
Friday, December 31, 2021

Here To Serve

The Ten Things of Thankful is here every weekend as an exercise to help us find the good in life. 

Some days (or years), it can be difficult, but they are always, always there.

We at the Ten Things of Thankful hope you will remind yourself of this by joining us at our weekly hop. The link goes live on Fridays just after midnight CST (unless I forget it's Friday, which I did this week) and closes just before midnight CST on Sunday evenings (NOTE: this is a change).

Start your new year by taking a few minutes every week to look back, note the things for which you can find thanks, throw them into a blog post, link it up with us, read the other entries, and revel in the fact that you can always find SOMETHING to put in a list, no matter how big or small it is.

Piece. Of. Cake.

And we love cake!

Happy New Year! 


Friday, December 24, 2021

12 Days Of Christmas

Oopsie! Today is Friday, and I haven't posted the Ten Things of Thankful link yet, so I wrote a special tribute to the season and the day.

Welcome to my version of the Twelve Days of Christmas:

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me

12 kinds of candy

11 loads of laundry

10 trips to Walmart

9 missing ornaments

8 rolls of paper

7 types of cookies

6 throw pillows

5 miles of lights

4 cats under foot

3 Christmas throws

2 kids who can't come

And 1 kid with Covid-19!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Read All About It

The Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop is open! Get those pre-Christmas thankfuls written and post them with us, mmmkay? You have from Friday morning in the wee hours until Monday night. You've got this!

Now, y'all, here's the plan for NEXT weekend.

Knowing that not everyone celebrates Christmas, we will have a link posted for the TToT hop that opens on December 24 and ends on the 26th, but no worries if you aren't able to participate, whether you are a co-host or a weekly participant. Then get yourself geared up for the last hop of 2021 (and, in theory, the first one of 2022, since there's some overlap) and give us a post! It's a great way to end one year and begin another!

Get ready to rock and roll.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Naughty? Nice? Who Cares?

Hey, it's the weekend. Already!

The Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop is alive and kicking and ready for your thankful post.

What can you find for which to be thankful? 

Homemade fudge?

Christmas light displays?

The constant barrage of emails from every store you've ever done business with? 

Make a list, check it twice, and link up with us whether naughty or nice.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Christmas Is Coming

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to get shorter every year! It's a fun and festive season, and it's certainly a great time to take a breather and consider your thankfuls. It's easy to join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, you will meet some great folks, and it will keep Santa from leaving coal in your stocking! The link is below. See you at the hop!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Thankfuls

Now that the components of Thanksgiving dinner have been relegated to leftovers, the pie is gone, and all the dishes are clean and put away, it's time to reflect on your day, your week, your year, and write a thankful post for inclusion in this week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. 

Tell us your stories, your thankfuls, even your not-so-thankfuls. Was your day a Disney movie? A Three Stooges episode? Was your family reminiscent of the cast of "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" or more like the one from "Home For The Holidays"? 

This weekend's link is live!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Having trouble coming up with a thankful list? Maybe Sawyer Brown can help you get started:

Now that you're properly motivated, write your thankful list and join us at the Ten Things of Thankful weekend blog hop! The link is live from Friday morning through Monday evening. Don't be late - be thankful!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Today's The Day

If you can't be thankful in November, home of the thankfullest holiday in America, Thanksgiving, then when are you going to be thankful? When are you going to sit down and really think about your blessings? When are you going to realize the benefits of truly being appreciative of what you have? 

How about this weekend?

It's so very easy. Write a list of ten things you're thankful to have in your life. They can be people, things, experiences, ideas. Link up with the Ten Things of Thankful. Follow the etiquette of a blog hop and read and comment on the other entries, then wait for that rush of endorphins that will surely follow.

The link is live.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Kind And Generous

Would Natalie Merchant tell you to do something if it weren't important? She want us to be kind and generous and to write a thankful blog post and link it up at the Ten Things of Thankful. Don't disappoint Natalie. This weekend's link opens in the wee hours of Friday morning and ends just before midnight Monday night.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Add The TToT To YOUR To-Do List!

We had a lovely turnout at last week's Ten Things of Thankful! Were you there? If you were, thank you for joining us! If you weren't, what's preventing you from doing so? I know you can write a list, because I bet you write lists all the time:

 Grocery list. 

