
Friday, February 25, 2022

Weekend Winter Weather Thankfuls!

Most of the US either had wintry weather this week or are gonna get it.

Had it and got beloved snow days? Write about it!

Gonna get it and planning to watch it snow (or sleet or freezing rain) all weekend and reflect? Write about it!

The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is live!

It's sleet, not snow. Through the window
screen because I wasn't going out
there to get a clear photo!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Through Rain, Hail, Sleet, or Snow

Yesterday, we experienced all four seasons in one day.

The temperature got up into the upper 60s, but the wind was ferocious and blew in thunderstorms, a tornado threat, and then freezing rain, sleet, and snow.

Very funny, Mother Nature!

The weather is going to be erratic and wildly unpleasant for a large swath of the US over the next couple of days, so if you are affected, then what better time to snuggle under a blanket and tap out a Ten Things of Thankful? If you are somewhere enjoying delightful weather, then go ahead and gloat. We can live vicariously through you.

The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is live!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Check It Out And See For Yourself

Are you ready for another weekend of the Ten Things of Thankful? We would love it if you would join us!  It's so easy to write a list of thankfuls. Watch this:

I'm thankful for:

blue skies

sunny days, even if they're cold

melting snow

singing birds

just enough warmth to open the sun roof in the car

ice tea tasting like ice tea again (thanks, Covid)

"just checking on you" texts from friends

nightgowns with pockets

Pandora lullaby station

Hershey kisses for when you just need a little something sweet

See? Link up with us this weekend on the friendliest little blog hop in the blogosphere!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

It Done Got Me


Despite all my precautions, I tested positive for Covid last weekend, and it has been a little rough! I didn't get around to visit posts, let alone write one of my own, but I'm hoping I'll make it this weekend.

In the meantime, stay safe! Wear your mask. Get vaccinated and boosted, if you haven't already. Minimize peopling. And join us at the Ten Things of Thankful hop this weekend!

My crack nursing team....