
Thursday, August 26, 2021

You Can Do This!

Is August a long month or what?!

Fall really must be right around the corner, if we ever get past this stifling heat. Pumpkins, colorful leaves, crisp air. I think we appreciate the beauty of fall most because it means August is FINALLY over.  

Wouldn't this be a fine time to write your thankfuls and share them? 

Link up with us every week. The link is live from Friday morning through Monday evening. You can find a few moments in that amount of time to write a list and post it, can't you? Sure you can!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Welcome New Friends, Welcome Old Friends, Just Welcome!

Make new friends, but keep the old,

One is silver and the other gold .

We got a brand, spankin' new entry last weekend at Ten Things of Thankful! I do hope all the participants took the time to visit this entry and leave a comment, and if not, it's never too late!

Joining the TToT couldn't be easier:

Write a list of ten things you are thankful for. You can be succinct or elaborate. We love both approaches! 

Link it to this post, below.

Visit the other entries (check back often - some of us *cough cough me cough cough* often don't link up until Monday evening).

Write a comment to let the author know you were there.

See? Easy peasy.

The link is now live! 

Blog friends are the BEST friends!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Write It On Your Calendar!

How, how, HOW is August nearly halfway over already?! I swear I just turned over the calendar page.

Speaking of calendar pages, does anyone still use paper calendars? I love them. I have saved our calendars every year for the past fifteen years or so. My kids can throw them away when I'm dead and gone, but until then, I sometimes amuse myself by pulling one out of the closet and flipping through it (can't do THAT with an electronic version!). When the kids were in school, they were so busy, I had to use a big office-size calendar in order to fit everything in the squares. Now that we are empty nesters, our calendar is small and most of the squares are empty (that sounds kind of sad, but it really isn't). 

Whether you use an electronic calendar or an old school paper one, how about if you write yourself a reminder every week that the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is open from Friday morning through Monday evening, and we would sure love it if you would join us with YOUR thankfuls! We will welcome you!

Friday, August 6, 2021

It's Not Corny To Join The Ten Things Of Thankful

 I'm as corny as Kansas in August,

High as the flag on the 4th of July

Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO have a song for every occasion.

It's August. The corn is definitely high. The soybeans are green. The wheat is cut. The local and state fair season is on. Back to school sales are in full swing. Fall is just around the corner.

What better time to join us in the Ten Things of Thankful?

The weekly link is live from 12:05 am CDT on Fridays until 11:55 pm CDT on Mondays, so there's plenty of time in there for you to give us a quick list. What's holding you back?

See you soon!