List of errands to run. 

Chore list for your kids.

Books you want to read.

Bucket list.

New Year's resolutions.

To-do list.

Home improvement projects.

Christmas list.

Thankful list.

Now, here's why a thankful list is the BEST kind of list: no action is required. All you have to do is reflect on your week and write a list of ten things that you can be grateful for. Link it up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop (yes, this one right here), and then read and comment on the other posts. Won't you try it this weekend? We'd love to have you!

Friday, October 15, 2021


New faces at the Ten Things of Thankful last week! Will yours be there this week? We would sure love to welcome you, whether you've linked up with us in the past or this is your very first time. The practice of writing down your thankfuls makes you realize just how much good there is in your life, even when you think there isn't. Give it a try and post your thankfuls at the link below! I promise you will get a warm welcome from the "regulars," and next thing you know, YOU will be a TToT regular, too!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Easy Peasy, Join Us Pleasy!

How is it that days go by soooooo slowly, but the week seems to be over in a snap? 

We're ready for another weekend of Ten Things of Thankful posts, and we'd love for you to join us! It's easy peasy to write a post and link up, and you will meet some terrific people along the way. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

October Is Here!

It's OCTOBER! That means changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and pumpkin everything! What a great time to become a weekly member of the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. It's so easy to write a list and join in the hop. Try it and find out!

The link is live!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Just This!

This is all I have to say:

Now write yourself a list of thankfuls and join us at the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop! The link up is now live.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Easy Peasy!

Want to know how quick and easy it is to write a list of thankfuls? Imma gonna set my timer and write ten, just to show you.

Ready? Go!

1. My watch has a stop watch feature.

2. I'm not so anal that I need to change "timer" to "stop watch" in the first paragraph.

3. Kleenex.

4. My husband does all the laundry.

5. Cooking projects with two and three year olds (don't knock it 'til you've tried it).

6. A hot, furry cat lying on my legs while I type (just kidding, except in the winter, it's pretty nice).

7. Biscuit Day at school.

8. Fall growing ever nearer.

9. "American Rust" and I don't know what streaming service it is on, but it stars Jeff Daniels.

10. Finally Friday!


Three minutes, thirty-nine seconds. Now you can't say you don't have time to write a Ten Things of Thankful post! Please do and join us! The link is open!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sorry I Missed It

I totally went AWOL last weekend. It wasn't intentional; the weekend got away from me.

My bad.

On another note, September is already a third of the way over. Whaaaaaaat?!

Don't let the weekend (or the week or the month) get away from you. Write a list of thankfuls and join us. 

The link is now live!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

It's Labor Day, Folks!

This weekend (well, Monday, to be exact) is Labor Day in the US. To most of us, it marks the unofficial end of summer and is celebrated with parties and swimming and other outdoor activities.

The original reason for the Labor Day holiday originated in the late 1800s during a time of 12 hour work days, 7 day work weeks, unsafe working conditions, and child labor at the height of the Industrial Revolution. Labor unions multiplied and the strikes and rallies they organized helped to bring some reform to working conditions, but it also brought much unrest and violence. In an attempt to repair some of the emotional damage, Congress passed an act to create a legal holiday called Labor Day, and it was signed into law in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland. It is always celebrated the first Monday in September.

There's another fun fact about Labor Day you should know: I was born on Labor Day, and every year on my birthday, my mother always liked to remind me that her Labor Day that year was ruined by being in actual labor and pushing out a 10 pound baby. 

Are you thankful you have a job? Or thankful you don't? Are you thankful for a three-day weekend? For getting together with friends or family to celebrate the end of summer? Share your thankfuls with us this weekend! The link is live, and we would sure love to have you!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

You Can Do This!

Is August a long month or what?!

Fall really must be right around the corner, if we ever get past this stifling heat. Pumpkins, colorful leaves, crisp air. I think we appreciate the beauty of fall most because it means August is FINALLY over.  

Wouldn't this be a fine time to write your thankfuls and share them? 

Link up with us every week. The link is live from Friday morning through Monday evening. You can find a few moments in that amount of time to write a list and post it, can't you? Sure you can!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Welcome New Friends, Welcome Old Friends, Just Welcome!

