
Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

For those celebrating, it's a busy day of gifts and family and food. 

But know what? You don't have to write your post on Christmas Day, because the Ten Things of Thankful link stays open until 11:45 CST on Monday, December 28!

So enjoy your holiday. Open gifts. Exclaim over them even if you hate them. Eat too much. Treasure your family, especially if you're lucky enough to be with them. Then join us when you can.

We'll be here.

Friday, December 18, 2020

All Is NOT Calm But It Will Be Soon

I think the last day of school before Christmas break is a teacher's happiest day. I know, you thought it would be the last day of the school year, but it's not. Summer is vague. No school and swimming and lazy days. It's fun to look forward to, but Christmas? Complete and total excitement! Christmas trees! Lights! Santa! Reindeer! Cookies! Elves! Presents! Even the littlest littles know t his.

I teach those littlest littles.

And finally, there is a (Christmas) light at the end of the tunnel.

Just. Have. To. Make. It. Through. Today.

So many thankfuls wrapped up in that one paragraph. 

Find yours.

Write them.

Post them.

Link them.

Visit the other posts.


Do it all while eating great quantities of sugary treats.

The Ten Things of Thankful link is live.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

I'm A Big Loser, But What Else Is New?

 Gahhhh! Worst blog hop host in the univerrrrrrrse!!!

I had too many balls up in the air this weekend.

Totally my bad.

This is the Ten Things of Thankful. It's a blog hop. Write ten things you are thankful for. Link up your post below. Visit the others. Comment. Repeat.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Lemme Hear A Woot Woot!

It's December and this dreadfully long year is nearly over. Can I hear a "woot woot"?

We're closer and closer to a vaccine. Woot woot!

Christmas lights. Woot woot!

Only 106 days until spring. Woot woot! 

With a tremendous amount of tech support from Kristie, I may have gotten the code thing figured out for the Ten Things of Thankful weekly blog hop. Woot woot!

There's half a thankful list. Boom! See how easy it is? 

Y'all. Write 'em down and link 'em up. The hop is live!

And wear a mask.

Woot woot!