
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Give Us Just A Slice

So, July is over in a hot flash, I mean, a flash. Wasn't it just April a few days ago?

I'm sure time is flying for many of us, and maybe that's why we don't currently have many entries in the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. If that's the case, then think of how participating in the TToT creates a little time capsule of a week in your life. You could let those moments slip on by, but some day, when days go by slowly but years go by quickly, wouldn't it be nice to have an archive of thankfuls which you wrote and that you can reflect on? That's one of many reasons why I participate, and I hope you will consider it, too.

Our link is live every weekend. Join the TToT and leave a slice of memories for yourself or for your loved ones.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Be Cool!

Whoopsie! A little late with the link, but that's because (long story) I forgot it was Friday. I thought it was Saturday, and that would mean I already (in a perfect world) posted the link. Hah! Tricked myself!

Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful, a blog hop that simply requires that you list ten (or so, we are easy) events or things or people or WHATEVER that you are thankful for, link them up with us, then visit the other TToT posts. Easy.

Join the Ten Things of Thankful this weekend. It will make you cooler.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

It's Shindig Time

It's the weekend, and that means it's time for the cool cats to come down to the little shindig we like to call the Ten Things of Thankful. 

Are you hep to it? Want to join the "in" crowd in Bloggersville? 

The link is live. Tell us what you're thankful for. Everybody's doing it.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

In The Summertime, When The Weather Is Hot....

It's too hot to do anything but try not to move, so what better time to join the Ten Things of Thankful? You only have to wiggle your fingers a little over the keyboard to turn out a post of ten things for which you are thankful.

Are you that one in a million that likes steaming temperatures over 100 degrees? Tell us about it!

Are you enjoying all things icy cold and delicious? Tell us about THAT.

Just tell us. 

The link is live all weekend!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Thank You, Sweet Friend!

Our longtime friend, co-host, and loyal supporter of the Ten Things of Thankful Pat Brockett of A Season and a Time is stepping down as a co-host of the TToT.

Pat began her blog in 2011, wrote a few posts, and then didn't come back to it until June of 2015 when she decided to return to writing. Her daughter Kristi was one of the original co-hosts of the Ten Things of Thankful, so it was natural for Pat to join in the hop with her beautifully written posts that never failed to give thanks for her husband Vic. She always included gorgeous nature photos, many taken by Vic. 

We are so thankful for Pat and her many years of participation in the Ten Things of Thankful. She is a true friend and an all 'round awesome person, and we wish her the best and hope she will pop in and bless us with a post when she is able!

To paraphrase E.B. White, Pat is both!

The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is such a wonderful place to find new friends and share the thankfulness we all have in our lives. Please join us this weekend and every weekend!