Make new friends, but keep the old,

One is silver and the other gold .

We got a brand, spankin' new entry last weekend at Ten Things of Thankful! I do hope all the participants took the time to visit this entry and leave a comment, and if not, it's never too late!

Joining the TToT couldn't be easier:

Write a list of ten things you are thankful for. You can be succinct or elaborate. We love both approaches! 

Link it to this post, below.

Visit the other entries (check back often - some of us *cough cough me cough cough* often don't link up until Monday evening).

Write a comment to let the author know you were there.

See? Easy peasy.

The link is now live! 

Blog friends are the BEST friends!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Write It On Your Calendar!

How, how, HOW is August nearly halfway over already?! I swear I just turned over the calendar page.

Speaking of calendar pages, does anyone still use paper calendars? I love them. I have saved our calendars every year for the past fifteen years or so. My kids can throw them away when I'm dead and gone, but until then, I sometimes amuse myself by pulling one out of the closet and flipping through it (can't do THAT with an electronic version!). When the kids were in school, they were so busy, I had to use a big office-size calendar in order to fit everything in the squares. Now that we are empty nesters, our calendar is small and most of the squares are empty (that sounds kind of sad, but it really isn't). 

Whether you use an electronic calendar or an old school paper one, how about if you write yourself a reminder every week that the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is open from Friday morning through Monday evening, and we would sure love it if you would join us with YOUR thankfuls! We will welcome you!

Friday, August 6, 2021

It's Not Corny To Join The Ten Things Of Thankful

 I'm as corny as Kansas in August,

High as the flag on the 4th of July

Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO have a song for every occasion.

It's August. The corn is definitely high. The soybeans are green. The wheat is cut. The local and state fair season is on. Back to school sales are in full swing. Fall is just around the corner.

What better time to join us in the Ten Things of Thankful?

The weekly link is live from 12:05 am CDT on Fridays until 11:55 pm CDT on Mondays, so there's plenty of time in there for you to give us a quick list. What's holding you back?

See you soon!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Let's Get Motivated!

Motivational post, at your service.

How often do you think in terms of shoulda, woulda, couldas? I shoulda done that. I woulda made a different choice if I'd only known. I coulda done better.

Don't measure your life in regrets; measure it in thankfuls, and start today. Link up with us this and every weekend with your own list of thankfuls, then visit the other participants' posts and give them a comment. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk....

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Daisies Are Summer

Hello, weekend! Always a pleasure to see you.

Hello to you, too! It is a privilege to have you visit this little post, and I hope it leads you to reflect on your week and the things that make you thankful, be they big or small. Dash off a list, or spend some time contemplating it, but DO make a point to join us this weekend and link up a Ten Things of Thankful post with us! It can really be cathartic.

The link is live until Monday night!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Yeah, It's Summer

If this doesn't make you want a big ol' glass of iced tea as you write your Ten Things of Thankful for this week, I don't know what does:

Please join us at the Ten Things of Thankful, this week and every week! Not a blogger? Add your Ten in the comments!

The link is live until Monday night at midnight!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Halfway? No Way!

2021 is halfway over. Can you believe it?! Didn't it just start? Didn't we just have that frigid weather when pipes froze and power went out and there was all that snow?

It seems like yesterday, and then again, it seems like a lifetime ago.

Don't let time pass by so quickly without remembering your thankfuls! It's good practice, especially since Thanksgiving, that biggest celebration of thankfuls, is less than five months away....

Write YOUR Ten Things of Thankful post and link it up with us. We are here every week, come rain or come shine (or come snow and ice and frozen pipes).

Friday, July 2, 2021

Find The Light

This past week has been rough.

Heat and humidity plus thunderstorms. Upstairs air conditioning unit not working. Transitioning of toddlers into my preschool class. A heartbreaking memorial service for a young woman I've known since she was a child. Continued residual effects from eating something I'm allergic to. Ants in the kitchen. A mouse in my car. 

I woke up from a bad dream a few nights ago and decided I needed to write an ANTI Ten Things of Thankful and even made some groggy notes on my phone.

But I didn't write that post.

