on the other entries. You will be thankful that you did!

Friday, June 2, 2023

One Week Away!


The Ten Things of Thankful Birthday Bash is ONE WEEK FROM TODAY.

Are you rusty when it comes to blogging those thankfuls? Give yourself a practice run now, because this weekend's TToT is now live.

Let's go, girls (and guys)!