
Friday, December 29, 2023

Saturday, December 23, 2023


 It’s Saturday. Not Friday. Saturday. Christmas Eve Eve. And the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is live, even if my laptop is requiring resuscitation. 

Thankful #1. I am thankful for my iPhone when I am in a blogging pinch. 

Join the thankfullest bunch of thankfullers in the land and link up now! The link is open until Santa comes!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

It Wasn't The Code?

I would like to say I had a coding problem with this week's link, and that is why it is late, but the reality is I had a COPYING problem and got the code wrong. Sigh.

Join us at the Ten Things of Thankful. Just do it.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Yeah, Again

Well, dammit, I forgot to post the link to the Ten Things of Thankful hop on Friday.

But it's not too late to link up! We are live until midnight Sunday night.

You know you have thankfuls to acknowledge.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

It's December!

 Have you written your thankful list yet? WHY NOT?! Let's get those thankfuls down, published, and linked to this week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. The link is open until Sunday night at midnight.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Let Us Be Your Book Of Thankfuls

I was at a meeting earlier this week, and the woman who was giving the devotional pulled out a diary-sized book that she said was her Thanksgiving book. It was a well-loved book; the cover was cloth, and it was faded and frayed, the edges of some of the pages ruffled and worn. She started it in the early 2000s when she had teenage children and was juggling those responsibilities with marriage and a teaching career. She has documented thankfuls in this book ever since, and as she was telling us about her Thanksgiving book, I wished I had thought to do the same thing. How beautiful it must be to look back over the years and years of notations!

It took me a few minutes before I had my lightbulb moment, but I finally had it.

My thankfuls are recorded just as hers are, only my book is this very blog hop, the Ten Things of Thankful. I have been writing a weekly list of thankfuls since June 7, 2013. You can read my first installment here

Do you keep a list of thankfuls, something to reflect on when you need a reminder that there is always something for which to be grateful? The virtual book called Ten Things of Thankful is a terrific place to keep those lists. Start now, if you haven't already. Continue, if you already join the hop. Take it back up, if you used to participate and let it lapse. 

There are always, always thankfuls.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Remember The Reason

What are you doing this weekend? Are you prepping for Thanksgiving? Baking pies? Thawing a turkey? Making twenty trips to the grocery store for all the items you forgot?

Remembering that, bottom line, it's all about the thankfuls?

Before you get too caught up in the festivities, breathe and be thankful. Share your thankfuls with us at the Ten Things of Thankful. The weekend hop is live.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Be Happy With Us!

Guess what?!  It's the thankfulest month of the year. What are you waiting for? Join the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop and add YOUR thankful post to the hop. We would be so grateful!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Try It And See

At the Ten Things of Thankful, we stress that thankfuls are everywhere if you just choose to find them. Some weeks, thankfuls write themselves; other weeks, we desperately sift through the debris of a rough patch to glean even just one little nugget of thankfulness.






Try it and see. Link up with the TToT this and every weekend. The hop is live from midnight on Friday nights to midnight on Sunday nights. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Thankful for Halloween Candy?

October is such a beautiful month! Blue skies, colorful leaves, crisp air (not often here, but maybe where YOU are). Even if you aren't a big fan of Halloween (which I'm not), it's still one of the loveliest months!

Have you walked in the fallen leaves? Watched squirrels, well, squirrel away nuts? Eaten Halloween candy? Heard the excited chatter of children talking about their Halloween costumes? Eaten even more Halloween candy, because they're little pieces, after all, and surely eating small pieces of candy don't count, right?

Write up some thankfuls about your week or the month or Halloween or pumpkin spice or anything else your heart desires and link up with us at the Ten Things of Thankful! The hop is live!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Get A Handful Of Candy Corn And Join Us

It's the weekend! Fall festivals! Blue skies! Crisp weather! 

Join the Ten Things of Thankful this (and every!) weekend and tell us what you are thankful for. Caramel apples! Pumpkin spice! Changing leaves!

The link is live. Don't miss out!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Friday, October 6, 2023


Be a member of the best blog hop in the west! The Ten Things of Thankful weekly hop is live until Sunday evening at midnight CDT. If you have never written a gratitude post for our hop, make this weekend your first time. If  you are an active participant, get 'em written and posted. And if you are a lapsed participant, we welcome you back! 

Join us!

Friday, September 29, 2023

When Life Gives You Lemons, Be Thankful!

I have some major struggles right now, the kind where the thankfuls have to be pulled out from under a deep, dark, pile of muck.

