
Friday, January 28, 2022

I Did It In The Dark

 It’s 1 am. Forgot to write a little post for linking up this weekend, so since I can’t sleep anyway, why not do it the hard way and write it on my phone…?

I’m thankful for my iPhone, even as old and crappy as mine is. Can you just imagine doing this on a flip phone?

By the way, too lazy to put on my glasses as I struggle with this in the dark. How am I doing? 

Writing your post will be a lot easier than my experience tonight. Try it and see!

This weekend’s Ten Things of Thankful is liiiiive.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Guess What's Coming?

The temperature tonight is going down to 7ºF here*. That is not a thankful.

Know what IS a thankful?

Spring is only TWO MONTHS AWAY!!! 

Daffodils. Forsythia. Crocuses. Dogwood. GRASS. 

Two. Months. Away.

If that doesn't make you thankful, I don't know what does.

Sooo, if it doesn't, well, what DOES? Let me know! I have to know what's better than the prospect of spring! Write 'em, post 'em, link 'em. We're here all weekend.

*it took me a stupid long time to figure out how to type that degree symbol....

Thursday, January 13, 2022

JUST Like Gravy

The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is a lovely community of bloggers who have learned the importance of counting the thankfuls in their lives, no matter how big or small, and we would love nothing more for than for YOU to be a member of this community.

Think about your week. Write a list of ten things from your week for which you can be thankful Hopefully, the hardest part of this is narrowing your list down to only 10, but hey, we don't mind if you go over the number! The link is live every Friday at 12:05 am CST and ends every Sunday at 11:55 pm CST, so you have PLENTY of time over the course of the weekend to get that post written and linked up with us! Try it and see!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Good Day To Start A Great Thing

Welcome to the first Ten Things of Thankful blog hop of 2022!  

Isn't this the BEST time for you to take a few minutes to jot down a week's worth of thankfuls and link them up with us? Because, in spite of a week of snow or ice or freezing temps or going back to work after the holidays or Covid, there are thankfuls in your world as well. For example:

~there was only about an inch of snow

~no ice under the snow!

~my Walmart snow boots kept my feet toasty warm

~as hard as it was to go back to work, seeing those sweet faces of my kiddos eased the pain

Okay, now it's YOUR turn. Link up your post with us and hop on over to visit the other posts as well. This weekend's Ten Things of Thankful is ready. Are you?