
Friday, March 31, 2023

Send April Marching In

March is, well, marching right on out!  I don't know about where YOU live, but that "in like a lion, out like a lamb" thing was more "lion day, lion day, lamb day, lamb day, lamb day that turned into a lion day, lion day, lion day, LION DAY, lamb day...". 

So, see you later, March! And bring on April, with leaves on the trees and lilacs and dogwood in bloom. And Easter and peeps and chocolate.

Now THERE are things for which to be thankful!

Link up with the Ten Things of Thankful this (and every) weekend! We'd sure be tickled to have you join us!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Fun Day Friday

Question: What happens when you get a Friday off from work?

Answer: You forget what day it is and that folks are ready to post their Ten Things of Thankful posts!

I hope you've had such a fun Friday that YOU have forgotten want day it is, too!  Here's the link for you; it's open until midnight Sunday CDT.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Brrrrrring On The Thankfuls

 If you think YOU have had a hard time this week due to the time change, let me introduce you to PRESCHOOLERS. They are woken up and brought to school in the pitch dark, and they ain't happy!

Maybe you can write your thankfuls about just how great it is to have that "extra hour" of daylight. 

Or about how fun it is in the spring when a sunny and 70 degree day can be followed by a day that can't quite make it over 30 degrees and threatens snow.

Whatever your thankfuls, write them and link them and hop like a bunny to the other entries at this week's Ten Things of Thankful. The link is live in a few short hours!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Give Us Your Thankfuls!

Well, THIS week went by quickly! Did it for you? Did you take the time to think about your thankfuls?

I did!

I'm thankful the week is over.

I'm thankful the laundry is all done, even if it isn't put away.

I'm thankful for eyelash primer. Game changer!

What have you got? Write your post and share on this week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. The link is live from just after midnight Fridays to just before midnight Sundays (CST).

I wasn't kidding....

Thursday, March 2, 2023

A Host Of Golden Daffodils

 Look at me, getting this week's Ten Things of Thankful posted early! 

That's because I'm spending the weekend with two of my besties to celebrate a 60th birthday, and you KNOW there will be thankfuls aplenty that come from it, such as:

So far, we have missed all the severe weather that has been moving across the area today. We've had rain, but no tornadoes, no hail, no lightning.

We saw buds on the trees as we drove towards our destination.

Daffodils are in bloom, and as we drove along the turnpike, I saw clumps of them, large and small, scattered along the side of the road. It made me a little sad, because it means that there was once a home there where someone planted those daffodil bulbs, but the homes were torn down long ago to make way for the new highway; only the little bulbs were left behind. The daffodils are a bright, happy spot to see amongst the dry, brown landscape, so instead of feeling sad, I decided to feel thankful that someone once took the time to plant them so many years ago that I can enjoy today.

Take a look around and find the daffodils of YOUR life, write a post that lists them, and link them up with us. The hop is open Fridays just after midnight until Sundays just before midnight (CST).