
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Join The Family!

Anyone else have a family group message where you post silly memes and photos of cats and old grievances?

If your family doesn't, it should. Start one now. You can thank me later.

A post from our family message, sender's name omitted to protect the innocent.

Come be grateful with us! It's easy! Write a thankful post and link it up below.


You're now a member of the Ten Things of Thankful familiy!

Join the hop! It's live all weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Four. Pounds. FOUR POUNDS!

I was baking brownies for a friend's birthday tonight (not from a mix, but from scratch, because that's how I roll), and as I carried the sugar canister to my work space, it slipped out of my hands and four pounds of sugar ended up on the kitchen floor. The canister landed perfectly upside down, so every granule of sugar was on the floor, one side of the canister flush against a cabinet door, allowing the sugar to make a little mountain under the edge of the bottom cabinets.

Two cats scrabbled out of the kitchen when it hit the tile floor.

I said bad words.

I swept with a broom. I vacuumed. I mopped. I repeated. And every time I took a step, I STILL heard the crunch crunch of sugar under my feet.

But you know what? This is the worst thing that happened to me this week, and when I got over my mad, I realized I still had thankfuls for this:

1. I get to celebrate my friend Emily's birthday tomorrow at work.

2. She said she liked chewy, fudgy brownies, and I found a recipe that seemed ideal.

3. Even if they aren't the chewiest, fudgiest brownies ever, I mean, they're still brownies.

4. I had another bag of sugar in the pantry.

5. No mixer required to make the batter, so clean up was a bowl and a spatula. Oh, and four pounds of sugar from the floor.

6. The house smells divine.

7. The cats, terrorized by the sugar storm, didn't come back in the kitchen and bug me while I was cooking.

8. The batter was delicious; I won't know about the brownies until tomorrow afternoon, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

9. If the kitchen floor is still crunchy tomorrow, my husband will be the one who gets a turn to get more of it swept up, since the kitchen also doubles as his office and I will be long gone to work by the time he gets up.

10. Tomorrow is Friday. 'Nuff said.

No time to cry over spilled sugar! Join the Ten Things of Thankful instead! The link is open all weekend.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

We're No JV Team!

I just heard sports commentator Tony Gonzalez say at half time about the Commanders v. Bears football game that "this is not good football. This is the JV team of the NFL. Actually, this may be the Freshmen team."

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. It's not just a good blog hop; it's the Pro Bowl Team of blog hops! Our highlight reels include:

  • kick off on Friday mornings at 12:05 am CST and runs through Sunday evening at 11:55 pm CST
  • cheerleaders who comment on each other's posts
  • everyone scores 10 thankfuls on their entries
  • anyone can play regardless of experience
  • no injuries
  • no flags thrown by the refs unless you are a spammer

Come on down to the field and join us! 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Well, Darn!