
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Let's Get Motivated!

Motivational post, at your service.

How often do you think in terms of shoulda, woulda, couldas? I shoulda done that. I woulda made a different choice if I'd only known. I coulda done better.

Don't measure your life in regrets; measure it in thankfuls, and start today. Link up with us this and every weekend with your own list of thankfuls, then visit the other participants' posts and give them a comment. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk....

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Daisies Are Summer

Hello, weekend! Always a pleasure to see you.

Hello to you, too! It is a privilege to have you visit this little post, and I hope it leads you to reflect on your week and the things that make you thankful, be they big or small. Dash off a list, or spend some time contemplating it, but DO make a point to join us this weekend and link up a Ten Things of Thankful post with us! It can really be cathartic.

The link is live until Monday night!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Yeah, It's Summer

If this doesn't make you want a big ol' glass of iced tea as you write your Ten Things of Thankful for this week, I don't know what does:

Please join us at the Ten Things of Thankful, this week and every week! Not a blogger? Add your Ten in the comments!

The link is live until Monday night at midnight!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Halfway? No Way!

2021 is halfway over. Can you believe it?! Didn't it just start? Didn't we just have that frigid weather when pipes froze and power went out and there was all that snow?

It seems like yesterday, and then again, it seems like a lifetime ago.

Don't let time pass by so quickly without remembering your thankfuls! It's good practice, especially since Thanksgiving, that biggest celebration of thankfuls, is less than five months away....

Write YOUR Ten Things of Thankful post and link it up with us. We are here every week, come rain or come shine (or come snow and ice and frozen pipes).

Friday, July 2, 2021

Find The Light

This past week has been rough.

Heat and humidity plus thunderstorms. Upstairs air conditioning unit not working. Transitioning of toddlers into my preschool class. A heartbreaking memorial service for a young woman I've known since she was a child. Continued residual effects from eating something I'm allergic to. Ants in the kitchen. A mouse in my car. 

I woke up from a bad dream a few nights ago and decided I needed to write an ANTI Ten Things of Thankful and even made some groggy notes on my phone.

But I didn't write that post.

The pastor at the memorial service said one thing that made me stop feeling sorry for myself:

Bathe the darkness with light.

Look at your week. Look hard. Find the light.

Link up with us this 4th of July weekend (and every weekend - we will always welcome you).

ps Happy Birthday, America!

pss Happy Birthday, Canada (can't leave you out)!

pss if you know how to get a mouse to move out of a car hit me up....