Did you know that's the BEST time to write a Ten Things of Thankful post? I mean, sure, it's easy to dash one off when life is GREAT. But when you're feeling low or defeated by life? THAT is the time to seek the thankfuls and put them in writing. Try it!

The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is live!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Hey, Fall!

Folks, it's the first weekend of fall!

Changing leaves. Crisp weather. Caramel apples. Pumpkin everything.

Okay, yeah, summer is still trying to hold on with temperatures in the upper 80s and high humidity, but not for long! 

Are you thankful for cooler weather? Or do you wish it were an endless summer? Put those thankfuls in a post and link up with the Ten Things of Thankful this (and every!) weekend. The link is live.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

It's Not Weird

Next week is the last official week of summer. Wasn't it just 108 degrees a couple of weeks ago?! Weather is weird.

Know what's NOT weird? Being thankful! Try it and see - join the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. All you have to do is find 10 things in your week that made you pause and give thanks, write them down, and link them up! We'd love to have you join us!

The link is live from 12:05 am CDT on Fridays to 11:55 pm CDT on Sundays.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

We. Are. Back.


After a little summer vacay, the Ten Things of Thankful is back and ready to show our gratitude in every day things. I KNOW that you've had some thankfuls in the past month we've been gone. Write the post and link up with us, then recommend our weekend hop to your other bloggy friends. The more, the merrier!

The TToT weekend blog hop is live!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Summer Vacaaaaaaation!

 Hey, there, friends of the TToT! This is to let you know that the Ten Things of Thankful is going to take a little summer vacation after this weekend's hop! Don't worry; we're not going away. We will be back to our weekly hop starting Friday, September 1. We encourage you to continue to reflect on the thankfuls in your lives and give us a recap of your August when we reconvene! 

Now write up your thankfuls for THIS week and link up with us! The hop is open and waiting for YOU!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Dog Days Arf! Arf!

We're smack dab in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer. According to the Farmers' Almanac, the "Dog Days" refer to the period from July 3 to August 11 when Sirius, the brightest star visible from the Earth, and the Sun are in the same region. Sirius, which is part of the Canis Major constellation, is known as the Dog Star. The ancient Romans believed Sirius gave off heat that added to the Sun's warmth as an explanation for why this was usually the hottest part of summer, but the real reason for this hot stretch of weather every year is simply the result of the Earth's tilt during this period.

Whatever the reason, it's HOT, but aren't you thankful for the excuse to eat ice cream and popsicles and watermelon? To drink gallons of iced tea and wear shorts and go barefoot? To leave the house and never have to wonder if you should bring a jacket because it might get cooler later BECAUSE IT DOESN'T? 

Drag your lawn chair over here and sit a spell with us while we talk about our week of thankfuls. There's a pitcher of iced tea and one of lemonade and we're going to churn some ice cream soon. Join us at the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Get Yer Head Outta The Oven

If you can walk outside of your house and not feel as though you just stuck your head inside a hot oven, keep it to yourself - the rest of us are sweatin' here!

So it's not like you're spending this weekend going on picnics or running marathons or doing yard work or any other activity that would kill you (okay, would kill ME
) in this weather, so why don't you dust off the ol' blog and list ten things for which you can be thankful? It's a delightfully cooling activity!

The link is live! Join us! 

Friday, July 7, 2023

A Big Welcome Goes Out To....

 I'm only a little bit late this week with the link up, but it was worth the wait, because THIS week, we are proud to announce that Mimi of Messy Mimi's Meanderings will be joining the TToT as a co-host! Mimi has been a contributor to the Ten Things of Thankful for YEARS, and we are delighted to welcome her as a co-host. Make sure you visit her and give her some extra bloggy love!

On with the show, this is it!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Hop In!

June was, what, three days long? And July starts Saturday?

Are you thankful for the long, hot days? Write and tell us about it. Longing for cooler weather? Let's hear it! 

The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is LIVE from Friday morning through Sunday evening.

Let's hop to it!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

I'm Here!

I'm so sorry I'm late!

I completely forgot to post the link to this weekend's TToT, but here it is!

My 88 year old dad has been in declining health for the past year or so, and he is currently pretty ill and has been hospitalized for several weeks. My mind has been a million miles away, but this is a good opportunity to remember that I am thankful for modern medicine and for kind emergency workers and for small town hospitals and for caring medical staff. I'm also thankful for bosses who give you time off when you need it and husbands who step in and take over when you really do need to get back to work for a few days and for friends who check in to see how everyone is doing.

