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Yellow trees in the foreground accentuate a red rock arch at Bryce Canyon in Utah in 2018 |
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Yellow trees in the foreground accentuate a red rock arch at Bryce Canyon in Utah in 2018 |
I've had time to reflect this week on how being thankful is a choice. Gratitude isn't ignoring the hard times, but rather being able to find good even in the midst of challenges. No matter what life is handing you now, I hope you can find those silver linings. Whether you are in some stormy times, or life is smooth sailing, you are invited to write down things that you are thankful for and share them with the Ten Things of Thankful community.
Joining the party this week:
In typing the date on the title of this blog post, I realize that it has been 19 years since that terrible morning when the Twin Towers came down. Although I'm sure there have been other notable things that have happened on that date, and other notable things happened that year, 9/11 has become synonymous with 2001, and has become another "date which will live in infamy." Looking back (one might say with 2020 vision), we can see that even in the midst of great sadness and terror, we could, as Mr. Rogers counseled, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
9/11/2020 finds us still in the midst of a pandemic, and plenty of other challenges, too, but September 11 has been designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. As we find ways to serve others, we can help ourselves, too. We can lift and encourage each other, and we'll see the silver linings in our own lives. We will develop gratitude. I hope we will all take the time to be a helper today, and to recognize the good things in our lives. When you have your list, write it down and share it with us--one of your items might spark someone else to remember that they are thankful for that thing, too!
Joining the blog hop this week:
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Photo: A red heart hangs from a wire. "Ten Things of Thankful" is written to the left of the heart. |
September brings shorter days, cooler temperatures, and all things pumpkin flavored. Depending on your point of view, those might be things to be thankful for, or things to endure until next summer. Regardless, I trust that you can find things that you are thankful for and share them with the class. :-)
When you link your post up, please link to your specific post, not just your blog url. It makes it much easier for readers to find! Thank you!
Also, as it seems that each week lately I have had to remove some posts from the blog hop, please note the following:
While we are rather lax on the number of items of gratitude required in a Ten Things of Thankful post, we do remain committed to the focus of the posts. We welcome all on-topic posts, but remain the right to remove any posts that don't share in our purpose of expressing thankfulness. Thanks for understanding!
Now that we have that out of the way, let's see those lists!
Joining in this week: