
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Goodbye, January!

January is officially over this weekend.

Anyone else thankful to see it go?

Groundhog Day is next week, and all I've gotta say is that fat rodent better not see his shadow. We deserve a beautiful and early spring!

What are you thankful for this week? For snow? For no snow? For the Chiefs going to the Super Bowl for the second year in a row? Write your list, link it up with us, visit the other entries, comment on them, and see why the TToT is the greatest blog hop in the blogosphere!

The link. Is. LIVE.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Remembered The Link This Week! Join Us In Celebration!

I'm not going to forget to post THIS week! I'm even writing the post TWO DAYS EARLY. 

Y'all, January is almost over. February is a short month. And SPRING BEGINS IN MARCH!

We can do this! Longer days and warm sunshine are growing closer. I am SO thankful for this! 

Are you a winter person? If so, I just don't get you. A summer person? Or, like me, an anything-BUT-winter person? Give us ten thankfuls to support your stance, or share any thankfuls, big or small with us. Write them down, link them up, then visit the other posts in our weekly Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Always Thankful

Right now, this very week, we need to remind ourselves that there are still thankfuls in the world.

Please join the Ten Things of Thankful and link up your post.

Your heart will feel better for it.

Peace be with you.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy Happy Happy New Year!





The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is ringing in the new year this weekend! If you haven't joined us before, make a resolution to do it starting NOW.

Make 2021 be the year you become a hopper, not a lurker!

Write up your list of ten things you are thankful for RIGHT THIS MOMENT. They don't have to be deep and meaningful. I'm thankful for raisins in my oatmeal this morning, which is neither of those.

The link is liiiiiiiive!