
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Let's Go!

It's the weekend. Already! Let's do this Ten Things of Thankful thing. Link is open until Monday at 11:30 central time. Write. Post. Read. Comment.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Who, What, When, Where, Why Of Thankfuls

So, I'm sitting in my chair in my bedroom on the second floor of my house (this is important), and I feel something tickly on my arm. I looked down to find a tiny ant running crazily over my arm. I squished it, smelled it (this is important, too), and EWWWW, it had the sickly sweet smell of a sugar ant, which you usually find on the FIRST floor of the house in the KITCHEN. A few hours later, there were MORE ants, at least half a dozen, bopping around on the oriental rug in my room (important, too - think how busy the pattern is on an oriental rug).

I am NOT thankful for this.

I AM thankful that my calico cat, Nora Pearl, who was irritated with me for moving her off my lap so I could write a TToT link up post, spied an ant on the rug. When I saw her locked in on something from her perch on the ottoman, it took me a few moments of staring in the same area to see what SHE was seeing, but I'm glad I figured out where she had the bead. Good eye, Nora Pearl! 

Now to figure out why the second floor, how they're getting in, and what I'm going to do about it

I could come up with about a dozen reasons NOT to be thankful about having ants in the house, but isn't it so much nicer to find the one positive thing about it? 

The mighty huntress, Nora Pearl

The Ten Things of Thankful link up is now live! Please join us! Unlike ants, we would be delighted to see you!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thankfully Yours

You ever hear people say something like, "I was born in the wrong time. I should have been alive during the (name the era). Times were so much simpler then"?

You won't hear me saying that, because as lovely as they make it appear in Hamilton or The Great Gatsby, and as frightening and ghastly as the world can be on any given day currently, I know I am right where I need to be. Time travel? No thanks, as I am thankful for, and accustomed to:

toilet paper
indoor plumbing
air conditioning
central heat
meteorology (as inaccurate as it often is)
dental hygiene

Ten Things of Thankful. The link up is live. Join us!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Just Because It's June, June, June!

 June is bustin' out all over

The feeling is gettin' so intense!

What are you waiting for? Bust out your Ten Things of Thankful post and link it up with us! The link is live until Monday night!

"June Is Bustin' Out All Over"/Rogers & Hammerstein's Carousel