
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Thankfuls

Now that the components of Thanksgiving dinner have been relegated to leftovers, the pie is gone, and all the dishes are clean and put away, it's time to reflect on your day, your week, your year, and write a thankful post for inclusion in this week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. 

Tell us your stories, your thankfuls, even your not-so-thankfuls. Was your day a Disney movie? A Three Stooges episode? Was your family reminiscent of the cast of "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" or more like the one from "Home For The Holidays"? 

This weekend's link is live!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Having trouble coming up with a thankful list? Maybe Sawyer Brown can help you get started:

Now that you're properly motivated, write your thankful list and join us at the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop! The link is live from Friday morning through Monday evening. Don't be late - be thankful!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Today's The Day

If you can't be thankful in November, home of the thankfullest holiday in America, Thanksgiving, then when are you going to be thankful? When are you going to sit down and really think about your blessings? When are you going to realize the benefits of truly being appreciative of what you have? 

How about this weekend?

It's so very easy. Write a list of ten things you're thankful to have in your life. They can be people, things, experiences, ideas. Link up with the Ten Things of Thankful. Follow the etiquette of a blog hop and read and comment on the other entries, then wait for that rush of endorphins that will surely follow.

The link is live.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Kind And Generous

Would Natalie Merchant tell you to do something if it weren't important? She want us to be kind and generous and to write a thankful blog post and link it up at the Ten Things of Thankful. Don't disappoint Natalie. This weekend's link opens in the wee hours of Friday morning and ends just before midnight Monday night.