
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Spring Is Sprung

Has spring sprung yet where you are? It has here in the Ozarks. Daffodils are in bloom, as are hyacinths and crocus. The tulips have big, fat buds on them. The Bradford pears are in bloom, and most of the trees are beginning to bud.

Spring is a beautiful time for renewal. Why don't you renew with us at the Ten Things of Thankful? It's so easy to find 10 things in any given week for which you can be thankful. Write them, link them, visit them.

The link is live!.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sunny Thankfuls

If I said I thought today was Saturday, it wouldn't explain how I didn't post this earlier today, would it...?

The weekend has already begun. What are you waiting for?! It's time for the Ten Things of Thankful!

I'm currently in Oklahoma City. The trees are budding. The weeping willows have honest-to-God LEAVES on them. Daffodils are crazy beautiful. And the SUN IS SHINING.

Link up with us, won't you?

Scissortail Park, Oklahoma City, OK

Thursday, March 11, 2021

No One Can Write Just One

Put on your happy and write a thankful list. We call it Ten Things of Thankful, but some of us (you know who you are [Clark]) play fast and loose with that rule. If you can't come up with ten things you are thankful for this week, then write just one and link it up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. Just remember, thankfuls are like Lay's potato chips: no one can write just one!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Was Your Week A Tortoise Or A Hare?


Week over!

When weeks go by in a flash like this one has, keeping a running list of thankfuls somewhere handy makes writing your TToT post a breeze (a warm, spring breeze that reminds you that winter is always temporary).

Conversely, that running list is quite helpful on those weeks where the days d-r-a-g by so slowly that you think NOTHING thankful-worthy can possibly occur.

This week's Ten Things of Thankful link is live. Like, already! Join us!