So write those thankfuls, please, and link up! The TToT is live!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Again!

How is it Friday already?

Whether the thankfuls come easily or only with great soul searching, they exist.

Write them.

Post them.

Read them.

The TToT hop is live.

Four baby finches in a nest in my
wreath on the front door.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Happy 10th Anniversary To Us!

This is it!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful

10th Anniversary

Birthday Bash! 

So many friendships were formed through this beautiful blog hop originated by Lizzi. Ten years ago, we had no idea that we would not only form a blogging community but also an on-line family.  Many of us have continued to be friends even if we are no longer actively blogging. Quite a few of us have made the effort to meet in person.

Please join our family by writing your own list of thankfuls, linking up, and reading and commenting on the other entries. You will be thankful that you did!

Friday, June 2, 2023

One Week Away!


The Ten Things of Thankful Birthday Bash is ONE WEEK FROM TODAY.

Are you rusty when it comes to blogging those thankfuls? Give yourself a practice run now, because this weekend's TToT is now live.

Let's go, girls (and guys)!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

You're Invited!

You are cordially invited 

to the

Ten Things of Thankful 

10th Birthday Bash!

June 9-11, 2023


*bring your own blog post

Can you believe it's been ten years? Our friend Lizzi started the hop June 7, 2003, and it's been going ever since. Think how many thankfuls that's been (please don't ask me to do the math).

If you ever were a part of the Ten Things of Thankful, ever THOUGHT about being a part of the Ten Things of Thankful, or would like to START being part of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, this is the VERY BEST time to do so!

A MILLION THANKS to our former co-host, current participant, and (new title) historian Kristi of Thankful Me for remembering the anniversary. 

In the meantime, you can join us at this weekend's hop. The link is live!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Nora Said To Write Your Post

Guess who forgot to write a Ten Things of Thankful post last week.


It's officially summer at work, meaning we started our four day work weeks. I have Mondays off and I LOVE it, but in MY mind, I have two Saturdays and a Monday off and I kiiiiiiiind of forgot one of those Saturdays is really a Sunday and, well, you can see how that played out.

Don't be a ding dong like me. Write your post. Link it up BEFORE midnight CDT on Sunday night. The TToT weekend blog hop is live!

My cat Nora Pearl dressed as a banana.
She would not be happy if you didn't
join our TToT blog hop this weekend.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Be A Pepper

It's so easy to write a list of thankfuls. They're all around you, even if you think they aren't, like this one:

I'm thankful that:

1. It was Diet Dr Pepper and not hot coffee.

2. It spilled onto laminate flooring and not onto carpet.

3. I was wearing easy-to-clean sandals.

4. My bad words were kept to a minimum.

5. It was diet and not made with sugar, so it wasn't super sticky.

6. The can was open when I knocked it off the counter, so it didn't explode and spatter everywhere.

7. I had a second can of Diet Dr Pepper with me, so I still had one to pour into my cup.

8. Worst case scenario if it had been my only can was that I could walk across the street to the gas station and get a replacement Diet Dr Pepper.

9. Bad things don't ALWAYS happen in threes, because I knocked over my assistant's can of energy drink about an hour earlier in my classroom and soaked four adults, a couple of children, and the laminate flooring PLUS spattered it across our circle time rug, sprinkling it onto a few more children, but I only spilled TWO drinks that day and not three.

10. I can make ten thankfuls out of a spilled drink!

Now it's YOUR turn. The link is live from Friday morning to Sunday night. Join us!

Friday, May 5, 2023

Here We Go Again!

Here we go again! It's Friday and time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop. Are you ready for it? I am! I was AWOL last weekend, but it wasn't because I wasn't thankful; I was busy with my niece's wedding. Now I've got some thankfulling to do!

Write your ten things and link up! The link is open until midnight CDT on Sunday night.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Weekends Are For Thankfuls

Happy Fridayyyyy!!! It's Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop kick off day!

There isn't an easier blog post to write than one in which you reflect on your thankfuls, like this:

1. Airbnb stays.

2. Double-stuffed Oreos.

3. Allbirds sneakers.

4. Flannel shirts to throw over a t-shirt.

5. The first piece out of a new pack of gum.

6. Sleep timers on the tv.

7. Really good hair days.

8. Clean sheets on the bed.

9. Flip flops.

10. An amazing night's sleep.

The link is live, so join us!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Spring On Over!


It's the weekend and time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop! Think about your week. Compose a list of ten things for which you can be thankful. Link up with us. Visit the other posts and comment.