The pastor at the memorial service said one thing that made me stop feeling sorry for myself:

Bathe the darkness with light.

Look at your week. Look hard. Find the light.

Link up with us this 4th of July weekend (and every weekend - we will always welcome you).

ps Happy Birthday, America!

pss Happy Birthday, Canada (can't leave you out)!

pss if you know how to get a mouse to move out of a car hit me up....

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Let's Go!

It's the weekend. Already! Let's do this Ten Things of Thankful thing. Link is open until Monday at 11:30 central time. Write. Post. Read. Comment.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Who, What, When, Where, Why Of Thankfuls

So, I'm sitting in my chair in my bedroom on the second floor of my house (this is important), and I feel something tickly on my arm. I looked down to find a tiny ant running crazily over my arm. I squished it, smelled it (this is important, too), and EWWWW, it had the sickly sweet smell of a sugar ant, which you usually find on the FIRST floor of the house in the KITCHEN. A few hours later, there were MORE ants, at least half a dozen, bopping around on the oriental rug in my room (important, too - think how busy the pattern is on an oriental rug).

I am NOT thankful for this.

I AM thankful that my calico cat, Nora Pearl, who was irritated with me for moving her off my lap so I could write a TToT link up post, spied an ant on the rug. When I saw her locked in on something from her perch on the ottoman, it took me a few moments of staring in the same area to see what SHE was seeing, but I'm glad I figured out where she had the bead. Good eye, Nora Pearl! 

Now to figure out why the second floor, how they're getting in, and what I'm going to do about it

I could come up with about a dozen reasons NOT to be thankful about having ants in the house, but isn't it so much nicer to find the one positive thing about it? 

The mighty huntress, Nora Pearl

The Ten Things of Thankful link up is now live! Please join us! Unlike ants, we would be delighted to see you!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thankfully Yours

You ever hear people say something like, "I was born in the wrong time. I should have been alive during the (name the era). Times were so much simpler then"?

You won't hear me saying that, because as lovely as they make it appear in Hamilton or The Great Gatsby, and as frightening and ghastly as the world can be on any given day currently, I know I am right where I need to be. Time travel? No thanks, as I am thankful for, and accustomed to:

toilet paper
indoor plumbing
air conditioning
central heat
meteorology (as inaccurate as it often is)
dental hygiene

Ten Things of Thankful. The link up is live. Join us!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Just Because It's June, June, June!

 June is bustin' out all over

The feeling is gettin' so intense!

What are you waiting for? Bust out your Ten Things of Thankful post and link it up with us! The link is live until Monday night!

"June Is Bustin' Out All Over"/Rogers & Hammerstein's Carousel

Thursday, May 27, 2021

It's Officially Here

This is Memorial Day weekend in the US, which began in around 1868 as a day on which women used flowers to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers who had fallen in battle. Originally called Decoration Day, it evolved to include decorating the graves of all family members. Once celebrated every May 30 (when flowers were in bloom, so before those pop-up stores that sell plastic flower arrangements), it became a national holiday in 1971 and was given the workplace-friendly date of the last Monday in May. It is also the unofficial beginning of summer.

I am thankful for those who gave their lives for the freedom of our country.

I am thankful for ancestors who make up the many branches of our family tree.

And I am thankful that winter is over and summer is here, officially or unofficially!

Join in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop and share your thankfuls. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Don't Miss It!

Wasn't it Christmas just a couple of weeks ago? How is it that we're almost half a year away from there already?

When our lives are soooo busy that time seems to fly by, it's all the more important to take a few minutes to find the thankfuls in our world. Write them on a notepad. Send them in a text to yourself. Reflect on them. Write a post about them. Share them.

This week's Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is open and waiting for you to join us. What are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

It's Here!

Friday is here. FRIDAY is here. Friday is HERE.


Join the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop RIGHT NOW. 

I'll wait....

Thursday, May 6, 2021

My Car Holds Ten Thankfuls!

This week's twist on a thankful list comes to you from my car. Here are Ten Things of Thankful for items I keep in my car:

1. My movie blanket. Haven't been to a movie in over a year, but when the theater re-opens, I will be ready! What do you mean, you don't have a movie blanket? This a terrific item to take into a movie theater, because movie theaters are always cold and if I'm watching a scary movie, I can hide under it.

