
Thursday, February 25, 2021

It's Easy Peasy To Be Thankful

Let's get right to the point.

The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is a weekly opportunity for you to reflect, write, and share the things for which you are thankful.

They needn't be big things, for thankfuls come in all shapes and sizes. 

After you've posted with us, take a few moments to read the other entries that have also linked up and write a comment to let the writer know you have taken the time to stop by.

Easy peasy.

The Ten Things of Thankful is live!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Elsa Wants You To Write A Thankful Post And Link It Up With Us!

It's been a frigid week across the U.S., and our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have suffered with no power, heat, or water in these dangerous conditions.

For the majority of us, however, it's been mostly an inconvenience. A cold, sometimes miserable inconvenience, but not life threatening. How is it where you are? Are you able to find thankfuls in a week such as this?

I can.

I'm thankful for the utility workers who climbed up poles no matter what the weather to repair lines. 

I'm thankful for the public works departments who plowed, salted, sanded, cindered, and whatever else they had to do to get roads cleared as best they could.

I'm thankful for the many businesses and organizations who opened their doors to those who needed to seek shelter from the cold.

I'm thankful for the first responders who were there no matter the conditions.

I'm thankful for all the medical personnel who made it to their shifts and for the ones who worked extra to cover for those who could not get there.

I'm thankful for all the schools that closed for the safety of our children.

I'm thankful for the companies and bosses who were understanding about parents who had no other choice than to stay home from work to be with their children.

I'm thankful for plumbers who come out in such horrid weather to repair frozen pipes (and worse).

I'm thankful for grocery stores that anticipated this weather event and got the shelves stocked beforehand.

I'm thankful for the sunshine that will begin to melt the snow and ice and bring us a little warmth along with it.

Please join us at the Ten Things of Thankful this week! Link up your post, and please, read the other posts on the link and comment on them. It makes us all warm inside when you do, and we need all the warmth we can get right now!

The link is live!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Groundhogs Are Not Meteorologists

Did the stupid groundhog see his shadow where you live? Because he apparently not only saw it here, he was TERRIFIED by it, and now we are being punished with six weeks of living inside one of those giant walk in freezers in the backroom of Walmart where they store the ice cream. Icy roads. Single digit temperatures. Schools canceled. 

Let's think about our favorite beautiful, warm, happy place. Close your eyes and imagine you're there. Wait, open them. You can't read with your eyes closed. Feel the warm sunshine, the light breeze, perhaps the sound of water lapping at the shore. Ahhh! Now pick up that cold beverage on the table next to your lounge chair, take a sip, then flip open your laptop and write your Ten Things of Thankful post, because the link is now live! 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Groundhog Dayyyyy!!! Read All About It!

So Groundhog Day was this week. 

Did you know the idea of Groundhog Day came from the ancient Christian celebration of Candlemas Day, which was the midpoint between winter solstice and spring equinox? The clergy would bless the candles on this day and then pass them out to the people. Superstition held that if the day were sunny and clear, this would be sign a long, hard winter, but if it were cloudy, it meant spring would arrive soon.

The Germans elaborated on this and threw in a hedgehog that would either see his shadow or not, and when Germans settled in Pennsylvania, the hedgehog was traded out for a groundhog. The first news of a Groundhog Day celebration was in 1886 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where the editor declared the Punxsutawney groundhog named Phil was America's official weather forecasting groundhog. Oh, and after Phil's weather prediction, the celebrants headed over to Gobbler's Knob for (wait for it) various groundhog dishes, including groundhog punch....

I think I can answer for everyone on this and say we are all thankful that Groundhog Day has evolved and partaking of an actual groundhog is no longer part of the celebration.

What else are you thankful for? Please join us at the Ten Things of Thankful and find out why we are forecasting many thankfuls and a friendly blogging community!

This weekend's link is live!

If you haven't seen the movie "Groundhog Day"