
Thursday, September 30, 2021

October Is Here!

It's OCTOBER! That means changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and pumpkin everything! What a great time to become a weekly member of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. It's so easy to write a list and join in the hop. Try it and find out!

The link is live!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Just This!

This is all I have to say:

Now write yourself a list of thankfuls and join us at the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! The link up is now live.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Easy Peasy!

Want to know how quick and easy it is to write a list of thankfuls? Imma gonna set my timer and write ten, just to show you.

Ready? Go!

1. My watch has a stop watch feature.

2. I'm not so anal that I need to change "timer" to "stop watch" in the first paragraph.

3. Kleenex.

4. My husband does all the laundry.

5. Cooking projects with two and three year olds (don't knock it 'til you've tried it).

6. A hot, furry cat lying on my legs while I type (just kidding, except in the winter, it's pretty nice).

7. Biscuit Day at school.

8. Fall growing ever nearer.

9. "American Rust" and I don't know what streaming service it is on, but it stars Jeff Daniels.

10. Finally Friday!


Three minutes, thirty-nine seconds. Now you can't say you don't have time to write a Ten Things of Thankful post! Please do and join us! The link is open!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sorry I Missed It

I totally went AWOL last weekend. It wasn't intentional; the weekend got away from me.

My bad.

On another note, September is already a third of the way over. Whaaaaaaat?!

Don't let the weekend (or the week or the month) get away from you. Write a list of thankfuls and join us. 

The link is now live!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

It's Labor Day, Folks!

This weekend (well, Monday, to be exact) is Labor Day in the US. To most of us, it marks the unofficial end of summer and is celebrated with parties and swimming and other outdoor activities.

The original reason for the Labor Day holiday originated in the late 1800s during a time of 12 hour work days, 7 day work weeks, unsafe working conditions, and child labor at the height of the Industrial Revolution. Labor unions multiplied and the strikes and rallies they organized helped to bring some reform to working conditions, but it also brought much unrest and violence. In an attempt to repair some of the emotional damage, Congress passed an act to create a legal holiday called Labor Day, and it was signed into law in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland. It is always celebrated the first Monday in September.

There's another fun fact about Labor Day you should know: I was born on Labor Day, and every year on my birthday, my mother always liked to remind me that her Labor Day that year was ruined by being in actual labor and pushing out a 10 pound baby. 

Are you thankful you have a job? Or thankful you don't? Are you thankful for a three-day weekend? For getting together with friends or family to celebrate the end of summer? Share your thankfuls with us this weekend! The link is live, and we would sure love to have you!