2. A backscratcher. 

Telescoping backscratcher = da bomb

3. Disposable gloves. Originally because of Covid and forever after because I never want to put gasoline in my car again without one on my hand.

4. Face masks.

5. Hamilton soundtrack.

6. Tire gauge.

7. Scissors.

8. Reusable shopping bags for going to Aldi.

9. A hoodie.

10. Straws and napkins.

What's in your car for which you can be thankful? Got snacks? What else? Write up your Ten Things of Thankful and join us this weekend!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Bookish Thankfuls

You know, thankful lists don't necessarily have to be centered on your week. Here's an idea: name ten books you are thankful that you read. I'll go first:

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle by Betty MacDonald

Little House In The Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

And Ladies Of The Club by Helen Hooven Santmyer

A Is For Alibi by Sue Grafton

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith

The Egg And I by Betty MacDonald

A Bargain For Frances by Russell Hoban

Ramona The Pest by Beverly Cleary

Eight of the ten on this list led me to other books by the same author, so these ten titles represent dozens of books, and a little bit of each of these have helped to make me who I am now.

Try it!

The link is live!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

April Is The Cruelest Month

Here are ten things to be thankful for in April:

Daylight Savings Time comes back.

The grass turns green.




Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs

Sunny days.

Can start wearing capris again.

Ditto flip flops.


Wait, what?

Thankful for snow? In APRIL?

When you teach 2-3 year olds, a surprise snow is a fun opportunity to bundle up, go out on the playground, and catch snow flakes on your tongue (or, as a few kids did, just eat snow right off the playground equipment with or without using your hands).

There are thankfuls in the smallest of moments. Find yours and and link up with us. The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is now live!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Back In The Saddle

I'm baaaaaack!

It was a lovely wedding, just like a fairy tale.

And I'm now a mother-in-law - eep!

And I'm (mostly) rested up and ready for the thankfuls, so bring 'em on! The link is now live!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Carry On, Carry On

Your Ten Things of Thankful Hostess with the Leastest is going to be mostly out-of-pocket this weekend, as my son is getting married - eep!

So do me a solid and carry on. Write your thankfuls. Link them up. Visit every post that is linked up to our hop and comment. I'll pop in if and when I can. 

I appreciate every single one of you who is a part of this hop. Our numbers may come and go, but the core value of finding the thankfuls in life remain constant.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

April's Sweet Month

 The following Mother Goose rhyme was originally published ca. 1843. The lack of little lambs in my April is a little sad, but other than that, this verse sums up the month fairly accurately:

In April's sweet month

When the leaves 'gin to spring

Little lambs skip like fairies

And birds build and sing.

If I DID have a little lamb that could skip like a fairy, it would surely make MY thankful list. What makes yours? Write them down, link them up. The Ten Things of Thankful blog hop is live!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Spring Is Sprung

Has spring sprung yet where you are? It has here in the Ozarks. Daffodils are in bloom, as are hyacinths and crocus. The tulips have big, fat buds on them. The Bradford pears are in bloom, and most of the trees are beginning to bud.

Spring is a beautiful time for renewal. Why don't you renew with us at the Ten Things of Thankful? It's so easy to find 10 things in any given week for which you can be thankful. Write them, link them, visit them.

The link is live!.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sunny Thankfuls

If I said I thought today was Saturday, it wouldn't explain how I didn't post this earlier today, would it...?

The weekend has already begun. What are you waiting for?! It's time for the Ten Things of Thankful!

I'm currently in Oklahoma City. The trees are budding. The weeping willows have honest-to-God LEAVES on them. Daffodils are crazy beautiful. And the SUN IS SHINING.

Link up with us, won't you?

Scissortail Park, Oklahoma City, OK

Thursday, March 11, 2021

No One Can Write Just One

Put on your happy and write a thankful list. We call it Ten Things of Thankful, but some of us (you know who you are [Clark]) play fast and loose with that rule. If you can't come up with ten things you are thankful for this week, then write just one and link it up with the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop. Just remember, thankfuls are like Lay's potato chips: no one can write just one!