It's fun. It's easy. It's a great way to make friends. 

Just do it.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

All The Spring Thankfuls

Sing along time, y'all:

Oh the weather outside is delightful

But the allergies are so frightful

And when our heads fill up we know

Grab a tissue and blow, blow, blow

How are you faring? Runny nose? Sneezing? Scratchy throat? Watery eyes?

Grab a big box of tissues and write your thankfuls, even if you are in the throws of hay fever. Maybe you can make your first one that you are thankful you don't have pink eye. I sure wish I could do that one,,,,

The link is live all weekend!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Alive And Ticking!

Oh, no! I got so caught up doing this year's A to Z Challenge that I forgot to post the link to this weekend's Ten Things of Thankful!

Here we go! Join us at the TToT, and if you have never been part of the A to Z Challenge, check out some of the entries here and consider doing it next April!

The TToT link is alive and ticking!

Friday, March 31, 2023

Send April Marching In

March is, well, marching right on out!  I don't know about where YOU live, but that "in like a lion, out like a lamb" thing was more "lion day, lion day, lamb day, lamb day, lamb day that turned into a lion day, lion day, lion day, LION DAY, lamb day...". 

So, see you later, March! And bring on April, with leaves on the trees and lilacs and dogwood in bloom. And Easter and peeps and chocolate.

Now THERE are things for which to be thankful!

Link up with the Ten Things of Thankful this (and every) weekend! We'd sure be tickled to have you join us!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Fun Day Friday

Question: What happens when you get a Friday off from work?

Answer: You forget what day it is and that folks are ready to post their Ten Things of Thankful posts!

I hope you've had such a fun Friday that YOU have forgotten want day it is, too!  Here's the link for you; it's open until midnight Sunday CDT.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Brrrrrring On The Thankfuls

 If you think YOU have had a hard time this week due to the time change, let me introduce you to PRESCHOOLERS. They are woken up and brought to school in the pitch dark, and they ain't happy!

Maybe you can write your thankfuls about just how great it is to have that "extra hour" of daylight. 

Or about how fun it is in the spring when a sunny and 70 degree day can be followed by a day that can't quite make it over 30 degrees and threatens snow.

Whatever your thankfuls, write them and link them and hop like a bunny to the other entries at this week's Ten Things of Thankful. The link is live in a few short hours!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Give Us Your Thankfuls!

Well, THIS week went by quickly! Did it for you? Did you take the time to think about your thankfuls?

I did!

I'm thankful the week is over.

I'm thankful the laundry is all done, even if it isn't put away.

I'm thankful for eyelash primer. Game changer!

What have you got? Write your post and share on this week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. The link is live from just after midnight Fridays to just before midnight Sundays (CST).

I wasn't kidding....

Thursday, March 2, 2023

A Host Of Golden Daffodils

 Look at me, getting this week's Ten Things of Thankful posted early! 

That's because I'm spending the weekend with two of my besties to celebrate a 60th birthday, and you KNOW there will be thankfuls aplenty that come from it, such as:

So far, we have missed all the severe weather that has been moving across the area today. We've had rain, but no tornadoes, no hail, no lightning.

We saw buds on the trees as we drove towards our destination.

Daffodils are in bloom, and as we drove along the turnpike, I saw clumps of them, large and small, scattered along the side of the road. It made me a little sad, because it means that there was once a home there where someone planted those daffodil bulbs, but the homes were torn down long ago to make way for the new highway; only the little bulbs were left behind. The daffodils are a bright, happy spot to see amongst the dry, brown landscape, so instead of feeling sad, I decided to feel thankful that someone once took the time to plant them so many years ago that I can enjoy today.

Take a look around and find the daffodils of YOUR life, write a post that lists them, and link them up with us. The hop is open Fridays just after midnight until Sundays just before midnight (CST).

Friday, February 24, 2023

Check Your Clock

My dad has 7 clocks in his living room, and that wasn't enough, so he made an 8th clock. It is large. Oh, so large. The hands weren't long enough to suit him, so he made extensions for them. The clock face is made from a piece of plexiglass that he painted black. The Roman numerals had sticky backs and they might be a little crooked. He is not exactly a clock making expert, and he really, really, REALLY didn't NEED another clock in the living room, but by golly, he made one!

I think he was just wanting to help remind everyone it's time for the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop. And if my 88 year old dad can make a ginormous clock from scratch, I think YOU can write a list of ten thankfuls and post them this week! 

Let's go. The link is open!